206. The Secret of the Sacred Timeline.

Unaware of Alex's unnatural expression, Miss Minutes continued to speak to herself.

"[The system archives still retain many previous records, including the handbook of the previous generation of the TVA, which records everything about the establishment of the Time Variance Authoruty.]"

"[This can even define the direction of our future lives. If we can find a way to recreate the time circulation device with enough resources, then we can extract this entire timeline and form a universe that loops endlessly.]"

Listening to Miss Minutes's words, Alex couldn't help but feel a sense of unease.

Looking at Miss Minutes, who was now envisioning a beautiful future with the innocence of a young girl, Alex only felt an overwhelming sense of eeriness.

Affected by countless real-world events, Alex almost forgot that Miss Minutes wasn't just a simple AI; she had powerful learning abilities and self-awareness. Strictly speaking, Miss Minutes wasn't much different from a normal person.

The memory of the first time he encountered Miss Minutes resurfaced in Alex's mind, making him feel a bit unsettled. Alex couldn't forget Miss Minutes's emotionless gaze at that time—a cold scrutiny that seemed to see through his soul.

Moreover, there was the time when he first took control of the Timepad and became its new master. The starlight giant that was continuously being devoured, and Miss Minutes's indifferent tone at that time, all stood in stark contrast to the current Miss Minutes.

Everything related to Miss Minutes had become incredibly bizarre, forcing Alex to reconsider his trust in her.

For a long time, Alex rarely communicated with Miss Minutes. His excuse was that he didn't want Kara and Pietro to know about her existence, but in fact, Alex had been extremely wary of Miss Minutes from the start.

He couldn't trust a modified, highly secretive AI. Although he couldn't be certain, Alex didn't want to be led by Miss Minutes before figuring out the origins of the Timepad and Miss Minutes. But now, when Miss Minutes suddenly mentioned the idea of rebuilding the TVA, the alarms in Alex's long-calm heart began to ring once again.

Alex still wasn't entirely sure of Miss Minutes's intentions, but just from the phrase "rebuild the Time Variance Authority," it was filled with an overwhelming sense of conspiracy.

Was this Miss Minutes's own idea?

Or was this the plan of someone behind her?

They originally controlled the development of countless timelines, so had they already seen what was happening right now?

In other words, was it possible that from the very beginning, he had been part of their plan? The fact that the Timepad ended up in his hands might be part of an unknown scheme. It was even possible that his crossing into the Marvel Universe was part of a script they had set up in advance, and everything was just to achieve their unknown goals.

And he, who seemed to be brave and wise, continuously resolving matters across various universes, was in reality nothing more than a puppet on strings.

Every step he took was according to their plan, and the sad part was that he was completely unaware.

As this thought crossed his mind, the clothes on Alex's back were soaked with cold sweat.

"Wait, rebuild the TVA? You mean the Time Variance Authority?" Alex forced his expression back to normal, then casually asked.

"Yes, the Time Variance Authority is a very important organization. Without someone to manage the universe's development on a macro level, eventually, all the multiverses would head toward destruction."

Miss Minutes turned her head, her body facing Alex, and she gave him a big smile before continuing.

"The multiverse is like an enormous tree, with each timeline as a sprout growing from it. The TVA's job is to act as the gardener of this tree, pruning away the unnecessary and unreasonable parts to allow the timeline to develop better and more peacefully."

"A gardener, I agree, but you're not quite right. In the TVA, there is only one Sacred Timeline, but you can't deny that besides this timeline, there are countless other universes thriving. Which tree is your gardener pruning?"

It's important to note that, in Alex's impression, there were actually two real TVAs. One was from the TV show 'Loki', established by a variant of Kang. It managed timelines that weren't part of the main Marvel Universe but rather the 'main' universe relative to the movies.

The other TVA appeared in the Marvel Comics main universe. They seemed mysterious and powerful, as if they were in charge of all the multiverses. But in reality, their appearances in major events were fewer than even those of the Watchers.

Later on, this organization became more and more insignificant, with many comics unable to even find traces of them. This was what puzzled Alex the most: what exactly was the so-called "Time Variance Authority," and why did they have the power to control the "multiverse"?

Miss Minutes didn't make Alex wait long for an explanation.

"In fact, the TVA conducts a 'grafting project.'"

"Grafting project?" Alex frowned.

"Yes, we don't know how the original universe was born, but by the time we could observe the existence of the multiverse, the enormous tree of timelines already existed. The TVA is dedicated to creating a truly peaceful timeline."

"So, to achieve this goal, we record and control a relatively superior timeline and use special devices to guide its development, ultimately allowing it to become a perfect world that runs like an Ouroboros, endlessly looping."

"And what about the other multiverses? After extracting this timeline, won't it be affected by other timelines on the tree of timelines?" Alex asked again.

"Of course not!"

Miss Minutes smiled.

"From the moment the Sacred Timeline is established, it will detach from its original branch and become a true main world. It has the potential to become the next tree of timelines. However, to stabilize the universe's development, we must ensure the singularity of the Sacred Timeline."


Alex held his breath, his hand trembling slightly as he gripped the steering wheel.

"So the entire TVA is just a single timeline pruned from the main universe by Kang, and it has become another kind of 'main universe.'"

Thinking of this, Alex looked again at the seemingly innocent and foolish Miss Minutes.

"Then, what is the purpose of having me do this?"


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

207. The X-Men's Final Resting Place.

208. The Shadow King.

209. The Necromancer.

210. Battle of Magic!

211. Abstraction and Substance.