207. The X-Men's Final Resting Place.

Cutting off an entire timeline to re-establish the Time Variance Authority. No matter how you look at it, this is a plan filled with intrigue.

Alex didn't know if he was part of it, but he wanted to figure out what was really going on. Whether it was his own crossing into another universe or the existence of the timepad that shouldn't exist, the mystery behind it all loomed over Alex's mind like a nightmare.

Although Alex had gained some strength now, learned some magical spells, and could even, with the help of the timepad and Miss Minutes, mobilize the power of another universe, it was precisely because of this that he was even more cautious.

Alex needed to determine if Miss Minutes was entirely loyal to him because if she had another "master" behind her, Alex would have to reconsider his plans.

"...So, the Sacred Timeline is actually a loop. As long as no other multiverses are created, this timeline will continue to run endlessly," Alex said calmly.

Simply put, this action was essentially kidnapping everyone in this timeline without anyone knowing, forcing them into a world of endless repetition and eternal cycles.

"Yes, you could say that. This is also for the stability of the multiverse. Multiverses are constantly disappearing, and from a macro perspective, this is the only way to ensure the safety of the multiverse."

"Ensure the safety of the multiverse..." Alex's fingers lightly tapped on the steering wheel as he pondered Miss Minutes's words.

Managing an entire timeline was an unknown field for Alex. Previously, he had never considered the feasibility of such a thing; his goal had always been simply to find a safe universe to live in.

But now, Miss Minutes's words indeed reminded Alex of a possible option: choosing a relatively safe universe and then connecting the beginning and end of its development to form a closed loop, thereby avoiding the possibility of that universe heading towards destruction.

If this could indeed be achieved, it seemed like a good choice for him, and by then, he could also fulfill his promise to Pietro.


At this thought, Alex couldn't help but shift his gaze to Miss Minutes. At that moment, Miss Minutes was playing with a car ornament, completely unaware of Alex's scrutiny. Seeing her adorable yet silly demeanor, Alex hesitated on whether to test Miss Minutes with some probing words.

He wanted to know if Miss Minutes was truly loyal to him, but at the same time, he feared that his probing would be detected by Miss Minutes, leading to even more troublesome consequences.

Alex wouldn't be fooled by Miss Minutes's constant innocent appearance; he had always believed in the saying from his previous life: "Never judge a book by its cover." Often, those who seem the least noticeable hide the most shocking secrets. So without fully understanding Miss Minutes's intentions, Alex couldn't act rashly.

Since there was still time to record this universe, Alex sighed softly. It wouldn't be of much use to think about these matters now; the primary issue at hand was still to enhance his combat abilities. Moreover, there was still the matter of the traveler from the DC Universe. Alex decided to deal with these issues one by one.

The vehicle stopped in front of a building that had long since become ruins. This was Alex's destination.

Retracting Miss Minutes, Alex opened the door and stepped out of the vehicle. Looking ahead, Alex saw a scene full of lush greenery.

Various plants had overgrown the collapsed buildings, with wide leaves covering the tiles and stones below. Due to the long absence of human life here, this large estate had been overtaken by plants, and soon, there would be no trace of human habitation left.

Arriving at the door of the building, Alex could barely make out the sign through the leaves, which still bore the name of this place—Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters. This was the X-Men's base in New York and also their final battleground.

In a sense, this was Alex's second time coming here. The first time, he was an ordinary person, and the X-Men's base had been turned into the X-President's collection gallery, housing various "treasures" as well as the timepad.

But now, in this universe, the X-Men's base hadn't changed much. The only difference was that the heroes had all perished in the War of the Old Days, or rather, had died at the hands of the one they trusted the most, Wolverine.

The battles that took place here were extremely brutal, with most of the heroes falling to the assaults of supervillains, or like Iron Man or War Machine, being cremated on the spot due to suit overload.

The villains' tactics against the heroes were highly effective, but if there was one battle that stood out as the most iconic, it was undoubtedly the one where the X-Men were annihilated.

Red Skull had fully exploited Wolverine's arrogance and recklessness, causing him to kill all the X-Men without knowing the truth. Of course, the leniency of Wolverine's old teammates played a significant role in this outcome, showing just how skilled those supervillains were at manipulating people's minds. However, Wolverine wasn't the only one who survived that day; there was another presence here who had managed to escape his claws.

Pushing through the dense foliage, Alex walked through the collapsed entrance. Sunlight filtered through the treetops onto the ground inside, where Alex could still see some weathered furniture and broken glass and stones.

The bodies of the X-Men had long been secretly preserved by HYDRA. The special cells and genes within these powerful mutants made their bodies valuable experimental materials, even after death. Red Skull wouldn't miss out on such an opportunity.

However, Alex had also heard rumors that the Hellfire Club had taken a share of the spoils, though whether they did it to give the X-Men a dignified burial as fellow mutants or to study their genes was unclear.

These more secretive matters were something Alex didn't know much about, but what he did know was that no new mutants had been born on the wasteland for many years. This group, theoretically a step in human evolution, had now become a so-called endangered species.

Not only mutants but also the Inhumans shared this fate. The remaining members of both groups had banded together, but everyone knew that the decline of these extraordinary beings was now an undeniable reality.


📢30 advanced chapters on p@treaon📢

For advance chapters: p@treon.com/Uchiha_Itachi007 (replace @ with a)

208. The Shadow King.

209. The Necromancer.

210. Battle of Magic!

211. Abstraction and Substance.

212. Baron Zemo.