Chapter 297: Lynn's Plan

"It's surprising that you know me. Few people in this world know of my existence," Lynn raised an eyebrow. He was genuinely surprised that Bernadette knew of the Angel of Secrets, but considering her sequence, it wasn't that shocking.

Lynn smiled and continued, "I came to see you not only to check on how you are and bring you Roselle's message, but I also have some things to tell you."

"What things?" Bernadette asked, her expression a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"Are you sure you want to continue talking here?" Lynn gestured to the visitors around them. Although he had used a slight Beyonder trick to ensure they weren't noticed, this place was still not ideal for discussing important matters.

Lynn had dropped a heavy bombshell mainly to gain Bernadette's trust quickly. For the upcoming diary reading session and discussion of certain formal issues, Lynn preferred a safer, more confirmed environment.

— Mainly because reading the diary when no one is around would make Bernadette more emotionally expressive, allowing Lynn to record it and share the good news with Roselle later.

Bernadette hesitated for a moment, her gaze sweeping over the surrounding visitors. She realized that this wasn't a particularly good place for a conversation. After a brief thought, she said, "I have a place in Backlund where we can talk if you don't mind."

"Let's go then!" Lynn nodded and smiled.

The two then walked out of the museum against the flow of the crowd and quickly arrived at Bernadette's safe house.

"Would you like coffee or tea?" Bernadette asked, holding a cup and feeling a bit nervous. Facing an ancient, seemingly divine being alone, she couldn't help but be instinctively tense.

"Ordinary coffee is fine, I'm not picky," Lynn smiled. He could see Bernadette's nervousness but didn't plan to ease the atmosphere. After all, the atmosphere would soon become less tense.

Lynn took a sip of the coffee Bernadette had brewed, set down the cup, and smiled, "You're not here in Backlund just to visit your father's exhibition, are you?"

"I'm indeed here for more than my father's exhibition," Bernadette said, still holding her coffee, her expression tense. "I've been seeking an opportunity to complete the Sequence 2 ritual, and recently I received a prophecy that Backlund might have the chance for me to complete the ritual."

Bernadette clearly saw no need to hide this aspect, as it seemed unnecessary.

Lynn wasn't surprised to hear this.

When reading the original work, he wondered why Bernadette appeared in Backlund at this time. Although it could be explained by her attending Roselle's memorial exhibition, that reason seemed insufficient.

So, after understanding Bernadette's desire to ascend to Sequence 2, Lynn had his suspicions—A Clairvoyant of the Hermit Pathway needs to prevent a disaster involving high-level power to ascend to a Sage.

And the Backlund smog event, although on the surface a Sequence 4 Despair's promotion attempt, undeniably involved high-level power—not just the Augustus Royal Family and Adam also the True Creator's descent, which Klein prevented in the original story.

Undoubtedly, the True Creator's descent event met the high-level power requirement and was a genuine disaster for the world.

—So, was it possible that Bernadette pre-sensed such a disaster and came to prevent it, seeking an opportunity to ascend?

The facts proved Lynn's idea correct. Bernadette indeed came for the smog event but didn't get accurate information and failed to play a role in it.

This wasn't surprising. Although the Backlund smog event seemed simple on the surface, its depths were immense. A Sequence 3 with the intent to prevent it couldn't easily get involved.

Only someone like Klein, unexpected and with the support of the Sefirah Castle, could successfully participate and stop it.

However, with Lynn in the mix, things had changed.

Lynn smiled and said, "Your premonition is correct. Backlund is indeed about to face a disaster, but the underlying situation is more complex than you imagined."

Yes, Lynn intended to involve Bernadette in the Backlund smog event, using it as an opportunity for her to become an angel.

For Lynn, it was a simple matter of giving a heads-up, which could trouble the Augustus Royal Family, enhance their forces, and earn Roselle's willing labor in return.

'As for seeking out the True Creator to warn the Aurora Order not to cooperate with the Augustus Royal Family or attempt the True Creator's descent...' Lynn had no such plans.

Because he knew that if the Augustus Royal Family wanted to cause trouble, they'd find other secret organizations even without the True Creator and the Aurora Order.

Moreover, for the Augustus family, supporting a Black Emperor was a must-do. Unless Lynn eliminated all high-sequence members of Loen, they wouldn't stop.

But Lynn couldn't use such extreme measures—not out of mercy but because it would provoke other Sequence 0s and secret organizations.

Lynn understood how sensitive his existence was. Apart from close allies, gods like the Evernight Goddess and Earth Mother were always wary of him.

If Lynn took drastic actions, it could trigger a chain reaction, causing more harm than good.

So Lynn's strategy against Augustus was simple: If he couldn't directly target them, he'd let others do it.

This way, he'd save effort, achieve the same effect, and avoid provoking others—a win-win situation.

Thus, Lynn wouldn't stop the Aurora Order and the Augustus Royal Family's cooperation. For him, it was better to have an inside agent in the form of the Aurora Order than to let the Augustus Royal Family seek out other secret organizations, making things more uncontrollable.

As for the True Creator's descent, it served as bait to mislead the Augustus Royal Family and as a tool for Bernadette's ascension.

Of course, Lynn would prepare in advance to ensure that even if Bernadette failed, the True Creator wouldn't descend into the real world.

Hearing Lynn's words, Bernadette showed a surprised expression and promptly asked, "Please, guide me."

Bernadette clearly understood that the Angel of Secrets intended to inform her about the impending disaster.

"Backlund is about to face a disaster, primarily due to the Augustus Royal Family," Lynn said, sipping his coffee slowly. "They aim to support a new Black Emperor..."

(End of Chapter)

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