Chapter 375: The Fool is the Creator?

Collin squinted slightly upon hearing this. He didn't miss Derrick blurting out "Pope," a term he naturally interpreted as referring to "Mr. Fool's Pope," because he had no knowledge of the Tarot Club or the existence of Tarot cards. Collin naturally interpreted this title in another way—"Mr. Fool's Pope."

'Has Derrick already interacted with Mr. Fool's Pope?'

Collin was contemplating this while analyzing the information Derrick had revealed. If the fact that the Angel of Secrets is the elder brother of the War Angel was within Collin's expectations, then the revelation that the War Angel had once fallen caught his attention.

Collin wasn't surprised that a being of such a level could return after falling. What concerned him was why the War Angel had fallen and why he had returned. Why didn't he continue to follow the Creator but instead chose to follow this "Mr. Fool"?

Naturally, Collin harbored various speculations deep within his heart. One such guess was that the War Angel was able to return precisely because of Mr. Fool, which is why he chose to follow him.

Another speculation was that perhaps "Mr. Fool" might be the very one they had once followed... Collin pursed his lips and refrained from continuing this line of thought.

"I don't know about anything else," Derrick said, scratching his head a bit awkwardly, unaware of how many questions the Chief had pondered in such a short time. Suddenly recalling something, he hurriedly added, "Oh, Chief, Mr. Fool told me in a divine message that the Angel of Secrets and the War Angel would bring us news from the outside world upon their descent…"

"Outside world?" Collin's gaze sharpened almost instantly. He didn't even stop to think about who exactly this "Mr. Fool" was but instead focused on Derrick.

"Yeah…" Derrick nodded and then suddenly remembered that the Chief seemed unaware that besides the Forsaken Land, there was a world under the sunlight. He quickly explained, "Not all places in this world have lost the sun and plunged into darkness. In the outside world, beyond the darkness, the sun still exists…"

Derrick stammered through his description of the outside world as best as he could. To be honest, his organizational skills weren't great, and his depiction of the outside world left much to be desired. But Collin listened more intently than before. When Derrick finally finished, Collin asked, "Have you been in contact with people from outside?"

"Uh, yeah…" Derrick hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said, "I have indeed been in contact with some people from the outside world. They refer to our place as the Forsaken Land of The Gods…"

"Forsaken Land of The Gods…" Collin repeated this name, his expression becoming difficult to describe. However, he ultimately said nothing more and only asked, "When will the two angels descend?"

"In about XX flashes of lightning…" Derrick replied. Because there was no sun in the Forsaken Land, they didn't have a day-night cycle. Instead, they used lightning to measure time. The "XX flashes of lightning" Derrick mentioned translated to roughly a week in the outside world.

"Do we need to prepare any rituals?" Collin continued to ask. His expression had already returned to calm, but it was hard to say if his emotions had done the same.

"Probably not? Mr. Fool didn't tell me…" Derrick scratched his head, hesitantly glanced at Collin, and then asked in a low voice, "Chief, should I go and ask him?"

Collin: …

It's hard to say what the Chief of Silver City was feeling at that moment. He looked at Derrick with an expression the latter couldn't understand. Finally, he said, "No need. If Mr. Fool didn't specifically issue an order, then perhaps no ritual is required…"

"I think so too," Derrick agreed, nodding. Then he noticed that the Chief was again looking at him with an expression he couldn't decipher, leaving him uncertain whether to ask about it.

"To avoid neglecting the two angels upon their arrival, stay with me during this time and await Mr. Fool's divine messages…" Collin suggested, his expression serene.

Undoubtedly, this was Collin's way of keeping Derrick under close supervision under the pretext of waiting for divine messages. This was the only choice he had.

The Chief wasn't a naive newbie like Derrick, who was easy to deceive. Although Collin had indeed made some guesses and had expectations deep down, as the Chief of Silver City, responsible for the safety of the entire city, he couldn't just let Derrick move freely after the latter had clearly stated that he was connected to some mysterious entity, who seemed to be sending angels their way.

This situation was different from what had occurred in the original events. The circumstances now didn't allow Collin to merely observe and plan silently as he had before. He had to adopt a more proactive approach.

As for whether Collin believed Derrick's words, whether he believed in the existence of a god like the Fool—it all depended on whether, a few days later, two angels would truly descend upon Silver City without ill intent.

Derrick, however, had no doubts. He believed the Chief had fully accepted Mr. Fool. He nodded and said, "I will, Chief. If Mr. Fool sends a divine message, I'll tell you right away."

"Oh, by the way…" Derrick suddenly remembered something, then continued, "You still don't know Mr. Fool's honorable name. His honorable name is: The Fool that doesn't belong to this era…"

"Is Mr. Fool an ancient being who has just returned?" Collin suddenly asked, subtly interrupting Derrick.

"Probably, Mr. Fool seems to be a god who has just returned from ancient times." Derrick nodded earnestly. Seeing that the Chief had no other questions, he continued:

"The second part is, The Mysterious Ruler above the gray fog."

"Did the divine message tell you why Mr. Fool is sending two angels to Silver City?" Collin asked again.

"Yes, the divine message said that besides bringing us news from the outside world, the two angels would help us solve some current difficulties. They will stay in Silver City for a while…"

As Derrick spoke, he couldn't help but recall the True Creator's relic, which had almost made him feign illness to avoid exploration. This prompted him to say, "By the way, Chief, perhaps we could ask the two angels to help us explore the True Creator's relic…"

Hearing this, Collin looked at Derrick and replied vaguely, "We'll discuss that after the two angels arrive. What's the third part of Mr. Fool's honorable name?"

At this moment, the still-naive Derrick didn't realize that the Chief had deliberately interrupted his recitation of the Fool's honorable name. He also didn't remember that the Chief had no knowledge that the relic they were recently exploring belonged to the True Creator. So, he just replied, "The third part is: The King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck."

(End of Chapter)

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