Chapter 376: The Fool's Motivation

'Ha, although the Chief didn't believe everything directly, it seems he's not planning to take any overly drastic actions. Once the Angel of Secrets and the others leave, things should be fine.'

As Derrick the Little Sun was being thoroughly interrogated by the Chief of Silver City, Klein, who had been watching the entire scene from above the gray fog, also breathed a sigh of relief and ended his attention on Derrick.

As a reserve schemer, Klein could naturally see that while the Chief of Silver City seemed to acknowledge Derrick's words on the surface, he didn't truly believe them and was still very wary and suspicious of The Fool.

Klein wasn't surprised by this. A Chief capable of leading Silver City through such a harsh environment in the Forsaken Land wouldn't be naive or gullible. If the Chief had believed Derrick's words and accepted The Fool as a benevolent god right away, Klein would have suspected something was wrong with him.

So, the current situation seemed pretty good to Klein. At first, Mr. Fool's greatest fear was that the Chief of Silver City would immediately consider Derrick as a fallen and take some extreme measures. Although Mr. Fool was watching from the gray fog and could rally help in time to save Derrick, it would be a rather unpleasant development if things reached that point.

Fortunately, the Chief of Silver City, though unconvinced by Derrick's words, didn't outright dismiss them. He was in a state of half-belief, half-doubt, merely opting to monitor and probe Derrick instead of taking more severe actions.

'Now we just have to see how well the Angel of Secrets and the others perform in a few days. If they do well, it might not convince Silver City to immediately convert to The Fool, but at the very least, it could build enough trust in them.'

Klein muttered under his breath. As he spoke, he suddenly paused, feeling a bit strange, and mused, 'I'm only at Sequence 7, yet I'm already thinking about believers. Is this even reasonable?'

Mr. Fool found it unreasonable, but unfortunately, there wasn't much he could do about it. If the world really depended on him for salvation, then he would have to start working hard from now on.

'The pressure is immense, but at least I'm not alone. At least Lynn, that ridiculous guy, is with me...' Klein thought of all the outrageous things Lynn had done, and the pressure he felt lessened considerably.

Although his partner was a bit over the top and had a rather unpleasant personality at times, having Lynn as a teammate was incredibly reassuring for Klein. After all, judging by his deeds, it was clear that Lynn was an absolute powerhouse. The only unfortunate thing was that the Angel of Secrets seemed to be in poor condition at the moment.

'And...' Klein thought of the promise the Angel of Secrets had made to him, and his lips pressed together.

If bringing his family to this world was the best outcome, then no matter how great the pressure, he would strive to achieve that goal.

For Klein, one of the most important things in the world was undoubtedly his family. It was for them that Klein had sought to advance and find a way home.

So even if it meant enduring immense pressure, Klein would work hard to ascend, for his family was his greatest motivation.


While Mr. Fool was contemplating the world and his family, on the other side, Lynn, having finished his shopping, returned to 16 Minsk Street and encountered another guest.

"Yo, Ouroboros, good afternoon!" Lynn greeted the figure sitting on the sofa as he put down his purchases. He then looked at the larger figure sitting across from Ouroboros and said, "I hope Ouroboros didn't scare you."

"Scare me? I'm well aware of his temperament, and I've also regained part of my memory, alright!" Lynn's main body rolled his eyes and flipped through the items brought back by the Angel of Secrets. "Is this all we're taking? I think we should bring some food and drink as well. Even though Little Sun might not need it, improving their meals could at least give them more hope for the outside world, right?"

As they say, food is the most important thing to people. Seeing how the citizens of Silver City reacted to those mushrooms in the original work, it was clear that after 2,580 years of eating grass (black-faced grass), they longed for good food.

It's not surprising. Lynn thought to himself that if he had eaten grass for 2,580 years, he'd also want something better.

"Indeed, you have a point," the Angel of Secrets nodded. Although it seemed like a conversation between two Lynns, it was actually Lynn himself thinking out loud.

Watching the interaction between the two Lynns, Ouroboros blinked sluggishly. He didn't know Lynn's script or understand why Lynn had become two people in this era. But given that he had seen Amon's avatars everywhere, Ouroboros easily accepted this fact, not bothering to ask questions, and instead said, "Lynn, are you planning to take over the members of the Aurora Order in Backlund?"

"Yes!" The Angel of Secrets nodded and looked at Ouroboros. He didn't bother explaining his script because he knew Ouroboros wouldn't understand such a complex matter. So he asked directly, "Since you're here, does this mean the True Creator agrees to reform the Aurora Order and the other organizations that worship Him?"

Ouroboros nodded and replied, "The Lord has already issued a divine message. The members of the Aurora Order in Backlund will be handed over to you. The other members of the Aurora Order will enter a complete state of silence in the coming days, waiting for reformation. I'll gather them later and read the new holy scripture..."

Although his personality is a bit slow, Ouroboros was clearly competent when it came to work. In a short amount of time, he not only completed what Lynn had instructed but also came up with a new holy scripture for the True Creator.

Lynn listened quietly until Ouroboros finished, then said, "Send me a list of the members afterward. I'll devise appropriate reform plans based on their situations and also create a 'whitewash' manual tailored for the Aurora Order. I'll handle liaising with the Orthodox Churches, striving to improve the True Creator's reputation to the greatest extent possible..."

Although he was only taking over the members of the Aurora Order in Backlund, considering the current state of the True Creator and Ouroboros's personality, Lynn couldn't just leave everything to them. He still needed to draft reform plans, but most of the time, he'd have Ouroboros, the one directly involved, execute these plans. Lynn himself would focus on things like liaising with the Orthodox Churches.

(End of Chapter)

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