WebNovelDARK RUBY76.19%



Ruby opened her eyes slowly. She was tied down and her mouth was tied shut with a vine made into a rope. She was facing the sky so she adjusted her self to sit upright.

She sighed in exhaustion and looked around and found out that she was in some sort of cave. She was surrounded by fire torches. She struggled to break loose of the vine that was used to tie her down but all attempts to break free failed, she had no strength here. It was like she was back to being normal Ruby.

She sat there lost and hopeless. She dosed off for several minutes and woke up at regular intervals. She was thirsty and hungry but there was no food, turned out that she had already vomited everything she ate earlier, she was desperate 😣.

She was lost in thought when she heard something screeching close to the wall beside her, she looked in the direction of the screeching noise and saw a baby dinosaur with yellow stripes. She kicked the young beast away in fear and it shrieked in pain. The young beast crawled closer and rummaged Ruby's pockets. The beast found a left over Chocolate Bar, snatched it and scurried away.

Night came and she was still there, lost and battered, Joe was nowhere to be found. She dosed off.....five....four




The chattering voices of unknown people startled her from sleep. She took a deep breath as her eyes opened to reality. A group of three people were communicating before her, they were strong, tall and half exposed as they were only covering their most important 🙄 places with dried animal skin. They spoke among each other in a strange barbaric language which Ruby could not understand.

They suddenly stopped talking and took a good look at her. They walked up to her and grabbed her. She tried to scream and yell but the rope round her mouth was so tight, she had lost almost all her energy and couldn't open her mouth. They carried her outside the cave.

Outside, what she saw was jaw breaking, it was a gathering.....

A large gathering...

A gathering of hundreds of them all in animal skin. Some of them were wearing bone masks while some carried weapons like spears, swords made of strong bones. They cheered and chanted aloud and happily as if they were welcoming a king. They screamed at the top of their voices as the strong cave man carrying Ruby dropped her down to her knees. They cut off the vine blocking her mouth. She took a deep breath and sighed in pleasure, it had been hours since that thing had been tied to her mouth. She saw the gigantic snake that knocked them out, it was dead.

"Shit 😳" She muttered.

She looked to her right and saw Joe tied down on his knees too, his both eyes were swollen and his face was bruised. He was stripped half naked and the only thing covering his important places was animal skin. His whole back was bruised, looked like they beat the living hell out of him.

The crowd barbarians chanted aloud and the noise of their screaming filled the air.

Ruby laughed out loud at Joe.

"Hahahahahaha.....you look like shit 🤣" she laughed, it was obviously payback for laughing at her while she puked and when she rolled off the hill.

Joe looked at Ruby, he was embarrassed to be in such a position.

"Not funny.... we're about to get sacrificed kid" Joe said in a cold tone.

Ruby's laughing stopped instantly when a humongous barbarian cave man wearing a bone mask dragged a long rope made of vines into the stage. At the other end of the rope was one of their male prisoners. He was one of them but he was obviously a prisoner because he looked more stunted than the others. He also looked bruised and battered.

The humongous man knelt the prisoner down and grabbed a long razor sharp sword made of a scapula bone. He raised it into the sky and the huge crowd chanted, the noise of their chanting grew louder and louder. It was like as if they wanted the man to do something.

Ruby watched in awe as the executioner brought down the lethal sword upon the poor prisoner cleanly cutting of his head in an instant. The prisoner's head rolled off the stage and more blood spilled out as the executioner ripped open his chest and brought out his bloody heart. He threw it to the ground and squished it with his foot. He roared and the crowd chanted, they wanted more.

"Oh shit....oh shit.....oh shit....😬." Ruby muttered as she freaked out.

Ruby watched as the executioner walked over to Joe and raised the sword up. The crowd chanted.....they chanted aloud like rabid monkeys.

"Oh shit...." Ruby screamed.

She looked around and spotted the baby dinosaur, the one that ate her leftover chocolate bar. She whistled in desperation and luckily, the dinosaurs scurried over to her back and started chewing on the vines.

"Oh thank you....thank you....hurry! 😲🤘" She said as the baby dinosaur chewed the vines off.

The executioner was about to bring down the bloody sword upon Joe's head when...

GBOOM! A vibration that shocked the whole crowd was heard. They went silent for a second.

GBOOM! Another blasting vibration was heard and this time, it sounded like something big was coming towards them. A shadow loomed above the whole crowd and they looked up and saw a gigantic T-Rex it roared and shrieked in all it's glory. Ruby could only watch with widened eyes as the T-Rex devoured them.

They ran Helter skelter and screamed in horror, no one wanted to die, even the executioner himself. He ran for his dear life.

The baby dinosaur finished chewing Ruby's vine and ran up to Joe to chew off his own.

"Never mind little beast....I gat this" Ruby said as she grabbed a bone sword and cut off Joe's rope.

Once again, they were free.

"We better run" Ruby said as she took off with speed. Joe held her back for a second.

"Wait.... there's only one way to get off this hell hole...follow me..." Joe said.

They ran all the way into an hidden cave nearby, they reached a flight of stairs made of bones. Joe climbed down as fast as he could followed by Ruby.

They reached a certain place where their bags and supplies were. They quickly grabbed all of it.

"Come on the port is this way" Joe said as he walked into another tunnel nearby.

"Port?😮" Ruby asked as she followed with speed.

They soon reached the end of the tunnel and they were facing the wide ocean, different sizes of wooden boats were there waiting for them. Joe threw his bags into one of the boats and hopped in. Ruby followed and they were about to sail off when she heard a shriek.

She looked in the direction of the noise and saw the baby dinosaur. Ruby stared at it and looked at Joe. Joe knew what that meant.

"Nope....no....no... we're not bringing that thing with us 🙄" Joe said.

"Come on it wants off this island....🙂."

"I said we're not bringing it with us....😐"

"It saved us.....think of the things it could do for us on our way....it's could be our watch man 🙂"

"No Ruby...come on..... it's a wild beast.....we need to leave now 😬"

Ruby climbed down the boat and ran over to the baby dinosaur. She grabbed the little beast and just as she was about to leave, ten of the barbarian men surrounded the boat holding bone swords and spears. They were led by the tall and huge executioner.

"Oh no🙂"

Joe opened one of his supply bags and brought out an AK-47 rifle. He corked it and....

KRA KAKA KA! opened fire on the men mercilessly.

"Die you motherfuckers!😡🔥" Joe yelled as he shot them all to death. The executioner on seeing this tried to run away but Joe wouldn't let him escape. He brought him down with his final bullets.

Ruby hurriedly hopped on the boat and Joe dropped the sail which was made of animal skin. They sailed off towards volcano island.

"Where did you get the gun?"

"From the future"

*Silence for some seconds*

"Hey would you please put on some clothes...I'm a girl 🙄"

"I think I look good in animal skin 😁"

"You look like them 🤣"

"Hey....not funny 😡"