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"Sabrina 😳"

"I'm sorry 😭" Sabrina cried.

"Sabrina... this isn't you 😓" Ruby said as she turned around. She couldn't face Sabrina, it was just to hurtful. Sabrina tried to come close to Ruby.

"Stay back!😑" Ruby sparked in disgust.

"I had no choice" Sabrina replied.

"How long have you been Balenzoro....does Moses know of this?" Ruby asked.

Sabrina couldn't reply that question, she was silent. James stood up with a gun and pointed it at boty superhumans.

"Freeze...this is the Penguin police!" James yelled.

"Put that gun away chief or I'll have to put it away for you.....with force." Ruby said authoritatively with clenched fist. James put down the gun seeing that he was outnumbered, a million to one. He just stood there and watched as he knew he was no match for both girls.

"Is it true...do we get stronger by killing humans?" Ruby asked

"It is the rule to get stronger...." Sabrina replied.

"Then I suppose....Madrian got stronger by killing humans....all this time...you knew Madrian didn't you...?" Ruby asked still in furious mode. She was totally still in shock.

Sabrina nodded in answer to the question.

"Yet you hid the truth from me.....you asshole....you betrayed your family....you betrayed your friends....you betrayed humanity...you betrayed me. You piece of shit, I should kill you right now....but I won't because I need you..." Ruby stopped for a second and continued.

"I need you to lead me to Madrian and your other human killing fuckers....you will lead me and the white Heralds to...." Ruby was about to complete her statement when. SLASH!! An unknown blade from an unknown location slashed off Sabrina's Jungular cutting it clean in half. Blood trickled out in enormous quantities. James' eyes widened in horror.

"Nooooo!" Ruby yelled.

"Ru...Ruby!!😲" Sabrina muttered as she fell to the ground in shock. Ruby ran over to Sabrina, weakened to the bones by what she was seeing . She knelt down disappointed as she held Sabrina

"Ru...Ru..Ruby....Mad....Madr...Madrian...watch.... he's around....y....you" Sabrina said as she passed away in cold blood.

"Sabrina!.... Sabrina!...wake up Sabrina....I was joking....I loved you...I can't hate you for anything....not for anything..... Sabrina!... Sabrina!.... please wake up😭." Ruby yelled out in tears, she didn't want to loose her only female friend but she was gone...she was gone. Sabrina's body glowed for a moment and disintegrated into dust leaving only the stone which was in her.

"Your friend is dead..." A tiny female voice said from above.

Ruby looked up and saw a girl, she was in armor too and her two hands were shaped into a sharp blade like structure. She morphed her right hand blade into an axe. Somehow, her ability allowed her to morph any part of her body into any object she desired and she could fly.

"Did you do this?" Ruby asked.

"She served her purpose....." The mysterious girl replied.

"So you did it....you killed Sabrina" Ruby's aura changed almost immediately and she grew furious.

"Y'know....she never liked you at all and she always boasted that if she ever encountered you as Balenzoro, she would kill you....so sad she wasn't strong enough to do so..." The girl replied with a crude smile on her face.

"Who are you?" Ruby asked in rage.

The girl was silent at first but then she smiled and replied.

"Call me Natalya 😌....the prettiest messenger of the Jobi" The for replied.

"You're evil just like Madrian....and I swear on my friend's grave....I will kill you🙂" Ruby replied and wiped her tears.

"Are you gonna be my two millionth kill or am I gonna be your first kill.... let's see how this goes....come at me little devil😌🔥" Natalya said with a smile.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaargh!!!!!" Ruby thundered out as she flew at Natalya.

A chaotic battle ensued in the sky. Ruby threw a series of attacks which Natalya dodged effortlessly. One kick from Natalya sent Ruby far away. Natalya forged her hands into sharp spikes which she shot at Ruby. Ruby dodged all but it was like the spikes were connected to Natalya's mind. They flew on their own and attacked Ruby from all angles.

Ruby was fighting the spikes when Natalya came from behind with a barage of fast punches. Ruby groaned in pain as the last punch blasted her to the ground. She hit the ground with full force.

"You should learn some combat moves..... you're weak without them.....why am I telling you this? You'll be dead by the time I'm done with you anyways." Natalya said with a crude smile.

Ruby gathered enough strength and bounced back into the air at supersonic speed. She rushed at Natalya from all directions but Natalya was fast to escape all her lethal attacks.

"You are still young in this business Ruby" She caught one Ruby's punches and slapped her disrespectfully.

"Your powers.... They're not meant for saving humans.... they're meant for killing...." She sent an heart wrenching kick to Ruby's groins.

"As long as you keep helping humans ... you'll never grow stronger 🙂" She grabbed Ruby in the head and knocked her to the ground.

"Rather than watch you waste your abilities.....I'll kill you instead" She replied with a smile, flew down to the ground and stepped on Ruby's head with her right leg.

"I will crush your head to bits Ruby....I'll make my Two Millionth kill a pleasurable one" Natalya said with a sinister smile.

Ruby tried to push her head back up Natalya's legs were too strong.

"Stay down!!!! You insect" Natalya yelled as she smashed Ruby's head to the ground in disgust. She applied more pressure and pressed Ruby's head to the ground with her feet. Blood trickled down her nose as she her head was getting crushed. At any moment, she was going to die.

"Am I really going to die?" She asked herself.




All of a sudden



All of a sudden, a lightning blast from nowhere struck Natalya from behind and sent her crashing into the city hall.

"I guess not". Ruby replied herself.