WebNovelDARK RUBY85.71%


66 milliom years ago - The Mesozoic Era

3rd day on course for Volcano Island.

"We're here" Joe said pointing to the volcano island already close by.

"Great....we can get this over with" Ruby muttered in desperation.

They hopped down from the boat when they reached the island shore. Tge baby dinosaur also followed. Ruby stood there for some seconds and watched as lots of magma ejected out of the volcano crater. It was only a matter of time before it erupted.

"What are you staring at?....we gotta get to the top" Joe said as he grabbed his gun.

"What about the other bags?" Ruby asked

"We won't be needing it. It's supplies are empty. We only need our weapons" Joe replied

"Uh I can't use a gun... there's a high chance we'll encounter some dreaded monster up there....I can't use a gun. Don't you think I should stay here and watch our boat?" Ruby asked.

"I'll need your help....." Joe replied.

Ruby looked away disappointed ☹️

"Grab a cutlass at least" Joe concluded and began to climb up the hill towards the boiling volcano.

They both walked up the hill in silence, the whole burden of the journey had taken a toll on them.

"I'm so happy we made it this far y'know 😌" Joe said.

"I never thought we would make it it this far.....I mean we've gone through hell....I hope this egg better be worth it" Ruby replied.

"It's gonna be worth it. I'm happy we were able to work together...." Joe said.

"Giant snakes, cannibalistic motherfuckers.... dinosaurs...what else does this crazy place have in stock for us?" Ruby asked rhetorically.

"Diamonds..." Joe replied.

"Diamonds....come on don't be ridiculous" Ruby said blatantly.

"For real 😲"Joe pointed to the shiny field filled with glowing red diamond crystals a few metres away from them.

"Rubies!😳....now this journey is definitely worth it😌😁" Ruby replied as she ran towards the field. She stood there for some seconds and observed the field of precious crystals.

She felt an immense amount of energy being emmited by the Ruby crystals and she felt her body absorbing this energy. It was unexplainble but she felt her body absorbing all the energy emanating from the crystals. She stood there lost in thoughts, it felt like her powers were returning back.

"Ruby! are you okay?" Joe asked from afar.

"I'm okay...just stay back! 🙂" Ruby replied.

She closed her eyes and channeled all the energy she had absorbed to transform. She started floating all of a sudden then a bright red light flashed and her armor began to appear.

"Woah 😐😲" Joe whispered in shock.

Ruby finally transformed and got her strength and flight back.

"See....I knew it would be worth it" Joe said as Ruby approached him.

The moment Ruby left the crystal field, her abilities suddenly disappeared and she fell to the ground. Joe laughed out loud mocking her.

"Shut up Joe 😐" Ruby said as ge stood up and dusted off the sand and dirt from her body.

"Come to think of it.....those Rubies enhanced my abilities....they acted like a boost. I didn't feel that way towards normal diamonds....but Rubies are red. If I had them back in the future, they would boost me up when fighting stronger enemies....like Shade said, I need to find my buff" Ruby said.

"We're here for eggs and not silly crystals Ruby" Joe said boringly and continued climbing up

Hours of Climbing later....

They soon reached the top of the Volcano, the heat waves being emmited was intense, they totally felt like they were in an oven. Joe spotted the nest filled with four eggs.

"There it is....the egg....we need only one. We're in luck, the mother is not here." Joe walked over to the egg nest and grabbed one egg. He brought out a casing and sealed the egg.

Ruby froze in fear....

She froze at what she was seeing behind Joe who was facing her.

It was a dragon like dinosaur, it was flapping it's wings right behind Joe preparing to strike with it's sharp bird like beak. It raised it's beak and was about to strike when Ruby screamed.

"Joe! Behind you!😳😬" Ruby screamed

Joe ducked fast enough to avoid the beast's attack.

"Shit...Run!" Joe yelled as he ran down hill for his dear life.

The gigantic flying dinosaur chased them relentlessly down the hill.


The baby dinosaur still at the top of the fiery volcano hopped into the larva pool ultimately ending it's life or so we thought

A few seconds after the baby dinosaur hopped into the magma, the larva began to boil more violently and a strange power was created. A long gigantic predatory claw busted out of the pool.


Ruby and Joe were still being chased by the blood thirsty beast who's egg they stole and it was only a matter of time before it caught up with them. They soon reached the field of Rubies.

Joe stomped his foot on a stone and he fell to the ground. His toe was dislocated and he yelped in pain. He obviously had never felt so much pain in his life.

Ruby had to run back to help him, the beast was already near and it was going to devour them. The crystals served as a buff earlier but they only worked in a certain radius.....if she left that radius, she would become powerless.

She lifted Joe.

"Drop me....you have to get the egg to the future....our extraction point is already opening" Joe pointed to the blue portal already opening up a few metres away from the shores on the ocean.

"Find your way out of here....I'll be a burden..... the portal closes in a minute 😣" Joe begged.

"I can't drop you...it's impossible....you might be an A grade asshole but you're still a friend and you saved me a couple of times.....so I will save you.🙄" Ruby said as she channeled all the energies from the crystals and built her strength. The beast was about to crush them on landing when....

CHOMP! A certain dinosaur from no where bit the flying dinosaur on the neck. And slammed it into a pile of rocks.

Ruby was shocked to see another dinosaur fighting for them. However, her surprise left her when she discovered that the baby dinosaur had grown older and stronger in a few minutes. How that happened will forever be a mystery to her.

Ruby stared at the dinosaur and smiled 😊.

"Beat that flying dragon to a pulp for me will ya?" Ruby said as she compressed all the energy she had gathered from the stone.

She lifted Joe and launched herself at great speed towards the portal far away from them using the energy she had gathered.


66 million years later - White Heralds Space HQ

Ruby and Joe screamed as they fell out of the portal dirty, bruised and battered.

Shade, Kennedy and Jared stood and watched them with pity.

"So...how was your little trip to the past?" Jared asked

Ruby made a fuck you sign with her fingers to Jared as she laid on the ground exhausted.


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