
faustina's POV

Faustina's POV

I run as fast as I can, the weight of my actions crushing me with every step.

"Mandy, I'm so sorry!" I whisper, my voice cracking with remorse.

But I had no choice, I had to do it.

My eyes sting with tears as I run, blurring my vision.

I dash towards a nearby building, my hand grasping for the wall to hold myself up.

My chest heaves with exhaustion, my heart racing like a wild animal.

I can't stand anymore, my legs give way, and I collapse onto the ground, feeling really hot from all the running.

I clutch the bag of money tightly.

Three hundred thousand, it has to be enough.

My heart skips a beat as I hear a car drawing closer.


"A car's coming, I have to move!"

I struggle to my feet, my breathing still ragged.

I force myself to keep moving, the sound of the car growing louder, pushing me forward.


I glance back, my eyes widening in terror as the sound of gunfire draws closer.

The unknown gunmen!

My heart plummets, and my body stiffens with fear.

I stumble, almost falling, but manage to catch myself.

"Oh Lord, please protect me!" I whisper, my voice trembling.

Suddenly, I drop to the ground, my face hitting the ground.


"Pkaw! Pkaw! Pkaw!" The gun fire intensifies, the sound drawing even closer.

I'm exhausted, and I feel like I can't move anymore. I'm convinced I'll die right there.

I struggle to stand, but my body feels heavy, my knee throbbing in pain from the fall. 

"Argh!" I groan as I force myself up, using my elbows to prop myself up.

I bend to pick my money, and my eyes expand in shock as I see bloodstains on the ground, my own blood!

I'm bleeding from my knees.

"Hey you!"

The voice startles me, and my heart plummets once more.

I feel a chill run down my spine.

Am I going to die?

I slowly turn around, clutching the nylon bag tightly.

"Hh," I gasp, my breath catching in my throat.

I swallow hard, my breathing shaky.

A Jeep is right in front of me, and the gunmen are staring at me with cold eyes.

Some are standing, their guns trained on me.

Oh no!

My lips quiver, my legs tremble, and my heart races.

I take a shaky step back, my eyes fixed on the guns.

What do I do?

"Wetin you dey find?" (What are you looking for?) One of them sneers.

I take another step back, trying to hide the nylon bag behind me.

My chest heaves, and I stumble backward, my eyes wide with fear.

"I-it's n-nothing... nothing," I stammer.

They exchange cold glances, then fix their gaze back on me.

I force myself to stand, ignoring the searing pain.

My heart sinks as their Jeep moves closer, their guns still trained on me.

Oh Lord!

This is obviously not the best idea, neither is it not an option.

I immediately spin around and start running, my feet pounding the ground. But fear and pain slow me down, and I'm not as fast as I used to be.

I hear their mocking laughter and the engine roaring closer, as if they're toying with me.

I stumble again, the nylon bag slipping from my grasp.

My legs hurt like crazy, I can't move no more.

Hot tears stream down my face, my skin slick with sweat.

This is it for me.

Just as I hear the Jeep pulling over, I quickly wipe away my tears and grab the bag.

I slowly turn around, my heart racing so hard it hurts.

The gunmen are now standing beside their vehicle, their eyes fixed on me.

I freeze, paralyzed with fear, my eyes pleading with theirs for mercy. But their cold gazes reveal their true intentions.

My mind races with regrets, Amanda, Grandma, everyone, I've failed you, and I'm really sorry.

I slump to my knees, the pain in my injured legs excruciating.

No one is coming to save me, I'm alone, and I'm going to die with this stolen money.

I drop the bag, the cash spilling out onto the ground.

I cover my face with my hands and surrender to my despair, loud sobs racking my body as tears stream down my face.

My time is up.

"You think say this your fake tears go make us show mercy?" (You think your fake tears will move us to mercy?) one of them spat.

I slowly uncover my face, my eyes red and wet.

"You no fit decieve us," (you can't fool us) another guy says, prompting their colleagues to laugh.

"Who's going to do it?" one of them asks, and they start arguing.

"I go burst your head oh!" (I'll burst your head!)

"Try am na," ( go ahead, let me see!)

I resign myself to my fate, bowing my head in defeat.

But as their discussion drags on, I sense an opportunity.

I lift my gaze to the sky, tears streaming down my face.

"Lord, is this a sign of forgiveness? A second chance to escape?"

I smile, feeling a glimmer of hope.

"I promise to never do this again."

I glance back at the arguing gunmen and seize the moment.

I grab the money, stuff it into the bag, and push myself up, ignoring the pain and fatigue.

My legs tremble, but I force myself to run, the pain spurring me on.

The gunmen's shouts grow fainter as I turn a corner and keep running.

I'll find a bus and leave, I just need to endure.


My heart skips a beat.

they know I'm gone!

I sprint faster, groaning in pain as I turn another corner, passing by large buildings.

"Vroom!" A car zooms past me, blowing wind past me.

I wish the car would stop and help me, but everyone's fleeing from the gunmen.

My heart sinks in my chest as I hear footsteps closing in on me.

"Go there!" someone yells.

"Pkaw!" The gunfire continues.

I cover my mouth with my hand and push myself to run faster, the pain in my knees intensifying.

"Nothing will happen to me, nothing will happen to me," I repeat to myself.

"Hey!" I hear a voice yell from behind.

Oh no!

"She dey here!" (She's here!)

I glance back, my heart racing.

"Oh Lord!"

I run as fast as I can, desperate to escape.

I round another corner, my pursuers closing in.

Spotting a narrow alley between buildings, I dart into it, pressing my back against the wall, my chest heaving.

I turn my head, hand over my mouth, and watch as a guy runs past the entrance, his voice fading into the distance.

I exhale a sigh of relief, hand on my chest, my breathing still labored.

"Thank God," I whisper, grateful to have narrowly escaped.

I remain still, listening intently, my heart slowly slowing down.

As I catch my breath, I realize I need to keep moving.

I wipe the sweat from my face and turn to leave, but a hand grasps mine, slamming me back against the wall.

My heart races again, my breathing heavy.

A guy stands before me, his smirk making my feel uncomfortable, his gaze piercing.

My lips tremble as I plead, "P-please let me go."

His smirk widens, and he steps closer, his eyes fixed on my lips.

I hide the money behind my back, my breathing shaky.

"W-what are you doing?" I stutter.

Suddenly, he pulls away, laughing.

"You thought I was going to hurt you?" he says, his tone mocking.

"I just wanted to have some fun."

He eyes me up and down, his expression unreadable.

"You're run really fast even in this condition. What's your name?"

I spin around to leave, but he grabs my arm and slams my back against the wall.

His playful expression darkens, and I freeze.

"Just let me go, please."

He steps closer, his eyes fixed on mine.

My chest heaves with each step.

A slow smile spreads across his face as he gazes at me intensely.

Our faces are inches apart and I feel his warm breath on my skin.

I lean back, uncomfortable with the closeness.

He raises his arms, placing his hands on either side of my head on the wall.

I tilt my face away, avoiding his gaze.

He leans in further, his breath tickling my cheek.

"I'd help," he whispers, his voice low.

"Only if you give me something in return."
