
Third Person POV

Amanda's mother searches for Amanda around the whole house and compound, shouting her name continuously.



"Where has she gone?" she wonders.

"Amanda oooh!"

"Gini mere?" (What happened?)

A woman, Amanda's mom's old friend, dressed in a simple green sleeveless top and a black wrapper tied around her waist, comes out of her house, asking Amanda's mom, who is standing next to the red car.

Amanda's mother quickly rushes to her, worried.

"Amanda," she says to her.

"Ehen, gini mere Amanda?" (Yes?, What happened to Amanda?) the woman asks.

"Amam ebe or je, mm nacho ya since, afubem ya!" (I don't know where she went, I've been looking for her since, I haven't found her).

"Did you look properly?" the woman asks, adjusting her wrapper.

"I looked properly, I searched everywhere, I searched inside and outside, I looked properly, but I couldn't find her," Amanda's mother responds, her brows furrowed in worry.

"Ah ha," the woman ponders.

"Where could she have gone?"

"Did you try her phone?" She asks.

"No," Amanda's mom responds.

"But why? call her," the woman urges.

"Her phone is inside!"

The woman furrows her brows and begins thinking to herself.

"My children aren't home, maybe she went to the farm with them."

Amanda's mother places her hands on her head, "It's not possible, Amanda doesn't like going out, she wouldn't just disappear like that, unless it's something important."

The woman places her hands on her waist, her gaze on the ground as he thinks to herself once more.

She shakes her head, her lips stretching wide. "I don't know where she went."

Her words felt like daggers piercing Amanda's mom's chest.

Amanda's mom shouts in agony, then walks away and back into the house to pick up her phone.

Meanwhile, Amanda lay half-dead in the hospital bed as the doctor attended to her head injury.

She is severely injured and shows no signs of recovery.

The doctor and nurses try their best, but they doubt her chances of survival.

They have managed to stop the bleeding, but they can't get her to wake up - her body is unresponsive.

The person responsible for Amanda's accident is David, Kendrick's friend.

They were driving back home, with David at the wheel, discussing and laughing, too distracted to look at the road, and unexpectedly hit Amanda.

They brought her to the hospital and are waiting outside the operating room, their faces reflecting worry and shock.

Kendrick stands up from his seat and folds his arms, his gaze on the floor as he paces about.

"You should have paid more attention to the road, I warned you about this," he says to David, who sits there, devastated.

He can't believe he hit someone - his eyes are wide with fear, his head downcast.

Kendrick sighs and raises his head to the ceiling.

He runs his fingers through his twists and settles back down.

"It's my fault, it's my fault," David mutters, his voice shaky.

Kendrick places a reassuring hand on David's shoulder.

"It's not just your fault, David, it's also mine," he says, but David struggles to believe him.

Kendrick sighs and take off his hand.

"Can't believe I've gotten into another mess," he mutters, causing David to turn to him with furrowed brows.

"Another mess?" David asks, his voice low.

Kendrick shakes his head and lets out a huff.

"It's nothing, just nothing."

He closes his eyes and rests his elbows on the seat handle, massaging his temples.

David turns back to the front, his brows relaxing, but his eyes still wide with fear.

As they wait, the light indicator outside the operating room turns off, and the doctor and nurses step out.

The doctor approaches them with nurses at each side, and David and Kendrick rush to him, their eyes expectant.

"Doctor, how is she?" David asks.

The doctor shakes his head, "We tried our best, but she isn't just responding."

David's heart sinks, and he staggers back, his eyes wide with fear, then he covers his mouth.

"She's still alive, right?" Kendrick asks.

The doctor shakes his head again, "We can't say for sure, her body isn't responding to our treatments, but we've managed to stop the bleeding."

Kendrick raises his head to the ceiling and brings it back down, then swallows hard.

"So what's next?" he asks.

"We're trying to reach an expert. If she doesn't respond, you'll need to prepare for a trip to India," the doctor says.

Kendrick covers his lips, trying to calm down.

"Can we see her?" he asks.

The doctor nods. "Yes, you can, for now."

Kendrick grasps David's wrist and pulls him towards the door.

He pushes it open and steps inside, the hospital air filling their nostrils.

Kendrick releases David's wrist and walks to the bed, sitting down beside Amanda.

Her eyes remain shut, an oxygen mask covering her nose and mouth.

He gently takes her hand in his, wrapping his fingers around hers.

"Why won't you respond to the treatments?" he asks Amanda's motionless body.

As Kendrick gazes at Amanda, David stands frozen, his eyes fixed on Amanda, his expression traumatized.

He takes a few tentative steps closer, his gaze fixed on her.

Kendrick notices David approaching and turns to him, but then ignores him and refocuses on Amanda.

His gaze is intense, as if willing her to wake up.

He raises her hand to his face, placing her palm against his cheek.

He then kisses her palm, covering her hand with his own, his eyes fixed on her closed ones.

But Amanda remains motionless, her eyes shut tight, her heartbeat faltering with each passing minute.

She's slipping away.

The door suddenly bursts open, and two doctors, a man and a woman, enter the room.

Kendrick releases Amanda's hand and stands up.

He parts his lips, his eyes fixed on the doctors.

"We'll be starting now, please exit the room," the doctor instructs.

Kendrick nods, then walks over to David, who's still traumatized, and pulls him along with him out of the room.

As they leave, the nurses enter the room and shut the door behind them.

The light indicator outside the operating room flickers red, signaling the start of the operation.

Kendrick sits down on the chair, while David remains standing, his gaze fixed on the air, his mind reeling with shock and fear.

He can't believe he hit someone with his car, and the thought of Amanda dying is unbearable.

Kendrick's phone suddenly rings, and he pulls it from his pocket then answers the call, ignoring David's distress.

After finishing the call, he turns to David and pulls him down to sit beside him.

David lands on the metal chair, slamming his butt hard against it, and jolting him back to reality.

"I know you're scared, but snap out of it," Kendrick says.

David shakes his head, "I can't, what if she dies?"

"She won't die," Kendrick responds quickly.

David raises an eyebrow, "You sound like you know her."

Kendrick licks his lower lip and adjusts in his seat, "I do know her."

David's eyes widen in shock, "Y-you k-know her?" he asks, his voice trembling.

Kendrick slightly nods, "Hmm."

David's lips part, his voice shaking, "W-what's your relationship w-with her?" he asks, his eyes fixed on Kendrick.

Kendrick rests his head against the wall.

He closes his eyes and folds his arms.

"A friend," he responds.

David's eyes widen to the fullest, and he gulps hard.

"H-have y-you told her m-mom?" he asks, his voice barely audible.

Kendrick shakes his head, "No."

David lets out a sigh of relief and relaxes his eyes, grateful that Kendrick hasn't told her mom, or else he would be in big trouble.

They spend minutes in silence, awaiting the doctor's presence.

As they wait, the light indicator goes off, and they both stand immediately on their feet.

The doctors and nurses step out of the room, their expressions unreadable.

Kendrick and David patiently wait as they approach, their hearts racing.

The doctors stop right in front of them, shaking their heads sympathetically.

"I'm sorry," the male doctor says.

"I'm so sorry," the female doctor adds.