Welcome to Chantrogo City

Before you start reading keep in mind: 

(Person: Thoughts of the persons) 

The city was asleep and even the wind wasn't blowing during this cold night. The lights in most houses were extinguished and the doors shut closed, something unusual, at least for this district. The only sound one would get to hear was the rain pelting down on the city, washing away the dirt and sweat of the morning. The heaven seemed gloomy and even more than usually for it was void of any stars. Even the rats had decided not to roam the street this night. Yet, there were two men outside. They were standing in a long thin alley. However, they weren't alone. On the ground a corpse was laying, a woman. Her clothes were ripped through this was less brutal compared to the several cuts on her arms. At first, they seemed of random nature but a second glance one of the men could figure out a text: 'Evil must die!' It was the bigger one who had succeeded in decipher it. 'How did you do it Joe?', the smaller one asked. 'I mean look at the cuts. Even I didn't manage to find that!' As Joe bent over the corpse, he replied: 'It's not my first time I see such a thing. Hiss! We missed him. The wounds are fresh, so he shouldn't be far away!' 'Who shouldn't be far away?' The Noble Reaper!' Joe's colleague jerked back as he shook his head in confusion. 'Wait, these two terms don't fit together. Damn but it sounds kinda' – he noticed Joe's clenched fist and then for a moment Joe's voice rose overpowering the rain's noise and even the thunder which for a beat lit up the sky: 'Fuck!' He smashed his fist into the wall to his side, causing a small breach. Some quick breaths followed, and he was back on his feet. 'Joe, if I might ask, how did the murderer come to that title?' 'The people of this city bestowed that title upon him. The Noble Reapers only targets people he deems evil, sinners or sometimes even people who did bad things but the police itself never found out. 'But, but', his colleague went over his hairs, 'isn't that a good thing? I mean killing the bad guys. He's making the job'– Joe turned with such a speed that when his colleague tried stepping back, he fell. 'Who is that Noble Reaper?', Joe breathed out. 'Going around and killing people. Tell me, what would happen if more like him pops up, everyone with their own view of evil. They'll go around and murder everyone. In a crazy world, especially this city we need order and justice, for without it we are even worse than animals. Maybe, we already are!' Just then sound of a siren could be heard. Joe reached out for his colleague and helped him up. 'Sorry, I likely overreacted. Go home. Embrace your wife. Today was a long day!' He clapped the shoulder of his colleague and walked past him. As he did, he brushed his shoulder, not with any ill intention but simply because he was broad and the ally thin. His car was parked to the right at the alley's end. However, before Joe entered, he gave the heaven a last look. A tired one, enraged one. He clasped the car handle and muttered to himself. 'It was just on a day like this .... I should visit him again. He entered the car and drove off, into the night! 

The door to the small chamber opened and the person walked in, slowly closing the door. He threw the bags into a corner and right away headed straight to bed, just below the window. He didn't even mind washing himself clean of blood. His eyes fought to stay open but failed. 'Ah soon university starts!' And he fell asleep.