First Encounter

The woman rose to her legs and moved her orange hair strands out of her oval white face. 'Ah, I slept well', she uttered and stretched her slim and long body as she exhaled. Well, for a woman 180cm could be considered long. In contrary to her slim waist her ass was rather big, however, the same couldn't be said about her bust. But another thick part on her were her full lips. The woman strode into the toilet which was just on the opposite side of her bed. As she went on, she simply kicked the clothes on the floor away. In the toilet, she washed her face with cold water. Then she took her toothbrush, some pasta on it and brushed her teeth. As she did her orange-crimson eyes were fixed at the sign on her right arm. She groaned and spat out the toothpaste. 'Don't think about that now, girl. They are gone, your husband is not here today. This day could not have started any better!' She rattled her fingers, then clapped her cheeks together. 'Ok, let's go!' She walked back to her room and picked up the clothes at the edge of the bed – Blue jeans, black sneakers, a blue stripped white blouse. Dressed up she curled up her long hairs and headed out. She was greeted by sun rays that let her skin shone faintly. People were on their way to work or accompanying children. The birds were singing, dogs barking and babies crying. Yet, despite that chaos, the woman went on with a broad smile. She walked down the street and, in the process, swung her brown purse back and forth. People got lost in her allure. Some men got hit by their wives as a result, yet they kept looking for that woman was worth it. She halted at the street, just in time for the fire turned red. 'I wonder how the students will be. Hahah, maybe they'll think I am a student myself or....' The fire had long turned red again, yet not paying attention the woman crossed the road when a car took a turn into the street. The next moment the car horn brought the woman back to reality, but too late, at least for her! A young man tore her back with such force that both fell to the floor, the woman on top of him and between his broad arms. She jerked up and bowed down. 'Thank you for your help! 'No problem!', the man replied. He leaped up to his legs and simply continued his way. When the woman rose up, she could only she his broad back and shoulders. His long hair was also very eye catching. The man wore a black pullover, a grey cargo pant and black sneakers. He heighted around 190cm. The woman tailed after him. Just then the man asked, his face still directed forward: 'Why are you following me?' 'I am not. It just happens that we use the same route!' The man stopped and turned towards the woman. Indeed, his cornrows combined with the angular face and his clean goat beard looked fascinatingly good. Yet that wasn't the reason the woman's pulse accelerated. As she gazed deeper in his golden eyes which posed a deep contrast to his dark skin her fingers came in an interplay. Just then the man abruptly shifted forward. His face stopped just some mere centimetres before that of the woman's. She reddened slightly and jerked back. The man, however, just smirked and continued his way. 'No reason to get flustered, professor!' 'How do you know I am a professor?' The man went on, silent. So, the woman hurried to his site and puffed her cheeks. 'And by the way I didn't get scared by your creepy look. So how do you know I am a professor?' 'You said it yourself when you were immersed in whatever it was! You should be careful next time. Who knows what may happen if you aren't careful. Someone could push you from behind!' The woman remained silent and lowered her head. But she suddenly jerked her head up a smile on her face and declared: 'Always be positive in life. Yes, nothing would have happened to me. Yes, yes!' and she nodded in the process. 'I see', the man began, and his voice roughened, 'you are new in this city, aren't you? You know what people call this city? Ever Darkness! (Woman: That's the first time I hear about it! Maybe he's just bluffing!) Well, just see for yourself!' Both arrived at their destination, Staten University, also known as the largest university in Chantrogo City. Students poured through the gate into the university. Too many to count. However, they all had one thing in common – the uniform of the university. While boys were wearing long brown pants the girls were clad in a middle long brown skirt. Though, both genders were wearing a dark blue long-sleeved t-shirt and on it an unbuttoned crimson blouse. On the right chest of the blouse there was a sun and a moon drawn. They were facing each other and between the month there was a person stretching the arms to either direction. When the woman gazed to her side, the man was already gone. She sighed and dropped her shoulders. 'What kind of city did I know end up? Well, it can't be worse than my hometown!'