The Director

'Well, maybe he was just lying!' Emilia shrugged her shoulders. 'Yes! I won't be scared by such a thing!' She gazed up. 'The sun is too good for a city to be like that. Ok, let's move on!' She smiled and passed the gate. As she moved forward her hips jiggled right and left. Her perfume left a trace on her way and her beautiful smile couldn't be overseen. People had long lost themselves in her allure. But it seemed she didn't notice any of the gazes and simply went on. The dark stone path changed to a lush area with flowers blooming everywhere. There were even trees with fruits. 'Wow!', she marvelled as she passed through what was also called the Garden of Eden. Besides the lush area it provided and the many trees with different fruit, the Garden of Eden had many scarlet roses. These roses had and intense dark scarlet, like blood. Just right before the gate to enter the building the lush area again switched to solid concrete. The gate was wide open and students, likewise professor were pouring in. And yet, when it was turn for Emilia to enter there seemed to be less people entering or they simply made place for her. Entered she turned right and walked down the blue corridor. On the left wall several pictures hung of professors. The right wall was adorned with animals, however, only predators. The woman passed by five doors before she lastly reached the last one at the path's end. She stopped. Inhaled. Exhaled. And lastly rose her formed fist. Just when she was about to knock the door, someone stepped out. Emilia, still in her act, thumped the man's face. She immediately bowed down. 'I'm sorry, truly sorry!' 'It's ok hahaha!' the man replied. 'Please raise your head!' And Emilia obeyed. The man was tall, at least 2m, built big and a full beard which gave him combined with his black mane a wild appearance. He was dressed in a dark blue uniform which matched his eyes that couldn't take off Emilia. 'You must be', he pointed his finger at her, 'Yes Miss Wella!' 'Yes, and you?' 'Ah, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am the director of this university. Well, we'll get the time to talk again. For now, you can enter your course. The students are already waiting!' 'I thank you and I will definitely repay you for what I did hahaha.' As she went on, the director side-eyed her as he licked his lips which thereupon arched up. (Director: Oh, you might really repay me!) Just before his wild breathing took its start the door closed behind him. 'Well, I must say the people this year all look promising!' He tucked both hands into his pants and walked on. He adjusted his tie and his calm expression returned. 

Miss Wella was finally in the room. The room consisted of 3 sections. Each section had 10 rows where the students could sit, though, starting at the front the following rows were always placed slightly higher. The sections were separated each by stairs. There was one section in the middle, one close to the wall and the last one bordered the glass wall, allowing a gaze to the Garden of Eden. Dozens of students were watching Miss Wella. Some were playing on their phones, though that was a small number. Yet, Miss Wella's gaze immediately fell on one student – (Miss Wella: That's the man from before) She quickly evaded her gaze from him and strode towards her podium on which a table stood. On her way some students whistled other clapped, of course the male students, while the women only had dead stares reserved for the boys. Well, the noises ceased when Emilia reached her podium and turned to the audience. She was clasping the sides of her table and had an unregular breath. That's when she noticed the man from the morning smiling at her. He closed his eyes and showed her how to breath. The professor followed the example and sure enough it worked. She was ready. 'Hello everyone. I am Emilia, Emilia Wella!'