
'But you can call me by my name, Emilia, I insist on it. And I shall do the same if you are all fine by it.' When everyone had nodded quickly ´, she went on: 'I would like you to introduce yourself. Some quick information if possible. So, who wants to start?' The first one to raise his arm was a student sitting just afore Emilia. He was sitting in the 10th row of the middle section. 'My name is Dennis. I like wrestling and playing video games! Though, wrestling on the ground is not', a grin popped up on his face, 'the only thing I enjoy'. Just then some male students sitting next to him started chuckling, while some exchanged high fives. Indeed, Dennis had the stature of someone who did wrestling. And with his at least 2m he seemed huge. He had a bald head and a dark brown goat beard, posing a contrast to his white skin. His eyes shone in orange-brown colour. 'Thank you, Dennis. However, I didn't really understand that joke with the wrestling, hahah. (Dennis: Well, maybe one day you'll be lucky to understand it!) Let's move onto the next person'. In the same section as Dennis a female student was sitting with an upright posture in the first row. When she met Miss Wella's glance, she adjusted her black glasses and swung her long dark blue hairs behind her small shoulders. The light which shone upon her gave her dark brown eyes a light glow, likewise her light skin. She rose to her legs. 'I am Lin and hope to have a good semester with everyone here! I am a big fan of studying.' She sat down again, inhaled, exhaled and smiled. Just then a high voice caught everyone's attention: 'You give me this good student vibe. Kind of boring don't you think?' The student who had spoken was another girl. She was sitting in the first row in the section near the door. She was surrounded by a share of boys. Some were fanning her wind, others massaging her outstretched thin leg, the transparent white socks pulled down. The student herself had a small waist and big hips and a well-formed ass. Her skin was pale, resembling snow itself. One male student was camming her long blond hair which matched to her golden eyes. She clapped and the students ceased their works. Then she pointed at herself and began: 'I am Leyla, but you can also call me Miss Pretty. What I like, you want to know? Model. And my dream is to one day become the best model, just like my mom. That's all!' She clapped and the students restarted their works. Some rows above her a man gave her overtaxed glances above all reserved for the other male students. He was chewing on a bubble gum and Emilia took notice of it: 'Excuse me I would like you to stop eating gum while we are in a lesson!' 'Ok, no problem!' The man rolled his gum in a paper and threw it at the dust bin placed near the door and it went in. Then he continued with his introduction: 'I am Michal. As you just saw I am doing basketball. I started when I was, mmh, yeah, I think it was around 10 years. I hope one day to make it to the professionals!' He was dark sin also heighted around 2m though was smaller in stature compared to Dennis, rather an athletic stature. He wore braids and had no beard though better that way for everyone could see his defined jawline. He pounced the dude next to him. And that's when Emilia noticed: 'You are twins!' Someone applauded to her discovery. That dude was sitting in the last row of the same section. He had his legs on the table, his uniform was unbuttoned and his orange hair a mess. Miss Emilia gave him a short stare and he smiled. 'And who are you?' 'I go by many names, but you can all call me Tama!' Tama had white skin and orange summer sprouts, average height and no special stature for that his ego seemed beyond measure. 'Ok Tama take down your legs!' 'What if I don't?' Just then someone joined hem – a female student also in the last row of the middle section: 'Tama, behave for once!' 'Are you gonna tell my dad Emily?' (Emilia: They seem to be close.) Emily hissed, as she crossed her arms: 'Grow up boy, no wonder your dad' – Tama slammed his fist on the table. Right away the female and male students to Emily's each side hurled to her their legs. 'Oh, little Emil can't do anything without her bodyguards!' 'Bodyguard?', Emilia demanded. 'I think it's time to introduce myself! And so, Emily stood up. Upright posture, full lips and a thick body. Not only does she appear royal but also erotic with her latina skin and her curly brown golden hair. Meanwhile her nearly black eyes bestowed upon her a mystic atmosphere. 'I am Emily, the daughter of President Gale!' And now everyone turned to her everyone but the student who had saved Emilia the same morning. He seemed to be drawing something. Emily retook her seat. Then she pointed to her right, at the male student. He had short hair, no beard and seemed to have Asian roots. 'I am Dan, one of Emily's bodyguards. 'And I am Elin, also a bodyguard!' Elin also had short brown hairs and seemed to have Hispanic roots. 'Ok nice to meet you all. Well, now to the next student!' Emilia glanced at the other twin she had missed before. 'Sorry we forgot you!' 'No problem well I am his younger twin. I prefer rather boxing than basketball. That would be all!' 'Ok that's also cool. Well due to the time we have time for one more person!' And smiling, her eyes rigged at the student who had saved her. 'It's your turn!'