Creepy Night

The student grinned and started his introduction: 'I am Drace. There isn't really anything special to say about me.' 'Mmh are you sure, handsome man?', Leyla demanded and licked her lips twice. While Leyla seemed pleased it wasn't the same for the students giving her services now. 'Maybe nothing to say, but certainly something special to see!' Drace side-eyed her, though that was everything he did. Emilia took control of the situation by clapping her hands. 'So, everyone. I don't know why the lesson started this late and why it ends that early, must be because it's the first day today. We'll meet tomorrow.' While the students left one after the other, Emilia took a seat and scrammed out some documents from her bags. A passing by student asked: 'Miss Wella' – Please, call me Emilia!' 'Oh, I'm sorry. Emilia, are you staying?' 'Yeah, got some things to do and I like this armchair haha!' Drace remained seated until every student had left. 'So, Emilia, what did you think of the students' What do you think of the university?' 'Nice. I see no problem with anything!' Drace walked down the stairs slowly and, in the process, he peered around the room. 'From the outside', his gaze shifted towards the Garden of Eden, 'anything can appear nice! But from the inside, well, that's another story!' He had stepped down to the last stair tread and now strode forth towards Emilia who was holding her breath. Her eyes stuck on the eyes of Drace. Lastly, he halted before her, and Emilia finally caught her breath: 'Huh. What was up with this intensive gaze, hahah' – 'Emilia, I rate you, don't stay any longer here than need! The night is nobody's friend!' And he turned away. Emilia's joy faded and she asked: 'What do you mean with all that? The city is supposed to be bad and now also the people here! How would you even'– 'My instincts, Emilia. They have saved me countless times. Well, it's up to you to decide how long you stay!' And he closed the door behind him. 

Against Drace's advice Emilia had decided to stay longer. She tucked the papers away in her bag and stretched. 'Wow that was a long day. Well, Drace nothing happened to me! Time to go! Wow I totally forgot about the time its already 0:00. I should hurry!' She stepped into the corridor. Most lights were out, and it was silent. Emilia simply carried on. She passed the first intersection. Turning to the right here would take a person to the main room. This was where all the paths connected and most of the times speeches were held if the weather didn't allow it to happen outside. Step, step! Emilia halted. Yet immediately fell into a light laughter. 'Come on girl, you are tired. And so, she went on. Step, step, step. She spined around with a breath that resembled someone just coming from a marathon. Yet that breath suddenly stopped completely and Emilia's eyes stayed open, fixed at that broad person standing some metres away from her. He was wearing a mask and was completely dressed in black, the hoodie over his head. The hood stuck close to the person's face so that when he smiled every feature could clearly be seen. Emilia restarted breathing. 'Who are you? Is that some kind of prank?' The person resumed the walk. Slowly and in the process the person stuck out his tongue, pressed it against the cover till the tongue lastly pierced through the thin mask. And his panting turned more intense. Emilia simply turned and ran. And she was damn fast. Huhuhuh. She reached the door, yet paused there and gazed back. The person was gone. 'Bastard!', she hissed. 'So creeps are also here! Fuck!' And she dashed out. In a matter of seconds, she had passed the Garden of Eden and arrived at the gate. She leaned against it snapping for air. 'I'm out of shape!' Though, while she was still gasping, she shoved the gate aside and lastly stepped outside. From the corner of her eye, she perceived a figure. Thus, in the next moment she turned and thrusted her leg at that person. The person fended the attack off and responded with a: 'Wow I saved your life now you are trying to kill me!' 'Drace?'