Let's go home

Emilia lowered her leg. 'What are you doing here? Wait don't tell me' – 'No I wasn't following you if that's what you think. I went home did some things and went out for a walk. When I passed the university, I saw some light. I figured you still had to be working and decided to wait. And it seemed to be the right choice. So, what happened?' 'When I was on my way to leave, I encountered someone! He seemed hostile towards me and he was creepy as fuck!' 'You know who it was?' 'No, but that person was big, probably a man'. Drace leaned against the wall and tucked his arms into his pants. He was wearing a black t-shirt and baggy blue jeans. 'I see, we have a lot of big guys in our course!' 'Wait, why our course?' Drace turned only his head towards her. 'They are the only one who know you would stay longer. You remember when you replied to that student. There were still some students in the room!' 'But why would you assume it's someone from my course?' Drace pushed off the wall and closed the distance to Emilia, fast. So fast that Emilia nearly fell due to surprise, however, Drace swung one arm around her hips and pulled her close to him. 'I told you; our city is weird, and I don't want even to start with our course. They gave this vibe from them!' Emilia's breath accelerated. Drace's face was close, close enough for his breath to mingle with hers. He let go of Emilia and stepped back. 'Well, Miss Wella, you are not normal yourself, are you?' 'What do you mean?' Drace turned around and began walking as he started talking: 'You are lucky it happened around the university. Don't you wonder why it's so quiet?' And yes, indeed it was. The streets were empty, no rats or other small animals. The moon stood at its highest peak, lighting up even the darkest corner. Just then clouds hid it, yet a single light penetrated them and engulfed Drace in light. Now also Emilia who stepped next to him. 'What do you mean?', she wanted to know. 'This place is under the direct control of the government itself. Must be because of the university. It's the second biggest in this city. That's why there is a rule here. Well, it wasn't officially made but no one roams the street at night, not as long there is no valid reason for that, like for example coming back from the university. Well, in my case it would be hard to prove it for I left my uniform at home. Everyone who gets spotted by' – A sudden sound caught their attention. Drace and Emilia were still walking along the wall. So, Drace took hold of her and gently slammed her against the wall. He too pressed against the wall. Just then a car drove out the corner. For their luck they weren't spotted. 'If the patrol sees you at night and you can't give a reason. Well, they won't hurt you or something like that, but you could see it like that. The government ensures safety and if someone is still lingering outside at night, it's like they disrespect that safety, so they are sent to another place. At least, that is their justification!' 'Another place?' Booooooom The explosion came from the far yet was strong enough to reach them. 'Yes, another place!', Drace picked up. 'Currently, we are in the district of the rich ones. In exchange for safety the government controls them and so on.' 'Wait and what about the other districts then?' 'Well, there is the police and so on. Though, not in every district but that's all. There exists no tight control like here!' 'I see. Yes, I saw some expensive cars and so on, but I didn't know only the rich ones come here. (Emilia: Or maybe I just didn't pay any attention to my surrounding haha!) Wait so someone', she pounced Drace's shoulder, 'has rich parents!' Drace remained calm. They arrived at the street though no fire was burning. When Emilia crossed the street, she stopped in the middle and gazed back to Drace. 'Was the question concerning your parents too personal?' 'No that's not it. My head was somewhere else. I need to check on something. Is it still far till your home?' 'Mmh no, why?' 'Ok then you can walk the rest!' He turned around. 'Thanks for accompanying me!' 'No problem though I have the feeling it wasn't needed!' Just then Emilia clasped her arm on which she had that sign. 'Why do you say that?' 'A hunch maybe. And you too are in this district now! Sleep well!' (Emilia: Is he referring to when I say he must have rich parents because he lives here?)