Evil must die

The big man was now also leaving the university. 'Such a pity I didn't get you, Emilia!', the person moaned. He had taken off his mask and was on his way to leave the building. That's when he heard steps. And soon also the person the steps belonged to. 'University is over. What are you still doing here?' 'Oh, Director I was still working on something!' I see, a hard-working student. Well just tell that the patrol if they see you!' 'Ok Director. Mmh and what are you still doing here?' 'Working and in my case it's no problem. I am working direct under the government. And now go home!' 'Yes, I shall do that now!' (Person: Chill man! Why you feel so attacked?) As soon the student had left the Director turned around and walked down the corridor. He reached the Main Hall which was formed round. On the sides of the Main Hall there were entrances connected to the many hallways. Between the entrances to the hallways there was always 2m space. But there was a place with no entrance and this place laid just afore the Director, behind the podium which stood in the middle of the room. Behind the podium there was a door, closed. Right and left there were stairs leading up to the three levels. The Director strode forth and stopped before the door. He took out his keys und unlocked the door. There was no light inside and so as the Director walked into the room which resembled a dark abyss the dark swallowed completely and the door closed behind him. 


The student who had by now left the building had chosen to walk through alleys to evade the patrol. There was one main reason for it. Of course, he could have told them he came from university but well he wasn't dressed in an uniform, neither did he have bags where he could have stored it. That's when he stopped in his tracks. 'Wait, why didn't the director inquire more?' 'Maybe because he has also something to hid!', someone behind him replied. The student jerked around. 'What do – Wait aren't you from my course? Drace, right?' Drace remained silent and approached three steps. His eyes thinned. 'You were sitting next to Dennis when I recall right. So, why were you following Miss Wella?' 'If you know I was following her it means you were also stalking her. I see, I see. You are just like me!' And the student started to drool. He tucked his hand into his underwear. 'Come on, we are among us men. No use hiding it!' Drace's eyes shot open and for a beat they seemed to glow. As he walked on, he muttered: 'I see. Thanks for not was ting my time and showing your true colours right away. I've not been here long but seems like this district isn't any different than District 3?' 'So, you are from a lower district! How did you get here then?' As Drace went on, he formed his right-hand spear like. Right away he shot forth. The student swung his arm horizontally at him. Drace ducked and thrusted his arm. The goal – underneath the ribs and he met it. Blood dropped onto his arm and when he gazed up it was blood pouring out the student's mouth. Veins snaked around his face and neck, and he started groaning. Yet, he still managed to grab Drace's arm. He strengthened his grip and threw Drace at the wall. In his fly Drace rotated, met the wall with his feet and kicked off, direction student. He thrusted his knee forward and slammed it into the student's face. The skull cracked open, and the students dropped dead. Drace didn't waste time and removed a knife from his pants. As he bowed down, he muttered. Evil must die!' And his work took its start!