A new day

Emilia was on her way to university, dressed in the same style as the previous day. However, her way of walking seemed less cheerful than before. Her arms were closer to her body, not big movement. Although, she was smiling it wasn't as bright as it had been once. However. for a beat her lips arched up and her expression brightened. She increased her speed and quickly closed the distance to Drace. Then she podded Drace from behind who was waiting for the fire to turn green. He removed his hoodie and gazed back. A faint grin and he turned back to the street. 'And did you contact the police yesterday?' Emilia placed herself next to him, slightly swerving her body left and right. 'No!' The fire turned green and they crossed the street. 'For what reason!' 'Well, I just don't really think the police will be of any help!' They had crossed the street and Drace stopped in his walk. His eyes thinned at Emilia. 'I see!', he uttered with a faint grin. 'What do you see?', Emilia persisted!' 'It isn't that you doubt their abilities, but you simply don't trust them, am I not, right? Interesting!' Emilia bit her lip and dropped her head slightly. So, when Drace walked past her, he stroked her head. 'It's ok. I think the same. The police would never be my first option!' 'You said not first option means you would still go to them?' 'There's one person I would trust to do his job, but he doesn't live in this district. Well, his police station isn't that far from here. But more importantly', he resumed his walk, 'concerning yesterday. I doubt that man will again come after you but please be vigilante!' 'Oh, you worry too much, wouldn't you say?', Emilia asked and pushed him slightly with her shoulder. 'People will think you have a thing for me, hahaha!' 'Well, if I should happen to have a thing for someone in this district, it would definitely be you. I mean', he shot her a grin, 'I already stroke your head haha!' Emilia's eyes opened further, and her face reddened slightly. Just when she was about to utter something, Drace prodded her cheeks as he told her: 'I like your sweet reactions haha. Later then!' Not waiting for a reaction from Emilia, he turned to the wall on his side. Dashed at it and then leaped over it. 'This rghhh!' She felt her cheek Drace had previously touched and she might not have noticed it, but a smile popped up on her face. 'He could have just used the gate.' Right away, she saw the reason why Drace hadn't used the gate. The police were placed there and controlling students, likewise professors. Some were even interrogated. 'Truly a sad thing to happen!', a man uttered. That man just stepped next to Emilia. 'Ah Director. Good morning. I thought you would maybe already be inside, taken that you ae the director hahah!' 'Hahah good morning, Miss Wella. Yesterday I stayed late. That's why I decided to come late today hahah!' 'Hahah coming late extra, but that's naughty haha!' 'Sometimes', the director stepped nearer, 'it's good to be naughty, wouldn't you say?' Emilia retreated some steps and simply replied with a chuckle: 'Yeah. Ah yes. You said sad thing. What do you mean by it!' As the director gave his response both hands disappeared into his pants, and he peered towards the gate: 'A student was killed yesterday!' 'Yesterday? Where? By whom, why?' 'Haha I am just the director. So, I can't give you any info for now at least. But you also stayed late yesterday, right? Did you see anyone at university?' 'No! But how do you know I stayed up late?' 'Was just a guess. It happens often when a professor comes here the first time hahah. Kind of like a tradition!' They halted some metres away from the gate. 'Ah ok I see. Yes, I stayed up late. Did you spot anyone?' 'No. Now it kind of feels like we are in District 3!' 'District 3? How many districts are there in total, Director?' 'Ah yes you are new! Just come to my office after your lessons. I can explain everything then, but for now we should get into the line.'