Horrible news

Dennis was this time sitting in the back of the middle section, though he wasn't alone. With him there were six other dudes surrounding him like a wall. They were built similar to Dennis, however nobody among them was actually bigger than Dennis himself. Dennis was leading the conversation at the moment: 'Hahaha, it was too funny. She cried no, no! Please stop! But I bet she liked it. Ah, I can't understand people sometimes. By the way, Cole didn't come to the party yesterday. Did he call someone of you?' A guy to his side replied as he took out his phone: 'Wait. He sent me a message yesterday night. Got something to catch from the university, then I'll join you. You think he is the one who was' – Dennis smacked the head of the male who had just read the message. 'Don't be stupid. Who would be crazy enough to attack him. But I am curious who was killed!' Dennis turned to the right and called out: 'Tama you got an idea?' 'Why should I know about it?' Tama put his legs on the table and leaned back. 'Either way if this murder were somehow connected to me, the body wouldn't even have been found in the first place!' Emily, same section as Tama, though seated somewhere at the front, gave Tama some stares and hissed: 'To think you are even proud of that!' However Tama simply smiled and replied with a heightened voice: 'I am so sorry queen! Lalalal!' Leyla was about to join the two, but someone caught her attention. And that someone was Drace walking into the room, yet his glace never met that of Leyla which literally stuck on him. (Leyla: Mmh, playing hard to get!) The dudes surrounding Leyla, though, had only dead stares reserved for him. Drace's attention was on Dennis' group. He strode on, past the twin. Michal stretched out his arm, and Drace replied with a fist-bum and went on. Lastly, he halted afore the group. One dude stood up and placed himself before Drace. 'What are you looking for?' 'Not really looking for something. I only wanted to talk about Cole!' Dennis shoved the dude aside. 'Did you meet him yesterday?', he demanded. 'Yeah, I was on my way home when I encountered him. He told me someone was after him, probably a woman. Due to that we came in a theme concerning women. I don't want to dig deeper in the matter, but at the end he simply said we are alike? Well. I still don't know what he meant by that!' It was faint but Dennis rose his eyebrows. He supressed a smirk though Drace's eyes caught Dennis lips slightly arch up. (Drace: But it seems like you know what he meant by that!) Dennis packed Drace at both shoulders. 'Ok thank you for the info. We might know who it was. Then we stay in contact, ok?' 'Yes!' That's when Emilia entered the room. Drace went to the first level of the middle section. There, Lin was sitting and drawing something. And behind them Emily was enjoying her tea. Elin and Dan were sitting beside her and on constant lookout for potential danger. Emily posed her cup down and opened her eyes. 'You didn't strike me as someone who would converse with these gorillas there, Drace!' Emilia was taking out her things in the meanwhile. Drace turned to Emily. 'So you were paying attention to us? Not really ladylike to secretly listen to conversations of people. But tell me. As what kind of person did I strike you?' Emily took a sip from her tea. As she was posing her cup down, her eyes thinned and a faint light lit up in them. These were the eyes of a predator and with that intensity her gaze bored into Drace. 'Interesting!', she remarked. 'You didn't even flinch. Concerning your question. As what did I strike you? Maybe then you will know the answer!' Drace eyed both of her bodyguards, lastly smiling Emiliy and turned back. (Drace: That woman. She's dangerous!) And Emilia was done arranging her things. 'So everyone I'm sorry for my delay. But you saw the chaos at the gate. It saddens me to tell you that, but the one who was murdered is Cole from this course!'