
Joe was right now immersed in the case of the Noble Reaper. He had his own office, hence wouldn't have to worry about interruption from the outside. A pile of paper was stacked on his desk. Some documents were even dispersed on the ground. The light was dimmed and the shutters behind him were pulled down. Jasmin entered the office. She was holding a cup of coffee. Without asking, she took down the pile of paper and positioned it on the ground. And Joe exhausted face came to light. Jasmin posed the coffee next to the computer. 'Thanks, Jasmin. I really needed that right now!' 'No problem. So any new leads on the Noble Reaper!' Sighing he laid back: 'No. To make some connections I will have to get the documents on him from the place of crime!' 'Why him?' 'Well', he sipped his tea, 'mmh it's good. It wasn't confirmed yet but we think it's a male. Judging the appearance we were able to capture that is the only possible outcome!' The woman placed herself behind Joe and posed both arms on each shoulder. She started massaging him. 'Look how stiff you are. You need a break, a long one!' Yet Joe's shoulders only stiffened further. 'And what if more murders happen then?' 'Well there are other who can take care of it! And the Noble Reaper isn't active in this district anymore!' 'I know but', his voice rose and he massaged his forehead, 'I must be the one to do it! I must capture him!' He turned around to Jasmin and when she drew back, removing her hands on him he seized one of her hands. 'I must!' With her free hand Jasmin caressed his hair. 'But why, Joe? Why are you so fixated on that Noble Reaper, literally obsessed with him?' Joe lowered his head. Just then Jasmin kneed down and again gazed into his eyes. 'Please talk to me. I am your partner! And friend.' 'Sigh! Ok, but let's do it another time!' Is it a promise?' It's a promise!' 


Dennis was the first one to shot to his legs. 'Which fucker killed him? Emilia did they tell you other things?' 'I'm sorry not. That's all I know and they only revealed that much because he was my student!' 'Calling him your student isn't really right, hahaha!', Tama exclaimed. 'I mean how long did we have each other? 2 hours maybe? Haha.' 'Tama, right now is not the time to laugh!', Emilia uttered. Tama hissed back, though that was everything he did. (Drace: These two seem to have a connection. I just wonder what kind of?) Emilia clapped her hands twice. 'Ok, everyone listen. It was a hard morning and it might even get harder but we should start with the lesson. Dennis would you please take your seat?' Dennis did as asked. 'Thank you. So I never really got to introduce my course. Here in this course we will talk about psychology, the human thinking and everything connected to it. My first question to you would be, why do you think psychology is that interesting, the way someone thinks and etc?' Lin was the first one to raise her arms, though nobody aside her did partake in that question anyway. When Emilia nodded, Lin went on: 'Even to these days scientist can't figure out why a human act like he acts. Of course in certain situation you can predict it. Like normally when there is a fire you will run to escape it, but now comes the interesting part. There will be people who won't run. People who will like the fire and the destruction it causes. Why? A good question and yet many will reply different and even less will truly give a comprehensible reason why they acted like they acted. Understanding the human is something we yearn for, be it physically or mentally. So' - 'Ok, ok, calm down Miss I know everything!', Tama joined. And surprisingly Emilia simply gave him a smile. Something Tama couldn't just leave without comment: 'Why are you grinning?'