Little experiment


Emilia left her desk and roamed the room. Her gaze never stayed on something or someone longer than 5 seconds. And lastly, they halted at Tama. 'Tell me, Tama, why did you stop her? Because she was talking too much? Because all her words were true? Because you understood nothing? Because some things she said hurt you for you experienced it once?' Most students started looking into Tama's direction. 'So, why Tama? Because your reaction your answer, how you reply to my questions – all that tell something about you!' 'Why are you all gazing like idiots', Tama spoke into the room. He gave the students a death stare and hissed. As he did Leyla simply started giggling. That's when Tama rose to his legs and the male students surrounding Leyla did alike. 'You think these simps will be able to stop me, Leyla?' 'Hahah, you call my boy simps. Come and you will see they are far more than simple simps!' (Random student: So you admit that they are indeed simps?) When Leyla clapped her hands some of the boys started grunting and not only Tama was taken back by it, but Emilia too who gave her surprise form: 'Leyla, why are they acting like that?' 'It's just a game we chose to play. When I clap, they must act like that way or they won't get love from me anymore!' 'You mean pussy!', Tama joined. 'They won't get pussy anymore. Hahah!' Now also Leyla stood up. 'You dare call me a slut. Did you take a look at yourself. Fuck, you are more slut than anyone here!' As she went on with her rage Emily joined them. Her voice was calm and yet pierced through their discussion and attired everyone attention: 'Guys it's enough. Control yourself!' 'You bitch!', Leyla cried out. 'Sitting here with your bodyguards and acting special. I'm sure' - Clap! Everyone gazed towards Emilia, most staggered, some calm and only Drace with a faint grin. 'So everyone, that was interesting, right? We can interpret so many things just from this short confrontation!' 'Is that the reason you didn't intervene up till now?', Emily asked. 'May', Emilia replied. 'I wanted to understand you. What kind of people am I interacting with.' A smile formed on Emily's face. 'It sounds interesting the way you are saying it, Emilia. Kind of like you want to find something specific out about us without us finding out!' Her eyes thinned and some students started some chatter. Though the only one to step up was Drace: 'What are you hinting on, Emily? Or is there something you are hiding?' Emily replied with a simple grin and redirected her focus at Emilia: 'And what did you find out?' Emilia strode back to her desk and took a seat. 'You tell me, Emily. What did you find out, not just Emily you all? Did you get some information at their character, the way they think? Think for yourself and answer it for yourself. It would be better if we don't do it in public' - 'Why?', Tama cried out. 'If somebody got something to say, here I am!' 'Hahahaha', Leyla seized the arm of the boy who was fanning her some air. 'In your case Tama, it is easy to say what we all learned!' 'And that might be what Miss Wannabe Queen?' 'Well you are an idiot led by his emotion!' As Tama was about to react Emilia beat him to it: 'Ok, please calm down everyone. (Emilia: That might have been too early! I didn't know it would escalate like that!) Ok for now let's forget about it. You can muse about it at home. This little experiment could have happened to anyone. Think how you would have reacted. And how would you have reacted if you knew that my plan was to gather information about you. This will help you to get a better understanding about yourself! Most of the time people think they know enough about themselves, ther ghost and body. However, it is rare to see someone who really does that. And before you can understand others, you must get a better understanding of yourself. Ok wow to think the time would pass this fast. So everyone, consider this your homework. Otherwise , we'll see each other in the next lesson!' And just in time ring ring ring....