The director

The students left the room. Tama grunted at Emilia on his way out while Leyla simply laughed at his action. When Emily passed Emilia's desk she slid her hand along the surface and uttered: 'I found it interesting, this lesson. I will make sure to remember it for future actions! Well, if you may excuse me.' 'Ok!', Emilia simply gave from her. And when Emily was out of sight, she started looking around. 'Are you searching for me?' She turned around to Drace and flinched back at how close he was standing to her. She quickly gazed around her and sighed. 'Haha, happy that we are alone, Miss Wella!' 'No what are you saying? Huhuh. Always playing tricks.' She adjusted her collar and slightly shoved Drace aside who posed no resistance. 'So what do you want, Drace?' 'Did the police say more about the corpse?' 'You mean Cole? No. That was everything they told me. That's all you wanted to ask?' Drace stepped forward, fast and close. It took Emilia some seconds to notice but then she pushed Drace away again. And again he let her do as she pleased. 'What's wrong with you?' 'Hahah nothing but the way you asked, seems like you wanted me to ask another thing', his eyes thinned and his lip arched up, 'but well yes there is another thing.' Emilia crossed her arms, rose her bust and slightly tilted her head to the side. 'And what is it?' 'Did you sleep well yesterday?' 'Yes, I did thanks for the question and now out with you.' She puffed her cheeks and turned her head away. Smiling Drace walked past her and on his way, he had last words for her: 'Tell me if you feel watched or something like that! Although, when I look how fast you react to my moves' – 'What do you mean?' 'I mean every time I come close to you you managed to react in time. For you it might not have appeared like that but for others my moves would have been too fast! Interesting!' (Emilia: Is he analysing me?) And he was gone. Emilia leaned over her table, sighing: 'I just can't figure him out!' She closed the door and headed toward the office of the director. To get to the office of the director one had to walk through the main hall and ascend the stairs. From there you would walk down the straight path. Call it luck or not, but up to that path Emilia met no one. It might be the case because all students were outside due to the good weather or in the cafeteria. The cafeteria was an extra building placed behind the university. Though there were also other buildings there like for example the sport building and more. As she walked down the corridor, she passed several doors for each professor had their own office. This also explained why this corridor was that long. She arrived at an intersection. Right was a room for all professors. There they could chat eat and whatever. And to the left there was a short path leading to a door, a rather big one with drawings on it. Emilia chose that path walked to the end. Suddenly she heard some noises from inside the room and decided to knock. She waited some minutes and the door opened. A female student came out, not looking at Emilia she walked away. Still, Emilia didn't enter. Not till she heard: 'Please come in!' And Emilia entered. 'Ah it's you Miss Wella!' The director was sitting on his exquisite chair. The table also looked expensive and polished to an extent that it seemed to glow faintly. The table and sat were positioned in the middle of the room. In the back of the director there was an enormous window, though the white curtain hid them. To his left there was a cupboard filled with books while the other side only had two sofas facing each other, between them a small table. The director ushered Emilia to these sofas as he cleaned his somewhat sweaty forehead. 'Please have a seat!' 'Thank you!' She sat down and the director took a seat afront her. He adjusted his collar. 'Ok if I remember well you came from far away, Emilia?' 'Yes, from Japan!' 'Ah from Japan to our city. Why did you move away from there if I may ask?' Emilia's finger curled together and before she replied she bit her lips which the director remarked: 'I just wanted to see the world. It's a beautiful country though if you are at the right places!' The director leaned back and crossed his legs. 'I am sorry I had much to do that I forgot you were coming. Thus, I didn't prepare tea for you, a must for someone as beautiful as you!' 'Hahaha its ok no problem!' 'Ok well then let's move to the important topic. I wanted to tell you more about our city!'