
Drace was sitting on a bank between two large trees in the Garden of Eve. He was leaned back, his legs spread apart and his arms crossed. His eyes were closed and he was simply enjoying the rays shining upon him and the singing of some birds sitting on the trees. However, he opened his eyes when the light vanished, and he was bathed in a shade. 'Can I help you, Emily?' Emily grinned and took a seat beside Drace. Her bodyguards placed themselves behind the bench, on the lookout for whatever. 'Well', Emily began, crossing her legs, 'from everyone in the class you and Miss Wella are quiet interesting!' 'So what you mean by that, from anyone in the class you couldn't find enough or the wanted information about me and Miss Wella, right?' (Drace: I knew Miss Wella was kind of mysterious but that information can't be found about her, interesting!) 'Well you could also put it that way. I was just curious. I mean, I am' – 'The daughter of the president!', Drace completed. 'Meaning if you couldn't find anything about me or Miss Wella it must be serious. But I must say I am interested myself in finding more about me, rather my parents!' Emily shifted closer to Drace and her eyes thinned. 'So, your relationship with the parents was well' – 'let's say it seems like I didn't know everything about them, but is it the same with you? I mean your dad is a big man. Who knows what good or shady things he does behind your back or it might also be that he works together with', his voice turned cold, 'with you!' It was brief and faint, but Drace leaked blood lust. It was strong enough that the bodyguards removed their hands from their pockets, ready to engage into battle. However, Emily simple raised one arm, wondering: 'Did I do something to attire your anger? Or are you a sensitive boy?' She lowered her arm and just then Drace rose up, replying: 'You should stop prying into others life. It just seems too stereotypical for the daughter of a president!' 'Me prying? Aren't you doing that yourself, rather something you', her voice turned sharp, 'intend to do?' 'What do you mean?' 'I didn't know you were that close with Dennis. Or is it just a trick to get closer to him?' (Drace: She's sharp!) 'Well, Emily if you socialized more you would realize some people can become friends. Especially among boys such a bond happens fast!' 'Hahah, friends? Who needs people as friend who are below someone and don't think I refer to money, Drace!' 'Then what do you refer to?' Emily now also stood up and she slowly closed the distance to Drace who however let her drew nearer. He remained on place, hands tucked away in his pockets. Emily halted afore him, yet close enough that Drace could smell her exotic perfume. She had a wide smile on her face. And she began her explanation: 'I don't really know how to put it into words, but something tells me with the time you will realize it. I at least deem Dennis below you and two person who aren't equal will never truly become friends. Wouldn't you agree?' She didn't wait for an answer and walked past him, brushing his shoulder. Her two bodyguards followed and when they passed Drace their muscles tensed up and their senses sharpened. Drace, however, kept his calm. Faced with the pressure the bodyguards were putting on him it was rather an interesting thing. When Emily and her bodyguards were out of sight of Drace, Emily spoke: 'That Drace, he's an interesting one. Lin do you think you could beat him in a one on one?' 'Miss Emily to be honest, I'm not sure. One thing is certain, I wouldn't leave the fight without heavy wounds!' 'I see! Quiet interesting then!'