The districts

'So let's start!', the Director began. 'This large city consists of 5 districts. If you noticed, the island on which the city was built has a triangle form,. You could look at it as a pyramid. The peak of the pyramid is called District 0. Even I don't know what is hidden there, because it is top secret. Well, after that District 1 follows. That's the district where the leaders of the city and also their families lives. We are District 2, the district for the wealthy ones. We might not enjoy the luxury of District 1, for that we are still better off than District 3. I am sure you noticed the patrol in this district, right?' 'Yes, the ones at night. That made me curious why is that? Everything here seems nice. The people also give of a good vibe!' 'I am pleased to hear that, Miss Wella. I totally agree with. In fact, the problem lays not primarily in our district. There was an event in the past where people from District 3 attacked us even and we found out they were collaborating with some people from District 2!' 'Oh no!', Emilia uttered and placed one hand before her mouth. 'Why would they do such a thing?' The Director shrugged his shoulder and sighed: 'I don't know. Well, that event ended in a lot of blood shedding. Still, at the end we were able to clear the problem and found most leaders of the rebellion. (Emilia: So, there are still some hiding!) However, since that event the people from District 2 haven't been a fan of the lower districts. This brings me to District 3. I would say it's like every normal city. It is the district for the normal folk, if you get what I mean.' Emili nodded and the Director went on: 'District 4 is for the poorer people. But it's still', for a beat he gazed away, 'a nice place I heard!', just then the Director wiped his nose. 'So that's everything. If you also want to know why the city was even divided into districts in the first place I fear that's where my knowledge hits the limit' 'Hahah, it's ok. I still thank you for your time and the information you provided! It's better than nothing.' 'Yes, you are right indeed. But a tip from me, Miss Wella. You better refrain from visiting the lower districts. Not everyone there hold us in high esteem. Just saying it for your own good!' 'I thank you for the warning, director and shall keep it in mind.' Emilia stood up, adjusting her hair. As she did she didn't take notice of the creepy look the director was given her, his faint panting and wide eyes. The moment she was done the director's calm and composed demeanour returned. He too stood up and accompanied Emilia to the door. There, he opened the door like a gentleman and let her out. 'Mis Wella, if you ever need anything or feel uncomfortable, please come to me. I shall take care of it!' Oh thank you. You are so generous!' And she went off her way. When the director had closed the door he dropped to his legs and his painting started anew, this time much worse. 'Ah her odour, sensational!' 


Joe and Jasmin had been patrolling for some time now. So they had decided to take a break and were enjoying some coffee in their car. That's when Jasmin turned to Joe, her face as if she had just recalled something. 'Joe, aside the Noble Reaper there's been a thing I've wanted to ask you for a long time. Some people in the office told me you took part in that grand event, I forgot the name. But when District 3 attacked District 2, you helped defend District 2, right?' 'Ah you mean that time.' He sipped his coffee, then took a croissant that was in a box next to him and dived it into his coffee. 'Yeah, it was a disaster back then. That's also why we were able to enter District 2 that easy. They know I helped them back then. Were it another person they would have shot him to death if he tried to force his way into District 2.' 'Do you know why District 3 attacked them? I mean they didn't just feel like it, right?' 'No, they didn't. Datris told me District 2 were doing hideous things but' – 'You knew Datris ', Jasmin's eyes spread wide open and as she went on, with a joyful face and voice, she shifted forward, 'the Hero, the best policeman, the Guardian? He has so many names! That's so cool that you', her joy ceased at once the moment she spotted Joe's grim face. His body was tensed and his eyes directed at something in the past. Though the way it seemed, it wasn't a good past. 'Mmh Joe, everything alright? Joe? Joe, you are scarring me. Joe answer!' Joe's head jerked to her side and Jasmin cringed back. Joe clasped his head. 'I'm sorry, Jasmin. Huh. This past has some dark memories I would rather forget. You all knew Datris as the bright man who would give his life to save the innocents, the weak ones. Yes, indeed he was a great man, but he also had another side to him. Sigh!' He scratched his head. 'Well, Jasmin, I think that was enough storytelling for today.' 'Menno I wanted to hear more. You always stop at the good parts!' 'You know what they say', he started the car, 'sometimes no end is better than a bad end!' And they drove off.