Pr. Edle

The students had all assembled on the track field, though they were still dressed in their uniform. Before them a tall man was standing. He had blonde hair and eyes shining in the blue of the ocean itself. He was built like an athlete and thus didn't carry much weight on him. For that he was ripped and the students saw it through his sport underwear. 'So everyone', he uttered with a strong voice. 'I am Professor Edle and I will be in charge of you!' His intense gaze wandered the row of students and call it a coincidence or not, but when his eyes were on Drace and the twins his expression changed. The professor suddenly looked kind of disgusted. Well, Drace and the twins were the only black ones in the class. Yet when they were confronted with that disgusted look the twins' expression remained unaffected. However, when it was Drace's turn he even grinned back. Professor Edle stepped forward, both hands clinched to fists. 'Why are you smiling? Is there something funny? Or did', he glanced around as he spread his arms apart, 'someone tell a joke I didn't hear? 'This is a free city or not? I can smile if I want!' Some students started chattering and giggling. Emily simply smiled and the twins too. 'Quiet everyone!', the professor bellowed. 'What's your name, student?' 'I go by Drace!' 'So Drace, you think you are clever, heh? Playing the clown here. Normally I was just going to explain you all how things would work here. And then I would let you go home. But you know what?' As he stepped back, his gaze wandered again over the students. 'Because Mr I am too cool talked back, you can all run 10 rounds!' And the whining of the students took its start. Some ran over to Professor Edle and begged him to only punish Drace. Others were occupied with giving Drace death stares. However, no one of them dared to confront Drace directly. But there were those who simply walked past Professor Edle towards the field – Drace, the twins, Dennis, Tama, Emily and her bodyguards, Lin and Leyla with some of her boys. While Professor Edle was enjoying the begging and despair of some students he watched the group on the track field starting their run. (Professor Edle: These bastards. Playing tough!) He removed from the group and pointed at the running students. 'Go join them, now! And you can blame that Drace for everything! Make sure next time he behaves. And now on the track field everyone!' And they reluctantly obeyed. Drace was right now in the lead and Emily was catching up from behind, her bodyguards always close to her. And when Emily had finally reached him she asked: 'What was your goal with that grin?' 'There was no goal. But the last thing I'll do is let a racist look down on me! No matter who that is!' 'You are really interesting, Drace!' 'I am not. It's just you who wants to view me as interesting!' He sped up and left Emily behind him. Yet she didn't go after him! Leyla augmented the speed to be closer to Emily. 'Miss Emily I just can't understand why you picked interest in him. What is it that fascinates you so much?' 'Leyla, do you find me interesting?' 'Yes, I do Miss Emily!' 'Well, then there is your answer. I feel that he's just like me and I do find myself interesting. So it's only normal that I would take interest in him. But just be patience. There is a saying – Time will show who a person really is!' Further behind some of Dennis boys had caught up with him. They were all painting hard. When they started talking Dennis' attention was drawn to the woman walking over to their professor. She was a tall thin woman, long blonde hair and green eyes. She was wearing a long blonde dress. Dennis' lips arched up. Then he turned towards his boys: 'Hey, you got everything ready for the party tonight?' One of them replied: 'Yes, why are you asking?' 'Well, I think we'll have one person more to invite!'