Cafe Mayland

Drace was the first one to finish. The twins were right behind him, hardly sweating. 'Jo Drace!', Michal called out. Drace turned to him and spotted his raised hand. He grinned and gave him a high five. The other twin joined them. 'Huh. That bastard is still enjoying his woman. But strong of you to face him.' Drace turned to Michal. 'Wouldn't you have done the same thing?' Grinning Michal walked past Drace and replied: 'If he wants to face me I will be there! However, it won't end beautiful for that bastard!' His twin followed after him. The others now also finished one after one and returned to Professor Edle who was still flirting with his woman. Well, not everyone were ready to wait till they stopped their whatever it appeared to be and that someone was Dennis. 'Professor Edle, who is that if I might ask!' Professor Edle let go of the woman as he answered: 'This lovely woman here', the woman blushed, 'is my wife, Miss Edle!' It was short but Miss Edle's eyes and that of Dennis met. 'As pleased I am by her presence her she must sadly go now!' 'Oh I must?', she reacted surprised. 'Yeah babe. Ah yes you guys you can go. The lesson for today is over. And you should go wash yourself you', and again his gaze intensified when it flew over Drace and the twins, 'stink!' Mumbling the students left the field. Dennis, on his way away from the field, came dangerous close to the Edle pair. 'Are you crazy?', Professor Edle demanded. 'You want to rub off your stench on us?' Dennis shrugged his shoulders. 'You made us stink. We don't even have spare clothes. Well, I think some people like my stench!' Occupied with giving Dennis death stares, Professor Edle didn't notice his wife biting her lips. ‚Still, it was my mistake!', Dennis excused himself and left not only Pr. Edle staggered but also his friends who were about to join them. Dennis ignored the several stares and left the field.


Miss Wella was sitting afore the computer on her desk which was placed beneath the window. The sun was strong and bright, the window wide open and permitting the fresh wind to ventilate the room. 'Ah what nice weather!' She tilted her head back and closed her eyes. 'Seems like I won't be enjoying this freedom for that long anymore!' She jerked forward. 'Fuck why is he coming over and I was sure I had erased all my traces. Should I move away, again? But I like this city and there are nice people here' – for a beat an image of Drace popped up in her head – 'shit what are you thinking? I should get some fresh air!' So she stood up and dressed in a long yellow dress stuck to her body. She viewed herself in the mirror. The mirror was built in into the corridor next to her bed. 'Mmh is it too much. Nah, haha!' And she left her house. Out she turned right and walked down the road. Yes, people were glaring at her yet Miss Wella's whole focus was on the nature, the sun, birds flying and the tress swaying in the wind. She inhaled, her bust rising, and let it out in one go. After some time she turned right and there was the Cafe Mayland. 'Yes I should give that a go!' There were chairs and round tables placed outside. One table always had two chairs. And yet Emilia also noticed that at the occupied places always a pair was sitting. Only one sitting-place was free. That place was next to anther table with only one person sitting there. That person wore a black hoody. Emilia took the bare places, sitting on the opposite side of the man with the black hoody. 'What a coincidence', the man in the hoody uttered, removing the hoody from his head. 'Miss Wella are you stalking me?' 'Drace what are you doing here?' 'Mmh I am enjoying my life. We only had sport afterwards so we could leave early and now I am here. However, you didn't answer, are you stalking me? Though I wouldn't mind if it were the case, haha!' 'Damn no, I could never. Stalking you!' She pointed at him. Drace reacted with a slight chuckle as he stood up. 'Don't worry I was about to go', Emilia's expression turned less bright, 'so enjoy yourself. Though, if you want me to stay', he came over to her table and leaned on it, 'you must just say it, Miss Wella!' Emilia inflated her cheeks and gazed away. Drace turned around and left. 'Then have a nice day, Miss Wella! Either way, we'll see each other at the university.' The moment he was out of sight Emilia dropped her head on the table and sighed: 'Why didn't you just say yes girl?'