The husband

A man tall – some would say even a giant – with hair like the mane of a lion and a woman with a curvy body, resembling that of a cat, and eyes like a predator were sitting each on a throne like chair. Before them a man was standing, dressed in a suit. His upper body was bent forward and his hands stretched out along his legs. 'Raise your head!', the man commanded with voice so powerful that even the chandeliers over their heads vibrated. The man obeyed. 'So you found my daughter I hear!' 'Yes!', the man in suit replied. 'It seems like she now goes by Emilia Wella – 'Hahahaah!', the woman couldn't hold back anymore. 'Where does that child take these names from? Well, she has always been the most creative among her siblings. You know what you must do, don't you? You are her husband so act like it and bring us', she rose her hand and balled it to a fist, 'a strong new-born. Hopefully the strongest to ever rule over our clan!' 'Yes mam! I plan to leave in some days!' He turned around and left the room, just then the immense black red gate closed behind him. The woman turned to her husband. 'So babe, do you plan to join his cause?' 'I don't know. It's not like I would lose doing that. And even if we don't join, he'll carry on with his so called mission. More importantly, do you really think he's fit to be her husband?' Humming the woman leaned back, then replied: 'To be honest I doubt. Back then I only picked him because he got along the best with our daughter, but in term of strength he's no match for her! Well, as long he brings us back our daughter I'm fine!' 'Yeah!', the man grunted. 'After that we can still find the fitting partner for Saevea!'


Somewhere in district 2 in a house 

The house gave no light from it. It was enormous in size and all doors were closed, likewise the windows and the jalousie pulled down. Yet someone was walking towards it, a woman dressed with thin and tight clothes. Her face was clad in makeup and her hips were swaying right and left. She halted before the door and knocked twice. The door opened and Dennis stepped out. Miss Edle, you really came!' 'Well', she leaned to the side and revealed her cleavage, 'I won't lie. I was kind of surprised when you tucked your card with address and so into my hand. You always carry something like that with you?' 'Well', Dennis leaned on the door edge. His eyes wandered down and stayed long on Miss Edge's bust. Dennis licked over his lips and went on: 'Normally not. But I am happy I did today. Why are you with that man? I'm sure you realized he can't handle you if you know what I mean!' 'Yeah he can't satisfy me but he ensure my lifestyle so', she shrugged her shoulders, 'why not! The question is', her voice sweetened and she pounced Dennis' chest with her index finger, 'can you satisfy me, big boy?' Dennis simply shifted to the right and pointed to the inner of the home and Miss Edge entered. The inner was big, luxury everywhere the fabric of chairs carpets and other furniture consisted of high materials. Yet, in that luxury the black door at the room's end caught Miss Edle's whole attention. 'That seems mysterious!', Miss Edle noted and pointed at the door. Dennis placed himself behind her and blew wind on her neck. His hands wandered her hips down and stopped at her ass and he replied: 'That's where we will have all the fun. By the way does your husband know what you are doing right now?' 'I told him I am hanging out with some friends. And if he gets suspicious or so, I will just rub the shit on the three blacks in his course. I will figure something out!' 'Wow Wow, you are no fan of black people I see. Well I don't care about the twins but keep the other out. He might fit with us!' Miss Edle turned to Dennis. 'And you, where are your parents?' 'They went to district 1. If we are lucky they get promoted then I am sure I will be able to handle you in any way!' The black door banged open and a half naked woman stormed out. She had bruises all over her body, one eyes was swollen and she was holding something sharp in her hand, covered in blood.