The ugly side

While Miss Edle idly observed the obviously scared woman, Dennis approached her while clapping his hands. 'Wow, wow! I like women with energy like yours!' The woman was about to retreat when she noticed her retreat would take her back to the hell she had just escaped. She decided to distance herself from the door. Her hands had been partly crushed and judging the imprint it must have been done by a man. Yet, the woman's grip remained on her weapon. 'So you like women with energy?', came from behind Dennis and now Miss Edle also took part in whatever that was. 'From where is that woman?' 'District 3!' 'Ah I see!', Miss Edle gave from her and her expression turned to disgust. 'Then she deserves to be treated like the animal she is!' That animal grunted: 'You people from District 2 are the pinnacle of ugliness. You will pay for it!' And as she let out a strong cry, she stormed Dennis. She thrusted her arms forward and Dennis swerved to the side. Yet she didn't dare another attempt and dashed right at Miss Edle. Differently to Dennis Miss Edle ducked when the woman thrusted her weapon at her. Miss Edle caught her by the hips and threw her over her shoulder. When the woman banged on the floor she let go of her weapon which Miss Edle immediately picked up. Dennis swung his arms over Miss Edle's hips and she let him do with his hands whatever he wanted, sliding them down and up over her well-formed ass. She chuckled and bitted her lips. So while these two were enjoying themselves the woman struggled to her legs. One of her shoulders had swollen up due to the clash on the floor. She grunted at them: 'District 2 is really the shit hole everyone said', she coughed blood and fell back on her knees though the others weren't paying her attention and had even started kissing. 'Fuck you two. How dare you call yourself humans. How can you'– Miss Edle used the weapon and slid her throat. Lifeless the woman banged to the floor. Dennis was a little bit taken back by that so Miss Edle had to inquire: 'Was that your favourite toy? Well now I am here! You don't need another one anymore!' She walked towards the room the corpse had fled from and stopped at the entrance sliding down her hands on the side. 'Your friends are waiting down there, aren't they? And we surely don't want to let them wait longer than needed!' She went in and Dennis tailed after her, rejoicing: 'It was the right choice to pick her. I hope you too Drace will be like that! Hahaha…. 

The sun had risen and it took Emilia everything to get off the bed. Well the moment she had done it, she fell back on her back and bounced once on the bed. Then she recalled her behaviour the previous day faced with Drace. She took a pillow and hid her reddened face in it. But not long and she cried into it and then threw it at the wall. 'That bastard. I'm sure he also does that to other women. What a playboy! Huh. I should try to not overreact whenever he pulls his play on me. Ok time to move!' As she was leaving her home she took a look at the clock which hung over the door and her eyes rigged at them for some seconds. 'Fuck, I'm late!' And she dashed out her home. Like a supple cat she fought her way through the crowd towards the university. .... She lastly reached the gate, but they were already closed. 'Fuck what am I going to do now?' 'Jump over them!' someone replied and she turned to the side and nearly fell back due to surprise. 'Drace what are you doing here?' 'I am late, just like you Miss Wella. Unfitting for. Professor wouldn't you say? Well just follow me!' He sprinted at the wall, jumped at it and kicked up. And he was over the wall. Emilia did the same only her landing was a little sloppy compared to Drace though that must not have been the reason he was staring at her like that. 'What do you want now?' 'Nothing I am just surprised at your physical skills. I saw you running through the crowd. They way your wormed yourself past them, supple like a cat evading even the slightest collision and now the jump over the wall', he turned around and started walking, 'you are everything but normal!' 'And you aren't normal yourself!', she defended joining Drace. 'Well I never said I was normal did I?' For the rest of the way Emilia was quiet. They reached the main hall and just in time for the professor was about to give a speech.