The first night

The director was standing on a pedestal and the other professors, among them Pr. Edle, were placed in a line right and left from him, also on a pedestal, however, lower than that of the director. 'So everyone there is something I would like to tell you all. I'm sure some of you wondered why there has always been that patrol. Well, I am sure most of you know what happened in the past. This led to the tight security which will be lifted', he grinned wide as he spread his arms apart, 'starting today!' And the moment the last words had left his mouth the students responded with their loudest cry. Girls hugged each other while boys exchanged fist bums and even the professors couldn't hide their joy, yet in that joyful atmosphere there was but one person who didn't smile. One person who let his eyes fly over the crowd and that person was Drace. He quickly caught the attention of Emily who herself also didn't display any emotion. Emilia lightly bumped Drace. 'Hey what's up, aren't you happy? We can now go out during the evening.' 'Yeah we can. But let me tell you something Miss Wella, if I were you I wouldn't stay long outside. Because it's now that the city will show its ugly side. Till now people did their dirty things at home, in private but now they can meet again and' – 'Wow you are always so negative Drace. Just enjoy your life!' 'And why are you always that positive? Why do you always want to see the good in people? I'm sure you already noticed it yourself. This city, this district; it smells foul!' 'Drace', Emilia turned to him and for the first time since their first meeting Emilia displayed a serious expression which even left Drace staggered for a moment. 'I know that everything isn't perfect and as bright as it always appear to be. I know', she clutched one arm with the other hand, 'that too well. That's exactly why I want to believe that I made the right choice coming here. I am willing to give these people, this city a change and I think you should also do it!' Just then the director had also spoken his last words and the students likewise professors started dispersing and Emilia vanished in the crowd. While everyone was leaving Drace stood there, for a moment lost in his thoughts. However, Emily broke him free from them: 'She will come to understand, though I think somewhere in her heart she already has!' 'What do you want Emily?' Emily gave Drace's broad back a light slap as she walked away. 'I want nothing, only overheard you speaking with Miss Wella and I found your perspective truly interesting! Well we'll see what will happen tonight!' And she too vanished with a grin. While Drace was on his way out of the building he caught Pr. Edle arguing with Michal and Mickal who even though they were being shouted at, kept a calm demeanour. However, for a beat, Drace noticed a faint grin on one of the twin. It wasn't the typical one to mock. No, it was something more sinister.


It had gotten night and compared to the other days, this time it was still loud outside. The patrol had really ceased. Emilia was laying in her bed. She was closed and ready to go outside biz something occupied her: 'Why is he always so negative that Drace? Like ok I also went through some shit but I won't go and spread negative vibes. Ah fuck let's forget about that!' She left her home and went on her way to Cafe Mayland. On her ways she passed an alley, nothing unusual, yet something tore her back to that alley. As if something was calling her she continued her way forward. Her nose twitched and she started smelling something aside the dirt in that valley, something sweet and alluring and she found that something. Before her a man in his mid-thirties had slid open the throat of a woman who was bleeding to death. Despite that scene a bride grin spread on Emilia's face.