Two sides

The woman stared Emilia right into her eyes. Yet, instead of rising her arm and calling out for help, she cringed back. Emila couldn't help but continue smiling. Her heart started beating faster and her breathing also accelerated. She went one step back and covered her mouth. (Emilia: It's happening again! No!) The man for now ignored Emilia and bent down, gazing at the woman and cursed: 'You though I didn't know what you were doing behind my back, bitch?' He slapped her face who had long turned pale. Yet the woman on death's door managed a grin herself and replied: 'You will get your karma, fucking pig. This whole city will!' And she spit at the man and departed from the world with a peaceful expression. But the man didn't let her be and started punching her. He did it so fiercely that blood sprayed everywhere and one drop met Emilia's skin. She immediately lost all feelings in her limbs and dropped to the floor. (Emilia: Fuck, fuck…) The man rose to his legs. He had ceased ignoring Emilia and would now confront her directly: 'You look good', he licked his fat lips, 'but you saw me. So, I'll have to dispose of you but maybe we could have some fun before, hahaha!' And he started approaching her. (Emilia: If I lose control now, everything is over! I will become like her!) Just when the man was about to grab Emilia by her hairs someone leaped over her and kicked the man to the floor. 'I told you, Miss Wella. Don't stay outside too long!' (Emilia: Drace! What is he doing here. He can't see me like this!) 'Miss Wella, everything fine?' But Emilia didn't dare raise her head and kept her crouched position. So, Drace posed on hand on her shoulders and noticed her trembling. At once, his expression of worry switched to that of anger and with one leap he was standing afore the man. 'What did you do to her?' 'I did nothing. I am innocent!', he replied holding onto his broken nose. 'So you are innocent?', Drace replied, and pointed with one arm behind the man. 'So that's not your work there?' 'That bitch deserved it. I asked her out many times but she always rejected me. Does she even know' – With one horizontal kick Drace broke that man's skull. He dropped death to the floor. Like a reflex he went into a crouch and reached towards his pants, when he realized he wasn't alone. 'Drace!' He turned to Emilia. She seemed to have calmed down. Moreover, she had also removed the blood from her. 'You killed him!' 'Yeah, I did and you know he deserved it. He killed a woman and he also tried killing you!' 'Still, you killed him so easily. And your eyes, I have seen them before. The eyes of a killer. Killing is unacceptable!' 'But letting someone die not?' Drace rose up. 'Would you rather have wanted I let him kill you? Fine, next time I shall do that then!' And he passed Emilia yet halted due to her question: 'What if there is no next time? If I report you to the police, then you are done!' 'Yeah indeed!', Drace replied with such a clam voice even himself was staggered by it. And that surprise showed itself in a form of a grin. 'I won't blame you Miss Wella, but know this was just the beginning. We live in a world where the weak ones are devoured by the stronger ones. You chose which side you will belong to!' And with that Drace left the alley.