creeping of the Darkness

In Valinor on the island of Tol Eressëa, Olòrin (Gandalf) was strolling trough the gardens.

By his side was his longtime friend Bilbo.

The old hobbit rested his weary body on a old wooden walking stick.

The years had left their mark on him, as had the burden of the ring.

Now he spent his last months among friends and family.

"You know Gandalf, sometimes I wish I could return one last time."

"As beautiful and peaceful as this island is, it just isn't home."

"I miss my books, my own warm bed and I even miss my collection of cheese."

"Hohoho I thought you wanted one last adventure, before you were too old to do so." Gandalf laughed good-natured.

He was returned to his full might as he returned home, shining white glowing light.

Bilbo gave a sad chuckle.

"I guess I did."

"But I always thought, that I would die at my home in my own bed."

"Nothing ever goes as we plan Bilbo, just enjoy the time you have left with us before you join the halls of Mandos."

"You are right Gandalf I should not long for what I had, but will never have again."

"I have everybody I could ever want around me that is more than enough."

"Now let's get moving you old bones, before second breakfast is all but gone!!"

Gandalf gave a happy laugh, as he saw the old hobbit try and hobble faster towards the gathered group in the distance.

This is what he had struggled so hard for, 2500 years of planning and fighting.

Making sure the darkness would not take over middle earth.

Now he could rest, enjoying the time he has left with his mortal friends.

For he knew their time ran short.

Even 100 years is but a short time for a man as old as him.

He looked towards the sea, where he knew middle earth lay.

His brows were furrowed, he could feel something awakening that should have rested until the last age.

He stood still for a short time, before a beautiful woman gently tapped his shoulder.

Galadriel had walked up to him before whispering into his ears: "Olòrin the high lord's have called upon you'r name, your task is not over yet."

His eyes turned into needle's before he departed with haste.

He would not see his work undone!


A week has passed, and Olòrin was sailing into a storm as he got soaked in sea water.

His face was resolute, his aged face once again in the form of Gandalf.

As he was forbidden from using his full might in middle earth.

There were starteling reports of Darkness growing in Moria.

But it was different from before, they were more organized.

And their weapons and armour were being revolutionarized.

This has not been seen since the first age where Morgoth was still at the helm of Darkness.

So the white wizard would go out once again, he would first arrive at Minas Tirith.

There he would inquire about Moria with his good friend King Aragorn.

And the daughter of his friend, Queen Arwen.

And so he stayed on the ship for another two weeks before arriving at the harbour, close to the white city.

His arrival was unexpected, so no one was awaiting his de boarding.

He made haste to the city as he had always done when darkness grew and crept into middle earth.

He came trough the gates of Minas Tirith, walking upwards towards the palace on top.

As he came closer, he was stopped at the gates where two guards halted his advance.

"Halt this is the personal palace of the king state your business."

"I am Gandalf and I bring grave news, I need to speak to your king."

As Gandalf spoke his name the eyes of the guards widened they recognized that name.

While never meeting the famed wizard in person, his name resounds like thunder.

"Wait a moment I will go and inform the king."

Step step step.

He ran towards the throne room, where Aragorn was having a hearing about his kingdom.

It was a everyday dispute between two merchants.

As he sat on his throne bored but patient,

a guards announced his arrival.

"My king at the gates of the palace, a old wizard claims to be Gandalf."

"He claims to bear grave news."

Aragorn sat up in his throne, his eyes reflecting both worry and anticipation.

"All of you leave now, I need to speak to a old friend."

As a respected and kind ruler, Aragorns subject left the throne room without complaint.

Not long after a aged and wize man came into the room.

His very presence brought attention towards him.

"Gandalf!" Aragorn exclaimed as he got of his throne.

He walked up to him before embracing the old wizard.

"Hohoho it's good to see you too my friend."

Gandalf laughed as he embraced him back.

"But I bring dark news, and I might need your help to put a stop to it."

"News about Moria I expect."

"The Orcs of Moria have been advancing their warfare, as well as kidnapping large population's of dwarfs."

"I even heard of them scouting out the remains of laketown's rüins

Said Aragorn.

"Yes but it is worse than that."

"I have conformation that it might very well be Sauron."

"Several Valar have testified to seeing his escape."

"What do you mean by escape?"

"Has he not been banished from Middle earth."

"Yes he was supposed to be banished to the Void but this did not happen."

"Apparently it had something to do with Aüle, that Sauron was not banished right away."

"But that is not of our concern, what is of our concern is that Sauron has returned."

"This time without the ring, weakend."

"If I can get close enough to his spirit I should be able to banish his soul to the Void."

"He has no Anchor to hold him in Middle earth this time like the one ring."

"I see my friend, you have my sword."

"Minas Tirith stands with you against the darkness."

"I will make sure you have enough time to make it to Sauron."

"We will hold off the hoards of the dark spawn driving our sword into the heart of Moria."

"I never doubted you my friend."

"I will visit our friends in the Lonely Mountain after I leave here, they should want to reclaim Moria as well."

"The elves have already left here so it is up to man to fight the darkness."

"Will you stay the night Gandalf."

Asked Aragorn.

"I would love to Aragorn but time is tight, and the evil forces of Sauron keeps growing stronger every second."

"Alright my friend I will see you off."


Meanwhile at Sauron's evil forces.

Zabel was relaxing in a hot bath, when suddenly she sneezed.

"Someone must be talking behind my back."

"Oroen prepare my warg"

"I will be going out for a hunt."

"Yes commander."

Sounded behind the door where one of Moria's highest management stood as a butler.

The time of peace was slowly ending and war was on the horizon.

Zabel could smell it, chaos was brewing and she was ready to stir the pot.