cleansed by dragon fire

Mairon walked out of the mansion, it was time for him to have some fun.

A grin spread across his face.

He was in a good mood, he had found a Valyrian steel mace in the vault.

His family was already waiting in the arena, and he would not let them wait any longer.

Stretching in his armour he unfolded his black wings.

It made a sound alike a giant predatory bird unfolding it's wings.

Putting on his Iconic helmet, he was ready to bash the skull of the idiot standing against him.

He did not know if they lacked the information that he was a god, or that in their arrogance thought they could best him in a fight.

But neither one matters, he would make them feel the breath of death.

(BOOM) A sonic wave spread from where he took flight.

He could have just teleported to the arena, but he wanted to enter with style.

It was the middle of summer, and the air was filled with dry dust.

Some lone dragons flew past, him but none could match his speed.

Within moments he made it to the arena.

(Boom) He landed in the middle of the arena, creating a giant Crater around him.

As he stood gasps of shock went around the stadium.

This was not what they expected.

A giant of three meters stood in his full height, armoured with living breathing metal.

The seems of the armour glowed dark red like molten magma pumping blood trough the armour.

In his hands was a giant mace made of Valyrian steel.

The emperor who sanctioned this fight gripped his throne.

"Why has no one told me about this abomination."

"What is this?; some dark magic construct."

"No my lord I don't know, at this time high lord's Messenia's paramour should take the field."

"I do not know what kind of game house Dracon is playing."

As they were unsure of the situation, Mairon looked up at the seating.

As his eyes fell upon the lord's, he heard the voice of his daughter over the screams of the public.

"Bash in their skulls daddy!!"

Her voice enhanced with magic overshadowed a whole stadium of cheers.

A awkward silence fell, as everybody turned to look at her.

Mairon took of his helmet, wiping away a tear on the corner of his eye.

"That is my daughter!"

He loudly proclaimed.

The volume made the very structure tremble.

Messenia tried to hide her face, as her daughter and fiance were making fools of themselves.

Vysesa was still exuseable as she was only three but what exuse had Mairon to do this.

But nobody cared about them making a ruckus, what they cared about was how much power was required to make a arena tremble only using your voice.

"I have to say that I am happy I didn't directly went against house Dracon."

"Agreed if we were a bit more greedy we would have to go against that monster."

"I am afraid he is a lot more powerful than a dragon."

Their scheming a constant trough the centuries.

Mairon was immensely proud of his daughter.

Not only did she implement her own use of magic, she was here to support her daddy.

For her he would crush the skull of whomever the idiot challenging him was.

He had a good memory absolute even.

But what use is having that, if you didn't register the name of your opponent was because of disinterest.

So he would simply call him victim.

He did not have to wait long, before a man clad in Valyrian steel made his way in.

He held a two handed sword in his hand.

As he made his way to his opponent, two dragons decended dow.wards.

The both spewed down dragon flames around the two contenders.

This created a circle with a diameter of 25 meters.

If one wanted to surrender and survive.

Or if the had won and wanted to leave, they had to go trough dragon flames.

This was proof of their linage and a show of bravery.

Hence the name rite of fire.

As either you lost, and faced dragon fire or you won and faced dragon fire.

Or you died in the fight.

These were the only options.

The dragons kept circling, spewing flames if the fire went down a bit.

Havarus was ready for this fight.

He walked up to the giant.

As he looked up he stated his thoughts.

"Well if it isn't my 'little ' rival in love."

He said.

"You might be strong but you don't realise how deep the waters run in Valyria."

"You should have stayed out of the game If you can't even read politics."

"Even if you win this little game the last laugh will be mine as you will not leave this arena alive."

"Too many people want you dead."

"The politics here are like the abyss."

"You started too long and now our eyes are on you."


"You are funny mortal."

"I would think you had a problem with your head telling all of your plans."

"But I guess that is just confidence in my death."

"Or rather arrogance."

"And why are you threatening me?; do I look like I will let you walk out of here or survive this fight."

"You will not have the last laugh as you will be dead before your supposed plan can even start."

"Don't be re-"

"Shut it I was not done speaking!"

Mairon's ancient voice filled the air.

"You dare utter the name of the abyss without knowing what it is."

"My former master has been bound there for thousands of years."

"But I never feared it."

"What we should fear is not the dark that shrouds our sins but the light."

"For once father turns his eyes to this dark cisspit of a civilization, the air will spew fire and brimstone."

"So I would not fear the creatures of the dark bound in the abyss but the jugement of the light."

Havarus stood their his eyes shrunken in pins of fear.

The overpowering ancient voice of the being before, him broke down his defences.

He realized this would not be a duel bound in fire.

But a execution in cold blood.