The Grand Library

The Great Library of Vera soars above us, and to my surprise, it is the tallest building in the city. Its walls are constructed with some kind of white marble that gleams under the sunlight.

As we approach, the details of the structure amaze us even more.

"Wow, look at those pillars!" Yumi exclaims, her eyes wide with awe as she gazes at the golden, colossal entrance gate. It is a work of art in itself, intricately designed with mystical symbols and patterns. The fences are sparkly golden as well.

"Is this really a library? It looks more like a palace!" Yumi exclaims.

Indeed, if I don't know this is the library, I would think the same. But why would a mere library be this extravagant? Well, while libraries on Earth might be nothing special, in this world—and in Vera, in particular—the Library is no less than a sacred place. This is because knowledge and access to books and other educational materials are heavily guarded by the nobles and wealthy. According to Sophia, the Library's gate only opens for those of Green Rank or higher. This rule ensures that the general populace remains weak, uneducated, and ignorant of various matters, thus keeping power firmly in the hands of the ruling class.

We show the guards at the gate our identity cards, and they let us through.

As we enter, we are greeted by lush gardens filled with hundreds of different kinds of flowers and trees. There is also a large pond. A cobblestone pathway leads us toward the grand double doors, crafted from rich, dark wood and embellished with golden accents.

"There are twenty-one floors. Yumi and I will only be permitted to enter the first three floors. But with your Crimson Rank, you can go up to the twentieth floor," Sophia instructs.

"Got it," I nod. "But what about the last floor?"

"Well, I don't know. That floor doesn't open for anyone."

As the doors swing open, a cascade of natural light from arched windows envelops us, casting a soft glow over the vast, open expanse of the library. Vaulted ceilings rise above, their frescoes of myth and legend so vivid they almost seem in motion. Our footsteps are hushed by plush red carpets. Towering bookshelves, rich with books and scrolls, line the walls.

And then, a woman strides toward us, elegantly dressed in a tailored navy suit that reminds me of casual office attire. Her large glasses exude a scholarly vibe, and her short, curly, ginger hair adds to her composed, intelligent aura.

"Good morning! Welcome to the Grand Library of Vera. My name is Catherine," she introduces herself with a courteous nod. "May I see your identity cards, please?"

"Of course," I reply, and we present our cards.

Catherine carefully examines the cards, ensuring their authenticity.

After a moment, she addresses Sophia with a respectful tone, "Thank you very much. Mrs. Crowhart, you and your daughter are granted access up to the third floor. And Mr. Crowhart," she turns to me, "with your Crimson Rank, you are permitted to go up to the twentieth floor. Please note that personnel will be checking identity cards at the staircases leading to the higher floors. Kindly present your badge to them for access."

"I see, thank you very much," I reply.

"It's my honor, Mr. Crowhart. Please, enjoy your time in the library, and let me know if you need help with anything."

With that, Catherine steps aside. We now have permission to explore the library within our individual floor limits.

I then walk around first to get myself familiar with the layout of the building and the library system. To my surprise, all the books here are organized using a system similar to Earth. It's the Dewey Decimal Classification (DDC) system, where books are assigned a number based on their subject. The system divides all knowledge into ten main classes: 000–099, general works; 100–199, philosophy and psychology; 200–299, religion; and so on, each of which is then further divided into ten divisions, and each division into ten sections. However, instead of social science being the fourth class, it's magic and enchantment.

Regarding language, the world has a common language called Lorelian. Sophia explains that Lorelian was created by Eldraen, the God of Wisdom, to help nascent races communicate. Infants over five months old begin to speak it, and everyone can read and write in it by age ten. This divine gift fosters understanding and unity across different races and cultures.

Upon arriving here, we too are blessed with the ability to understand Lorelian. That's exactly why we can all understand and speak this native language right away.

Moments later, when Catherine is already out of sight, I turn to Yumi.

"Yumi, can you help me with something while you browse the books?" I ask.

"Yes?" Yumi responds, looking at me with her head tilted and curious eyes.

I then reach into my pocket and produce something unique from Earth.

Upon seeing the object, Yumi's eyes light up.

"Your smartphone!"

"Yup," I reply with a smile. "And here's what I need you to do…"

I then begin explaining my plan. Gathering information will be much quicker with some assistance. Using my smartphone, Yumi can scan the books on the first three floors, and I can upload the data into my system later. This will save me a lot of time. Additionally, I'll be updating the contents on the smartphone with the information I read from the higher floors. This way, both Yumi and Sophia can access more advanced knowledge even without a high Identity Rank. It's a clever way to cheat the system.

Of course, Yumi has her own phone too, but its battery has died and she cannot charge it. Nuclear battery phones are still much more expensive than regular battery phones, and there isn't a significant advantage to using them, so they are rarely manufactured.

"And which books do you want me to scan?" Yumi asks.

"Any book, anything that catches your eye."

"Yes, leave it to me!"

"If you get bored, you can ask Sophia to take you outside for some fresh air or to explore the city. And Sophia, I plan to explore the higher floors and may spend most of the day here. If I don't return by sunset, feel free to go back to the tavern without me."

"Yes, have a great day," Sophia nods.

With that, everyone is briefed. I turn to my main mission.

"Sapphire," I command silently. "Initiate rapid scanning mode."

"Record all the text that comes into view."