Scanning the books

I have so many things to learn, but so little time. My hands are flipping through the pages like a hummingbird's wings in flight. With Sapphire's help, I can scan thousands of pages within minutes, the newfound wisdom pouring into my head like Niagara Falls. And not only that, the AI also processes all the knowledge in real-time as I scan, transferring and storing them within its near limitless database. If I want to access any information in the future, I can do that with just a single thought command.

Yet, there is still a limit to how fast I can learn things. Theoretically, there is no limit in Sapphire's scanning speed, but the real limitation is how quickly I can flip through the pages. I prioritize books that I deem essential for now. Most of the advanced ones are held on the top floors, but I can't just skip to them. Like building a house, learning has to begin with the most basics. Step by step, I begin with the simpler books on the lower floors and slowly work my way up. It's like going through school all over again, but at super speed, from high school level up to PhD in just minutes.

And just like that, Mathematics; History; Geography; Magic theory; Alchemy; Law; Philosophy; Demonology… I become an expert in all those subjects in no time. Before I know it, half of the day has gone by. Outside the window, the moon now hangs high in the sky.

But there are still two things that I haven't accomplished during this trip to the library.

First, I wanted to find information about Anna. I didn't expect much to begin with, but am still heavily disappointed. I couldn't find anything at all, and as I delved deeper into the matter, it felt really strange. If we are regarded as heroes destined to kill the Demon God and save people, shouldn't there be at least some information about us? However, I couldn't even find a list of summoned people from recent years, nor do any of the historical books mention them. It's as if someone has deliberately wanted to keep everything a secret.

There were a lot of nobles and other high-profile individuals presented in our summoning celebration ceremony. But what about the common folks? The lower class citizens of this country?

Do the common people here even know about summoned heroes? I wonder.

But that aside, the second matter is something totally unexpected.

I thought with Sapphire's help, I would be able to learn and master literally everything easily. In fact, I have never failed at anything academically. But it turns out, there is one particular subject here that I just can't grasp, and unfortunately, it happens to be the one I want to learn the most: The Enchantment Art.

As the name suggests, this is the method of making enchanted items by modifying an object's properties using a specific type of magical writing. For example, one could make a sword shoot fireballs by giving it the 'fireball' enchantment; or make a knife sharper by enchanting it with 'sharpness'. It sounds simple enough, yet, the real problem is…I can't read the enchantment blueprints at all! Not because they are too complicated or anything like that.

I simply can't see them. All the blueprints I hold in my hand are just blank pieces of paper to my eyes.

And that's because I don't possess a specific talent required to see them, called Enchantment Sight.

This special talent is a blessing that only a very small percentage of people in the world receive from birth. If the books are correct, then the odds are one in tens of thousands. Thus, only a few people born with that blessing can see the Enchantment writings and become Enchanters. In some kingdoms, there are even laws stating that if a person happens to have that skill, they will immediately be given nobility regardless of their background.

This is because, unlike Lorelian, the universal language of this world, Enchantments use Arcanum, the language of the Gods. It can only be written with a special kind of ink, which is only perceived by chosen individuals with that unique skill.

However, I can't give up just yet. I then spend a few extra hours searching for a way to bypass that limitation. What if there is a way for me to acquire that blessing? What if there is some alternative method to see Arcanum?

Thus, I search again and again, flipping through countless books on enchantment, investigating the blueprints, even extending my search beyond the subject area.

But still… I can't find anything.

And then, just when I think it's all over, that there is no way I could learn Enchantment Art… a person approaches me.

"Ermm… Mister, are you perhaps trying to learn this enchantment?" a girl's voice reaches my ears.

She is right next to me at that moment, but because I have been so absorbed in my research, I failed to notice her.