Year 2140.

Not a day went by without hearing the sounds of explosions. War after war, death after death, the cycle repeats every day. After a battle ends, a new one occurred. It's a cycle of a never-ending hell. All due to the lust of power and greed by two races. Humans and Mutants. One fought for freedom, while the other fought for the lust of power and destruction. This battle has been going on for centuries. A never-ending battle, a world with every day deaths.

"Anna, we need to get you out of here!"

"No, it's my duty to stay here Rez!"

After centuries of suffering, the battle known as "The Battle of Anthropoid" finally ended. All thanks to a country named "Liberadity" who sought freedom to the world. They led an army full of Humans, and Mutants who seek peace with each other. Those mutants are called "Deviants" who possesses the ability to control elemental energy except Thunder as it represents hatred and vengeance between mutants. By circulating the energy to a certain custom-built weapon, they can freely control the elemental they possess and use them in war as they please.

Surprisingly, the one who managed to end the war was not Humans nor Deviants, it was one of the deadly species of mutants, named "Tarviants". Having to own the somewhat thunder elemental, she was believed to be one of the royal families who rule the islands owned by the Tarviants. Thanks to her, the suffering ended and peace was brought not only to the country but to the whole world.

He went silent. As much as he wants to get her to safety, he admits that they are currently at a disadvantage in this war and the only one who can turn the tide, is her. He clenched his fists, frustrated with the current situation. Once again, he gave her a strong gaze as their eyes met. The looks on her face is clearly telling him to let her stay here.

Anna Masako, a high rank Paladin in Liberadity. Paladins are groups of knights or soldiers that includes both Humans and Deviants as their members. Most of them however are Deviants, since the unit was specifically made to gather and study them. They were given permission by the current Deviant World Leaders (DWL).

With a heavy heart, he admits defeat to her stubbornness. Immediately, he calls his personal unit to accompany her and her squad to ensure her safety. A few soldiers then approached them. Anna carved a smile. She walks towards Rez.

"I'm sorry for making you do this. It's hard for me too. But-"

"You have to come back alive Anna." He cuts her off.

"... "

She hesitated. Not because of his words, but the realization of leaving someone behind, and she knows who he's referring to.

Softly, she released a sigh.

"If worse comes to worse, please do me a favor." She gave him a relaxed look.

His eyes widened like he saw a ghost. Shivers ran through his spine. Knowing what she's about to ask, he quickly turns around. His courage suddenly went from a hundred to zero.

Realizing his expression, she immediately holds his shirt softly. The atmosphere turned quite awkward. As the two of them were never seen like that before, either in private, public, or on the battlefield. Rez and Anna became silent. The tension between those two over the years still hasn't left them, to which only they knew what kind of tension it was.


A sudden explosion was heard from the distance. Immediately, the two went back to standby formation. Troops that were near them came closer, forming a shield protecting Anna from any debris getting on her.

Rez turns his head to the right, his expression went pale. He swiftly unsheathes his sword that was placed to his left. The sword was made from a strong but light metal. Able to cut down a whole tree with just one swing, the durability and strength of the sword is second to none. Its grip was made out of special type of wood that can only be found in a deserted Island near enemy territory, lives were sacrificed just to get this material. Covered with special material fiber, the grip is as comfortably as it gets to the sword wielder.

Slowly he unbuttons his coat. The coat was given to every special member in the army. Representing freedom and peace, the emblem on the back displays a half circle and half wings. It shows that Liberadity is focused on keeping the world peaceful in the future. Getting blown away by the wind, the coat ended up in Anna's arms.

"Anna, I'll be off. Remember our promise, return back alive." He said as he quickly ran towards the explosion, giving aid to those who were affected by the recent incident.

Only replying with a thin smile, she then ordered the soldiers to support the wounded, as their main objective currently is to keep the casualty level as low as possible. While they're busy doing so, Anna walked up front to take a look at the current situation in the battlefield. Her face expression was tightened.

"Grandmother, as you stopped the war years ago... As the current head of the Masako Family, I'll do the same." She unsheathes her weapon, or specifically, a Japanese Katana.

On the katana's blade, there was a carving located right in the middle.

"Strong will is not everything, but faith is."

She stared at the written phrase for a while. A thin smile was carved on her face. Anna looked up, facing the hellish battlefield filled with corpses, broken weapons and blood. It's normal to be scared at such situation. However, she stood her ground and she felt a sense of pride that tells her to get in there and finish what she should've a long time ago.

"Damn it, there's no ending to them. Huh?" Rez complaint as he noticed a familiar face in the distance. He was stunned.

Slowly walking through the middle of the battlefield, she held her katana on her right hand and on the left she's holding the scarf that was used to cover her neck from the windy breeze. Out of nowhere, step was closing in right in front of her, she stopped. Carefully, she cocks her head upwards, facing the enemy face to face.

A man, wearing a robe with sword wrapped behind his waist. His arms are wrapped with bandages, whilst his other body part was covered with the damaged cloak he's wearing. He wears some sort of a hat that's used commonly by travelers traveling across the world. The hat itself was damaged, most likely happened from his journey here.

Both of them stopped, in the middle of the blazing battlefield filled with soldiers fighting the Tarviants. Blood splattered around them, though they didn't even move an inch. The man looks to his left and right, surveying the location. He smiles, the man then opens his arms as wide as he can.

"Hey Anna. It's been a while, hasn't it?"

"... I'm not interested in greetings."

He chuckled, as if he knew she'd answer it like that. Suddenly, in a blink of an eye his face expression changed. The aura around him became even darker, she feared if she has stepped on a landmine. Slowly, Anna raised her sword up, levelling it even with her eyes. The tip is right in front of the man's face.

Out of nowhere, her katana was reflected away. This made her jumped a few steps back. Her eyes twitched to what she's seeing. The chuckled he gave made the atmosphere even more dense.

Holding his sword on his right hand, his grip tightens.

Stunned by his reaction, she went back and picked up her sword. Carefully she rubs her wrist which was a bit sprained by the reflect earlier. Anna then looked at the man. He's standing there, not doing anything... she thought to herself.

"Anna, your sword skills are weaker than before. To think that you were the one who taught me how to use a sword."

"... You've changed. You even got an alias now."

"I'm the same as ever, oh dear Commander."

They're gaze collided. Her expression is showing the conflict she's battling in her head. No one knows about it, only Rez and herself does. He scoffed, slowly walking towards her with his sword dragged around. Anna walked a few steps back, before getting back in her fighting stance.

Wind blows, the two are finally left alone in the battlefield. Only the sound of wind accompanying them, without even a single voice heard from any direction. He then stands on his two feet, introducing a fighting stance that was once taught by someone dear to him, his master, his senior, his friend.

An electric tingle flows through her hands. It then gets transferred to her katana, surrounding it with an electrify energy. A blazing thunder then surrounds where she's standing, it formed an unstable circle. The amount of tremendous energy can be felt from miles away. The man smirks, he puts his sword on top of his shoulder.

The two glanced at each other. In an instant, the two dash, clashing swords towards each other. Fire sparks from where they are, constantly changing place while in the middle of battle. Small rocks came around flying due to the intense battle between the two people. Anna then landed somewhere far enough to give her a breather.

"You've improved, I'm impressed."

"Thanks, you taught me after all."

She then locks her eyes towards her katana. Holding the grip tightly, she went from a standing to a half stand stance with her left leg slightly to the back and the right leg kneeling a bit forward. From her hands, the electric energy then channels through her katana. Making it heavier than before.

Noticing what she's about to do, he braces himself by using his sword to block the impact.

As lightning flashes before the sound, she slips through the man with ease, giving an extraordinary explosion from where she stands towards her enemy. He even flinched for a few seconds before successfully evade her attacks.

Running out of air, she took a deep long breath. She then continues going back to her standby stance while glaring at him. Her arms are trembling, since she hasn't used that much force for some time.

The man walks closer, he carved a thin smile.

"Anna, let's get this over with. I don't want you to suffer..." he said with a sense of sincerity.

Slowly she picks up her katana once more. Immediately she dashes, attempting to slice the man with full force. Easily, he blocks it and sends the katana flying to the opposite side of the battlefield. This leaves Anna open without anything to protect herself.

The man sighs, he walked towards her with a pale expression.

In the distance, Rez is walking towards the clashes between them. Quickly he unsheathes his sword, attempting to give her the aid she needs.

After struggling trying to defend herself with only bare hands for quite a while, she manages to acquire her katana once again and immediately blocks the surprised attack that was coming from behind. As soon as she turns to activate her elemental energy, she felt something went deep through her stomach.

Rez's eyes widened from shocked. He then moves his mouth.


"Ergh... ugh..."

Blood comes spitting out through her mouth. Her eyes then stopped at the man's eyes. Despite the piercing blade in her stomach, she smiled.

"You... finally beat me... Oda." She said as she fell to the ground.

His eyes twitched, hesitated for a few seconds. As he felt the raging aura coming from somewhere around him, he immediately take a look around. His face expression became frightened.

An angry Rez, dashes quickly towards the man. Not able to react fast enough, he was right in his cutting range.

