A Truth to be Told

Year 2148.

 Sounds of footsteps fill the whole area. People are swarming through the capital of the city of Paris, where a market is located. Fresh fruits, vegetables, and other goods such as used clothes, used furniture, and so on. Most of the time, the market would be filled with seasonal fruits as it's currently their hot-selling item in the capital. Children would often come here to either play or listen to a street singer singing next to the busy road.

Capital City of Palcris, Liberadity.

 Upon agreeing on the truce between humans and Deviants a hundred years ago, Liberadity had decided to build a capital city, that was fitting for both humans and Deviants alike. Not separated by race, this country is well respected for its sincerity and generosity in accepting foreign visitors to live in such a country. The city of Palcris also has an academy to which they'll train the finest knights amongst humans and Deviants. The Paladin Academy. Most of them are Deviants, however some of them are also humans who were assigned there.

"Thank you for the Apples, sir!" She said with a smile.

"You're very much welcome miss." The store owner replied.

 She then turns to her left, only to see the two boys sitting near the fountain, slacking off as they have a conversation between them. Slowly she pouts as she walks towards them, catching their attention.

 Noticing her closing in, the two stood up, frozen in place. The nervous feeling of making her mad is the last thing they're hoping to do. Whenever they slacked off, they'd either be yelled at by her or their senior. One of the boys turns to his right, cocking his head, asking what they should do. His friend shook his head, not knowing how to answer the question. As they were communicating with each other using signals, they felt an intense gaze staring at them.

 Looking down to the ground slowly, they were ready to be yelled at by their friend. Suddenly, their mouth was shoved with an apple that was small enough to enter the whole mouth. Both took a few steps back, surprised by her actions.

 The girl laughs as tears of joy come flowing through her eyes. Holding her stomach to keep the laughter in so she won't cause too much of a ruckus. The two boys then took out the apple from their mouths, one of them started to bite it as he thought it'll be a waste to just throw it away.

"Ann... please don't just shove them into our mouths..." Arashi said as he continued to sit down at a seat near the fountain.

"Yeah, who knows, you could've broken our jaw." Continued Kazuya while biting the apple he was holding.

"Hehe, apologize. I just couldn't help myself." She replied with a grin.

Arashi Aoi

-A young orphan who was adopted by a friend of his late mother. The man appears to be the strongest Edifier in the world, with being the youngest to reach the Commanding Edifier at the age of mid-30s.

Ann Shiro

-Daughter of the current grand duke of Palcris, Sir Shiro. Constantly attending royal family parties and official meetings on behalf of his father, she's currently the next in line to the throne for Liberadity's Queen title.

Kazuya Kenji

-A fearless boy with a heart of gold. Son of the head doctor of Liberadity, he was taught medicine by his father when he was young and intends to use the skill he learned in the mid of the battlefield. His father, Doctor Kenji was given the title "Head Doctor" after he managed to save the country from a deadly plague a few years ago.

 Ann then proceeds to sit next to Arashi with Kazuya following her from behind. The three had a conversation regarding their next step in life as they are now already 12 years old and will be turning 13. They are hoping to apply for the Royal Knight Academy known as "Edifier". Different from the Paladins who are constantly thrown on the hellish battlefield, Edifiers are sworn protectors to the throne and often work around the capital city of Liberadity which is Palcris.

 The authority in Liberadity is simple, first follows the main royal family (Current King or Queen), then comes next in line to the throne which is the duke's family member as they are treated as a royal family as well. Then comes the court of Liberadity that's placed in Palcris. Those are for political standards.

 As for war and battle circumstances, the unit with the highest command is the duke's family, Edifier and Paladin. This means, in battle, Paladins will be leading the charge while Edifiers will be commanding their route and strategy including any hotspots and potential enemy ambush.

 Kazuya stared at the blue sky as he munched down the apple. His legs are crossed to one another. Arashi then took a glance at Kazuya and Ann. He carved a thin smile. The boy stood up, standing in front of his seat, he clenched his right fist.

"We'll be able to apply for the Edifier Army in just a few days. I'm hoping to be able to join the same unit as you two, it'll be an adventure. Don't you think?" He said with a smile.

 The two friends looked at each other. They then proceed to smile.

"Of course, I'm so ready to be on top of our class. Hehe!" Ann replied as she showed off her muscles.

"I agree, the more the merrier they say. It'll be amazing to be in the same unit. We can then rise to become the Elite III, the second highest-ranking Edifier Unit in the whole country." Kazuya stood up.

 They then heard footsteps closing in on them. The three turns to their right. Their faces brighten up with sparkles lit up in their eyes.

 Turns out, it was Rez who was currently walking towards them while waving his right hand in the air to catch their attention. He's currently wearing his formal Edifier uniform. The buttons on his collar indicate the ranks he's in, which is currently the Commanding Edifier, which is the highest rank, even higher than the Elite III.

 Arashi was personally adopted by Rez right after his mother died. Since he was young, he was given lessons regarding sword skills by Rez, who was currently a captain. Time passed, then Kazuya and Ann joined him in Rez's training. It is usually hosted in the place he's living in since it has a backyard that's big enough for them to train in.

 Ann runs slowly towards the man. They refer to him as "Sir Rez" since he's older and their teacher at the same time. Kazuya calls him that as well. However, Arashi calls him "Uncle Rez" since he was raised by him and it's the most comfortable way of calling him than "Sir" which to him is too formal.

"Sir Rez! What are you doing here, shouldn't you be at the Academy?" she asked as she offered an apple to him.

 The man smiles, and he gracefully accepts the apple.

"I was there a few moments ago. Already wrap things up, I'm just taking a stroll right now." He munches the apple.

 Arashi and Kazuya only gave the two of them a look. Kazuya carved a thin smile while his friend made a dull face. Always giving her attention to this guy... He thought to himself. The boy then proceeds to throw the leftover apple into the trash bin, followed by Kazuya who does the same. Noticing his reaction, Rez smirked.

"Oh, Arashi. Are you jealous that I'm taking your 'Potential Wife' away from you?"

"W- WHATEVER DO YOU MEAN UNCLE?" He replied instantly as his face became flustered.

 Kazuya, who was standing next to him chuckled, while Ann on the other hand became a bit shy as she used both of her hands to hide her flustered face.


A thud was heard. It was Rez who slapped Arashi's head with his bare hands.

"It's SIR to you, young man."

"Oh, come on!"

 Laughter fills the area as both Kazuya and Ann laughed at the scene. Those two, even though always bicker every time they see each other, the respect they both hold towards one another are so high, even Anna and Kazuya can't be compared.

 After finishing their business at the market, Rez brought the three of them shopping for personal weapons since they'll be applying for the Edifier Academy in a few days. The requirement was that cadet's weapons are to be prepared by themselves while other necessities such as clothes, foods, shelter and educations are all prepared by the academy. Luckily, since Rez is currently the Commanding Edifier, everywhere he goes he'll get a discount, since Edifier are usually given those around Liberadity, especially Palcris.

 Store by store, they visited each one that exists in the whole City of Palcris. None of them catches their eyes. Finally, they reached a store that's close to the main outer gate of Palcris. The door was opened by Rez.

 Stepping in, they instantly fell something calling them. Usually, this means that the weapon that they're looking for are in the area. Ann steps in closer to the sword rack, accompanied by Kazuya from behind. Their eyes were captured by the steel sword.

 To their left, was a sword made by fine steel, included with a soft yet tight grip that was made from leather. The design is slightly thin, but it feels heavy when picked up. On the right, was a sword made by a rare metal, the tip is quite unique as It's a bit curvy than most swords. The grip was made from an expensive fabric which helps tighten one's grip when using.

 Rez chuckled as he saw their eyes with awe. He the proceeds to walk towards the wooden counter, meeting the receptionist. The man stared back at the two kids.

"Both of you seems to be fond of them. Shall I buy it?" He smiled.

 Their eyes sparkled with joy. Instantly they nodded, agreeing to his offer. Arashi on the other hand, still feel something's missing. He doesn't react to any of the weapons there. No matter how hard he looked around, the spark doesn't light up whenever he sees the weapon in the store.

 The two swords then reached the counter. The cashier chimes. On the narrow screen, it's showing the amount you must pay. Rez's face became pale in an instant. It seems that even with a special discount, the price of the swords is just outrageous. He sighed. His hand then reaches his pocket, which then a leather pouch full of gold was taken out.

"For two... even with a discount, costs fourteen golds huh..." he paid hesitantly while the two kids behind them smiles.

The price was originally twenty golds.

 Seeing his friends happily chose their weapon, Arashi sighs. He then pushes the door and steps outside, inhaling the fresh air. He crosses his arms as he stares at the blue sky, filled with flock of birds flying and the white clouds decorating the scenery. The doorbell chimes, he looked behind him. They finished buying their weapons, with Rez putting the leather pouch in his left pocket.

 Noticing the looks on his student's face, he walks towards him.

"Arashi, what's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing. Just seeing them able to decide what weapon they'll be getting, made me feel a bit jealous. I didn't even feel a calling to every store we went to." He mumbles politely to his caretaker.

 The man smiled. He ruffles his student's hair softly as he continues to pat it slowly. Since young, Rez has always love to ruffle Arashi's hair. He once asked the reason why, and he said it remind him of a small puppy. Which, even Arashi was weirded out by it.

 Ann and Kazuya are holding their weapons. As suggested by Rez, the two also bought their own scabbard. Each with different designs and materials, that suits best with the owner and the weapon in hand. Not to mention, they also bought belts specifically to hold their swords on the waist. It is customizable, meaning you can place it at your left, right or your back.

 The sun is finally on its way setting down to the ground. As they are walking home, accompanied by Rez, the three of them are having a small conversation between them. Rez, looking at them gives him a nostalgia feeling of when he was the same age as them. He grins.

 Ann's mansion is only a few blocks away from Arashi's house, which where he is staying with Rez. While Kazuya's house is located near the Edifier Academy, which is in the opposite direction from where they're heading. Noticing the time, he stops. He tells them that he'll be stopping here and will be going the other direction. Anna and Arashi nods, while Rez offered to accompany him since he doesn't have the guts to leave a young boy walking home alone.

"I see you next time. Good night!" Kazuya yells softly as he waves towards the two friends.

 They shouted, "Good night!" as a reply while waving back with a smile on their face. Ann and Arashi then continues their walk to her house. He was told by Rez that he'll be home quite late, so he'll have to stay at her place for the time being. Hearing this, Arashi got a bit shy. Though there's nothing he can do about it.

 Arriving at the front gate, Arashi fix himself so that he'll look proper and clean. Ann looks at him with a confuse look. She then grabs his right sleeve. The boy looks at her awkwardly.

"What are you doing? Usually, you don't get this shy when you're visiting." She said with a soft tone.

"Uh, well it's been ages since I last visit right...? So, I might as well make myself look proper..." He mumbles as he faces down, embarrassed by the situation.

 The 12 years old girl chuckles. He's always so mysterious and unpredictable in so many ways... She thought to herself. Slowly she leans towards him. He became stiff. Ann grins. She looks at his collar, immediately fixes it as they were upside down.

 After she finishes with his collar, he took a step back. His hands then continues wiping off the dusts that was at his pants. While doing so, Ann just stares at him calmly, observing him for whatever reason. This just makes him even more shy.

 As he finishes everything that he intends to fix, he stands right in front of the mansion's main gate. His body is trembling as his nervousness are building up. Noticing her friend's being all stiff and nervous, she took his hand gently.

 Her face then makes a prankster look.

"Come on, don't be shy, Rikkun~"

"Uh, please stop with the teasing. Why are you still calling me that?"

 Right as the two was about to tease each other, the main gate opens slowly. Both Ann and Arashi took a few steps back, avoiding getting hit by the gate. There appears to be a man standing on the other side of the gate.

 He's dressed neatly, with a full set of formal wear. A tie, blazer and even a monocle on his right eye. He is equipped with white gloves. The white hair's getting blown softly by the breezy wind on such a lovely evening. Ann then smiles towards him.

 The man bows as he introduces himself. His name was Luke, head butler for the Shiro family, which they are considered royalty. Since Ann was little, Luke has been taking care of her. From education, etiquettes, discipline and the Shiro family works. This includes formal meetings and paper works that's usually done by the next heir of the throne. Which in this case, is Ann.

 Nervously, Arashi replies by bowing lightly towards Luke. Noticing his reaction, the man smiled. Politely he asks Arashi to lift his head, as he is a guest here in the estate. The mansion's main door opens slowly, a man who's in his 40's stepped out of the building, with a stick supporting his body.

 Ann's eyes brightens as she walked slowly towards him, giving a warm hug to the man.

"Father, I'm home!"

"Ann, welcome home."

 He peeked behind her, seeing Arashi standing nervously but doing his best to keep his composure, the man smiled. He then waved his hand, telling the boy to come closer. Slowly, he steps towards the man.

"Arashi, how have you been? The last time you visit was two years ago. I hope you still remember me."

"O- Of course I remember you Mr. Shiro! I- I mean, grand duke Shiro." He stuttered.

"Haha, no need to be formal with me. Just call me as you did before when you two were kids. Now, now, let's go inside since it's cold out here. I've already had dinner ready just for the two of you." The man points his right thumb inside the building.

 They all then went inside. Arashi was then given a seat, which was placed face to face towards Ann. He was sitting to the duke's left side, and Ann on the right side. Luke was standing a few steps back from the dinner table, with three other butlers surrounding the dining area so they can be of assistance when needed.

 Duke's personal maids then came from the kitchen with their foods and drinks. They were carefully placed in front of them, this includes cutleries for them to use. A fresh apple juice was poured down into Ann's glass cup, while Arashi's was filled with orange juice. The duke's however, only asked to be serve plain water as he is taking care of his health and was personally recommended by the family's doctor.

 As they fill their empty stomachs, the duke had a conversation with them regarding the past of how Arashi used to visit the Shiro household all the time when he was still a child. The girl laughs while he got a bit shy, though he admits in his heart that it has been a long time since they have this kind of conversation.

 The night reaches, Luke is currently bringing Arashi to the main guest room, which where he'll be staying at. The room is located not far from Ann's and the duke's room. It is located on the second floor of the mansion and placed on the left side of the building. As they reached the room, the doorknob was turned by Luke, he then stands in the middle of the entry way. Politely, he bows lightly.

"As you are an acquaintance with the grand duke and his family, a room was prepared specifically for you here in this mansion. I hope it is to your liking, I personally welcome you on behalf of the grand duke." He smiles.

"I... thank you. That is so kind of you all. Please send my thanks to the grand duke. I'll accept it with an open heart." Arashi replies as he cocks his head downwards slowly.

 Luke nods his head. He then leaves the room, leaving an envelope behind on the table next to his bed. Noticing it, the boy picks up the mysterious envelope and proceeds to sit on the bed.

 Holding the envelope on his hand, he opens the cover, to his surprise it was a letter. A letter from Ann.

Dear Rikkun,

Hehe, why am I writing a letter? Figure that out yourself. I'm just happy you didn't feel uncomfortable coming here after two years of you leaving due to personal matters. And... I wanted to say thank you for staying friends and keep contacting me even when you were away for a while. It makes me happy. I'm glad both you and Kazuya befriended me on that rainy day.

Enough with the gloomy talk, hehe. Let's go and rise to the top and reach the title Elite III together with Kazuya and be the best in the academy!

Your Friend,

Ann Shiro.

 The grin on his face is showing. A chuckle was heard coming from him. Arashi stands up and steps towards the window. The bright moon is reflecting its light towards his room. The beam can be seen going through, even though the room is not too dark, but it's not too bright either.

 He opens the window door, which where a patio was built. It's filled with outdoor furniture such as a set of rest chair and a round table right in the middle of the patio. A windy breeze flew through the area, Arashi's hair was waving due to the wind. He smiles as he enjoys the calm and peaceful night on the patio.

It didn't last long however, as the main room's door was knocked suddenly. With a confused look, the boy slowly walks towards the door. Right as he was about to speak, a voice was heard.

"It's me, Ann. May I come in? It's freezing out here."

"What's the big idea visiting in this hour?" He replies as he turns the doorknob.

 Carefully, the girl tiptoes as she enters the room, so she won't cause unnecessary noise. Arashi left a soft sigh. He follows her as they walked towards the used patio. Ann then seats at one of the rest chairs, while the boy leans to the stone fence.

 Not a single word was spoken. Only the sounds of the wind passing by the silent atmosphere. The silence was broken by a voice.

"Hey, Rikkun."

"Didn't I told you not to call me that?"

She chuckles.

"Let's do our best in the academy."

"... That's a given."

 Before the day gets dark, Rez made sure to drop Kazuya at his house. It's located near the academy that they're hoping to apply for. As they're a few blocks away to reach Kazuya's house, the man stopped. Confused, the boy looks at him. Rez was just standing there, frozen stiff with a serious look on his face.

 His eyes are then locked towards Kazuya. The intense gaze made the boy get on his feet. The chills went down his spine, as if something's about to happened. Or rather, something's about to be said. Trying to keep his composure, he slides his hands to the pockets, as he slowly steps towards the man.

 Standing a few feet apart, the gaze between the two of them are on each other's faces. Not wasting any time, Rez spoke.

"Kazuya... you know his true identity, don't you?"

 His eyes twitched. The expression on his face became a little pale.

"I thought so. I wonder, why haven't you told the officers about this?"


 Not knowing how to answer, the boy cocks his head upwards. He scratches the back of his head that's not even itchy. The atmosphere became a bit overwhelming for him.

"Kazuya, lend me your hand!"

 His eyes widened. As if he finally remembers something important. In an instant, he replies.

"He was the one who brought me out of my cage."

"... That's good then."

 Confused once again, he swings his head to the right. Still wondering what game this man is playing. Slowly, Rez steps towards him. He felt a something on his head. It was Rez ruffling his white hair, with a smile carved on his face. A smile of relieved and guilt. Not once, did he ever show those feelings to them, and Kazuya is the first one to see this.

 After doing so, the man turns back to the other direction. He leaves a big sigh, even Kazuya can hear it. His face turns, only the side of face is visible. Words coming out from his mouth. The boy was stunned.

"Make sure to protect those two. Arashi and Ann. Now that you know their identitiy, I'll leave it to you..."

Rez turns, facing towards the boy that he helped raised since a child. A smile can be seen from his face.

