Shattered Heart

 The day to apply for the Royal Academy has finally arrive. As the Commanding Edifier, Rez was told to give a speech amongst the crowd, to explain what Edifiers do, what the rookies will learn in the academy, and what's the benefit for them when they join. Standing at the lectern, next to him, was the Vice Commanding Edifier, Nicole Kolya. A thirty-four-year-old woman, one year older than Rez. She was his senior back when they were still students in the academy.

 Central Park, the largest park in Liberadity, located in the city of Palcris, is where the event is being held. As they usually hold the event or entrance ceremony at the academy, this year they decided to change the location due to the huge list of applicants.

 Surrounding the whole park, were the current Edifiers who have been serving the country and the king for almost five years. In the middle, were the applicants with their family members, attending the ceremony to witness this historical moment, raising new generations of Edifiers.

 Kazuya, who is quite tall for a thirteen-year-old boy, is currently standing next to his father, Doctor Kenji. While Ann on the other hand, was told to take a seat by Luke, the head butler for the Shiro family. Both are standing right in front of the stage, where Rez and Nicole are standing.

 Arashi, however, stands alone, not too far from his two friends. He doesn't mind the loneliness, since he knows that he won't feel that way anymore once the three of them gets accepted to enter the academy.


 The crowd slowly became quiet, giving space so the speech can be heard.

"My name is Rez Olezka, the current Commanding Edifier here in Palcris. Next to me, is the Vice Commanding Edifier, Nicole Kolya, a partner, and my senior. Please to make your acquaintance. On behalf of the whole academy and the Edifiers, I would like to welcome you rookies, to the academy."

 As soon as he stopped, the whole crowd starter to clap their hands. Admired and moved by the man's speech. Some even gave a whistle to show their full support. Nicole then moves her hands up and down, telling the crowd to calm down so Rez can continue his speech.

"I thank you all for your full support over the years. I'm glad. As the Commanding Edifier, it is my job to make sure everything goes well in this event, both for your safety and entertainment, along with the rookie's entrance ceremony. My partner, Nicole, will be giving you all a quick brief regarding the role of our academy's students, and what they'll learn."

 The man steps to the right, giving space so that Nicole can move over to the lectern. In an instant, she's already in her place and the speech paper already on the wooden top.

"Good morning, everyone. My name is Nicole Kolya, the current Vice Commanding Edifier. I'll cut to the chase. The rookies will first of learn to wield the weapon of choice. Of course, if you already have a weapon of your own, you are free to bring it to the academy. For those who don't, however, will be able to select those weapons in the academy's infirmary store. It is handled by the academy's Elite III members."

Elite III.

-A three men team with one captain, consist of the academy's top three strongest students. Their authority at the academy is second to the Commanding Edifier. Meaning their orders are that important. They are basically high officers here in the academy.

 "The students will be divided by two, humans and deviants. However, in dorms, each of them will have a pair of both deviants and humans in each room. This is so there won't be any race related issues and to keep each other's safe. As to what you will learn, is first the history on how the Edifiers were created, along with the Paladins. Other than that, training sessions for both elemental and weapons will be held three times a week, to make sure that none of you get too rusty, until you suddenly forget how to wield a weapon."

 Some of the crowd sigh, some nods. It just shows the different reactions and outcome by them, making some of them even questions their method. Though, none of them were too brave to give their opinion.

 Rez, who was standing next to her, peeked in the crowd, as if he's looking for someone. That someone, was Arashi, who is sitting alone not far behind Kazuya and Ann. His fingers were fidgeting, feeling quite awkward attending the ceremony without anyone besides him, or specifically, a family member.

 Noticing the situation, Rez leans into Nicole's ear.

"I'll be right back."

"Hey- What?" Her words were cut off as soon as Rez ran off, leaving her on the stage with a few bodyguards.

 As the weird feeling swallows him up, Arashi stands. He decided to leave the entry ceremony until the applicant's names are called. Right as he was about to step outside the park, a hand touched his shoulder. The boy looked back. He grins.

 It was Rez, while wearing the official Commanding Edifier uniform, with his sword inside the scabbard that's hung on his waist. Not only that, but he's also currently wearing the official cloak for high command officers, this counts from politicians, royalty and Commanding Edifier.

"Hey, where do you think you're going without a word?" Rez said as he carved a smile on his face.

 Silently, Arashi cocks his head upwards, while both of his hands were inserted in his pockets. He left a quite strong sigh, that made Rez a bit confused. Is he having second thoughts? Having doubts on his own ability? The man thought to himself. With a calm face, he ruffles the boy's hair. This shocked him, but not to an extent that he wants him to stop. While his hair was ruffled, Arashi looks down.

 Noticing that his pupil is still down, he decides to bring him to a nearby café, since he knows how much Arashi loves coffee, a black one too. Accepting his request, Arashi asks Rez if it's okay to do so, since the name list will be announced later. This made the man laugh. Instantly, the boy's cheeks became red, embarrassed by his laughter that most likely attracted a few eyes from the crowd. The two then walks to a nearby café that's placed not too far from the park.

 Due to the entrance ceremony is being held, the lines at the café were shorter than usual, so the two of them got a table easily. As the they were sitting down, a waitress came by and hands them the café's menu. Immediately Arashi ordered the black coffee, while Rez ordered green tea.



"Who is handling the ceremony?"

"Your majesty, the ceremony is handled by the Commanding Edifier, Rez, along with his teams, the Elite III and the Edifiers." Said the advisor.

 The advisor, who is currently kneeling in the middle of the carpet, right in front of the throne, is the advisor to the current king. King Lev Kravchenko the IV. For almost Seventy years, the Kravchenko family has been ruling Liberadity. This also goes to the selected royal families such as dukes and others to be next in line, as they take turns each year. Example, the first year will be the Kravchenko family to rule, and the next few years will be the duke's family's turn to rule, the same cycle goes on again. Now, without any heirs to the throne, the next to bear the name of Liberadity's Queen, is Ann from the Shiro family.

 However, this doesn't sit well with the king. For years the successors for the throne had been males, and females who are queens often act as their partner and assistant. For the current successor to be a female, without a husband to rule as the king, makes the king hesitant to give her the role and acknowledge her. Plus, she is only thirteen this year.

"You, make sure to tell the Edifiers to send some Paladins on the West field. I was told that the situation there is quite horrible. Oh, and make sure to teach them a lesson if any of them misbehave, just tell the Edifier in charge to take it out on them." The king said as he scoffs to the right.

 Accepting the request, the advisor kneels and answered with a simple "Yes, your majesty."

 He then stood up and walk towards the main door, which was about ten feet tall. The two guards that were standing next to the door, moves as they slowly open it, giving space for the advisor to walk through.

 Before the door close, the king ordered the two knights to leave him be for the time being. The two bows, and immediately went out of the room. As soon as the door closes, he leans to his throne while his face is facing the celling. A grin was displayed on his face.

"It doesn't matter how many of those Paladins died. If we get to live peacefully, that's all that matters. We can always send a new batch anyways." He spoke to himself.



 Finished with their food, Rez and Arashi are currently walking back towards the park, going back to the ceremony. While walking, Rez started to blabber about his young days. Full of laughs and admiring himself. Arashi who was walking with him, can only listen to the man. He was smiling the whole time while listening to his uncle's ranting.

 Reaching the gate, Rez pats Arashi's shoulder.

"Arashi, I must go back upfront. Remember that I'm always with you, even when you're sitting alone amongst the crowd. I can always find you. I've been looking after you since you were just a kid after all. So, if you have any problems, don't be shy and come talk to me."

 Surprised, Arashi's eyes widened. He carves a smile, big enough to see his teeth. This made the man relieved, seeing the boy all smile and happy again. Slowly he ruffles the boy's hair again.

 The Commanding Edifier then head towards the stage, about to announce this year's applicant lists. Arashi then heads to his seat earlier, though it seems like both seats besides him were occupied. Closing in, he realizes who was sitting next to his seat.

"Hey, Arashi. Where did you go?" She said with a smile.

"Mind if we sit here?" He points to the chair he is sitting on.

 It was Kazuya and Ann who were sitting next to his seat. Seeing both, made him relieved that he won't be sitting alone anymore. Immediately, he takes his place, hearing the announcement that will be made by Rez in a few moments.

 As he gets near the mic, Nicole took a few steps back, giving space so Rez can give his speech comfortably.

 Fixing his stance and clothes, the man grabs the list that was offered by his assistant. He flips through the pages of the documents on his hand. Which is the list of names for those who applied this year.

 Finally reaching the page he's been looking for; he leans forward to the mic.

"I will now read the name list for this year's applicants. That, however, this year's elements and weapons recognition will be different than last year's. A new device has been made, and either you're a human or Deviant, all you need to do is scan your hand on the prepared platform. For humans, it will show what weapon is best for you, and for Deviants it will display what elements you'll be having."

 Nicole went in front, standing next to Rez. The man gave her a nod, and she replies with a nod as well. Immediately she pulls out a tablet, with the screen showing the list of applicants, identical to the paper that Rez is holding.

 It is showing a table, with two boxes accompanied with a line, separating Humans and Deviants sections of the name list. On each side, there are around fifty humans and fifty Deviants on the list. With that many applicants, one page isn't enough to list all of them, so it is filled with a few pages.

 One by one, the names were called upfront and for them to place their hand on the new device, to identify their elements or weapons. It took around twenty minutes to reach half of the list for both humans and Deviants. Finally, the list reaches the name for Arashi, Ann and Kazuya.

 As the oldest of the three, Kazuya was called first, since the name list follows from the oldest to youngest.

"Kazuya Kenji. Please step to the front and place your hand on the platform." Said Rez using the mic.

 The boy nods. He then walked towards the device. As he reaches out his hand to the platform, the crowd stares at him. His palm touched the platform, immediately the device scans his hands. In front of him, is a screen showing what element he possesses. Suddenly, a flaming aura surrounds both the device and Kazuya. Caught off guard, the boy took a few steps back as he was surprised.

 From the distance, Rez smiles, while he turns his head towards a man, who was wearing a leather coat. That man is none other than Doctor Kenji, Kazuya's father. As he notices Rez's gaze, the doctor replies with a nod.

 He then removes his hand from the platform. The presence of the heat earlier is still lingering through his hands. Even though what happened earlier near the device caught the crowd's attention, this didn't phased Kazuya even one bit. Instead, he calmly steps down the stairs and walked back towards his seat as if nothing had happened.

 Both Ann and Arashi was staring at him hard. The boy felt a sparkling gaze from his right. He turns his head.

"What is it?" Kazuya asked.

"F- Fire element, so cool!" The two said in unison.

 Hearing the two said that at the same time, it made him grin.

 Rez then swipe the screen to his left. He looks at Nicole. Understanding the signal, she nods and walks upfront. She was given the name of the next person to call.

"Ann Shiro, please come forward."

 Gossips started to flood the crowd. It's no wonder, since Ann Shiro, from the Shiro family, a royalty is up next for the element recognition.

 Ignoring the crowd, Ann stepped towards the stairs with a straight face. Shows that she is determined to confirm the element that she possesses. As she reached the stage, Nicole brought her to the device. Her hand was placed on the platform, which resulted on it getting scanned.

 In an instant, bubbles were suddenly formed around her. Using her finger, she pokes the bubble, popping it. Slowly, another set of bubbles surrounds her, creating some sort of barrier. Ann smiled, satisfied with the outcome. Quickly she waves her hand down, making the barrier disappear.

 The crowd's reaction was mix with admirable and questions. They wondered if the water element she possesses is a normal type of water or a different type. Usually, the Shiro family bloodline receives water elements whenever they were recognized.

 However, that is not the outcome in some cases. It can be a totally different element and not water. In Ann's case, she won't know what type of water element she received until she uses it.

 She then heads to the stairs, stepping down from the stage. Swiftly, she runs back to her chair. As soon as she sits down, both of her hands instantly cover her face. Turns out, she was so embarrassed by the gaze that was given by the crowd. She tried her best to act normal on stage earlier.

"Wah, I'm so embarrassed. They were all staring at me!"

 Both Arashi and Kazuya chuckles.

 A few minutes passed, Arashi's name was called. The boy stood up from his seat. He looks at his friends. They nodded, which resulted in him smiling. He starts his step walking towards the stage. He can feel Rez looking at him. Both of their eyes met, and the two instantly grins at each other.

 Reaching the stage, Arashi slowly step towards the device. Out of the blue, his heart started racing, as if he's running for his life. However, he ignored it, and continues to walk to the platform. His right hand was placed, the device then scans his hand.

 Unlike others, who only took a few seconds for their weapons or elements to be recognized, Arashi's turn took a few minutes. This delay made the corresponding Edifiers near him wonder if the device is broken or not. After some time, the device suddenly made a strange noise. Worried if his life is in danger, Arashi took a step back, removing his hand from the platform. Rez and Nicole continue to stand by at the stage.


 A lightning strike right near the device and where Arashi was standing. A huge smoke was blinding the crowd's view. After the smoke cleared out, they can see something lighting up from where the boy was standing.

 An electrifying tingle was felt from his hands. Arashi stares at both of his palms. Surrounding him, were a barrier made by lightning. Unlike the lightning when it rains, with white colour, this one is a blue lightning.

 His right eye suddenly felt itchy. As he rubs it with his hand, a voice was heard around him.



 Hearing that, Arashi's eye widened. Three of the Edifier who were standing near him sprint towards him. Immediately, he stands back, avoiding the three men who were coming for his life. Realizing the situation, the crowd instantly flee for their lives.



 Those are some of the words said by the crowd. All of them were focused on saving their lives by running around and leave the park.

 Confused on the current situation, Arashi raised both of his hands while he trembles in fear.

"Sir, what are you?"


 The Edifier said as he swings his sword towards the boy. Not able to dodge, Arashi can only close his eyes and prays for the best. Suddenly, a counterattack was heard. The boy then opens his eyes.

 Standing in front of him, were Ann and Kazuya, blocking the Edifier's slice with their swords. In unison, the two swings their swords to the front, making the Edifier stepped back.

"Kazuya, Ann!"


"RIKKUN, WE GOT THIS!" Ann continued as she steps to the front.

 Nicole and Rez, who have been trying to handle the situation at the middle of the park, started to run back towards the three teenagers. From the looks of his face, it's shown his worried expression for Arashi's safety.

 Since their school days, she'd always known how much Rez cared for his comrades. Especially the young ones. Seeing him so desperately trying to get back on Arashi's side, just confirms of how much he cares for the boy. After all, the boy is…

"Rez." She stopped him by holding his shoulder.

"What are you doing? I must get back to the three of them right now!" He replied as he's desperately trying to make her let go of his shoulder.

 She saw the fear in his eyes. The fear of letting the same thing happened again. The same thing that happened eight years ago. After some time, she lets go of his shoulder. However, Rez didn't move instantly, instead he holds her hand.

"I know what you're thinking Nicole. I won't back down easily. Not in this situation."

"… Alright. Stay safe."

 Rez smiled. He then continued to run towards the stage, hoping to reach there before anything worse happened. Nicole then left a big sigh. She turns back, facing the rampage of a crowd once again. This is, not how I expected the day would turn out… She thought to herself. Immediately she ran back towards the crowd, making sure they are safe.



 Right as he was reaching the stage, an Edifier called out to him, followed by his three comrades.


"No, let me handle the kid. The four of you should stand by in case anything worst happened." The Commanding Edifier spoke without looking back as he continued towards the three.

"B- BUT COMMANDER!" One of the four Edifier spoke.

 Instantly, Rez turned back, giving them a cold gaze. A deadly aura was flowing out of him. The gaze represents as if he's saying, if any of them touches the three, they will be beheaded by him without any hesitation. Chills ran down towards the Edifier's spine.

 The four then froze on the spot. They don't have the courage to move even an inch after they were given the hard gaze. Ignoring his men, Rez instantly jumps above the stage. He then widened his eyes.

 In front of him, were Ann and Kazuya, who were fighting an Edifier head-to-head with their weapons, while Arashi desperately trying to avoid getting captured by the three Edifiers who were targeting him since earlier. Not having any time to think, the Commanding Edifier charges towards the three Edifiers. He pulls out his sword and blocks the three attacks from the Edifiers without any hesitation as he stands in front of Arashi. The boy's eyes widened as he stumbles on the floor.

"Commander, what are you doing?" Said the Edifier.

"Sir, I apologize for my rudeness. However, this is an act of treason sir!" The other Edifier spoke as he tightens his grip.

 Still ignoring the Edifier's words, Rez then force them back by swinging his sword. He then looks at Arashi.

"I got your back kid." He said that as he turns his head back towards the three men.

 Right as Rez was about to charge towards them, and Arashi was about to stand up, an Edifier shows up right behind them, taking the boy by force. As Rez were dumbfounded by the situation, causing the back of his leg get struck by the Edifier's scabbard, the same three from earlier. This causes him to kneel in one foot, with this sword helping him stable himself, acting as his crane.

 Arashi, who was struggling to break free by the Edifier's capture, was then punched in the face. Causing the boy's nose to bleed out. Rez gave the Edifier who was holding Arashi hostage a strong gaze. However, before he was able to say anything, two bodies flew towards him.

 It was Ann and Kazuya. The two of them were outmatch for the Edifier they were fighting earlier. True their elements were exceptional, but their sword skills still need to be professionally trained. Both Ann's and Kazuya's hands were tied up, so they won't be able to break free.

 The Edifier who works under Rez, Edifier's Captain, walked towards Rez who was struggling to stand.

"Sir, you are currently under the custody of us Edifier. Even though you are our commander, it doesn't change the fact that you, on your own will, tried to protect this brat of a Tarviant. You should know the consequences of your actions, sir." He said while locking his eyes right to Rez's face.

 The captain then turns towards the unconscious Ann and Kazuya.

"As for these two, they will also be put under our custody. They will enrol in the academy as usual, but with limited movements. However," He walked towards Ann, who was laying on the ground.

 "I'm surprised, that the duke's daughter, Ann Shiro would risk her life to protect this Tarviant. It's quite hilarious." He smirked.

 He then walked towards Arashi and kneels on one foot. His face is looking right at the boy's eyes. To his surprise, there was something different while looking at him. As he took a closer look, he was quite astonished.

 It turns out when Arashi's right eye felt itchy, the colour of his eye change from dark brown to a blue star colour. Most likely, it happened while he was rubbing his eye, and slowly changed while he was avoiding the three Edifiers.

 The captain burst to laughter. The joy he felt is as he's watching a show from a circus. As he wipes the tears from his eyes, his hand then holds the boy's jaw.

"Hey, I'll make a deal with you, since I'm a kind man. Why don't I leave you in the battlefield, alone, and let you die slowly there. I mean, it's a good deal, rather than having to face the angry crowds, is it not?" He grins.

 The look from Arashi's eyes, clearly saying that he doesn't want to accept the offer. However, due to this face getting punched earlier, that causes his face to bruise and his jaw a bit broken, he couldn't utter any words due to the pain he's suffering from.

 Not wasting any time, the man snaps his fingers, calling a few Edifiers to come near him.

 Ann, who was unconscious earlier, started to wake up. She then looks around, wondering what is happening. As she turns to her left, she was stunned. Her eyes are showing Kazuya who is unconscious from the fight earlier. She faces to the front, seeing Rez getting pinned down by an Edifier. Before she was able to search for Arashi's whereabouts, she heard a voice.

"Alright, drag him. Let's kill him properly this time." Said the captain as he slowly walks back towards the Edifiers who were near the location.

"Yes sir. Let's go boys!" The Edifier called his comrades.

 Without any second thoughts, they pick Arashi up roughly, as if he was an object without any feelings. The boy was placed on one of the Edifier's shoulders, and he can only see what's happening behind them. His eyes widened, when he saw that Ann was awake, and was seeing him getting taken away.

 Ignoring the Edifiers, Ann shouts.

"RIKKUN, I'LL FIND YOU. NO MATTER WHERE YOU ARE, SO PLEASE, WAIT FOR ME!" She spoke as she immediately gets drag by and Edifier, along with Kazuya.

 Hearing her words, Arashi's eyes started to crystalize due to the tears overflowing his eyes. Since his jaw is still broken, he can't reply to her. He can't reply to a sentence that may be his last time hearing. He went silent, as he witnesses both of his friends getting dragged away, with his protector and guardian, Rez getting detained by the army that he commands.

 Unable to do anything, the boy looks down, while the feeling of regret suffocates him. Tears started to fall to his cheeks. The life that he once dreamt of, shattered in just minutes after the recognition session. He asked himself if he didn't return to the park with Rez, and go on with the entrance ceremony, maybe this whole situation wouldn't have happened, and his friends and guardian would've been saved from this hell.

 The boy stares to the ground, while his tears fell to the ground. With only little conscious left, he spoke softly.

"I'm… Sorry, Kazuya. Uncle Rez…"

"… Ann."

 As he finishes his sentence, he immediately blacks out, leaving only an unconscious body getting dragged by the Edifiers.



 With only little time left before he enters the Royal Court, he looked at the captain.

"You bastard, I'll slit your throat if you do anything to those three."

"Come one now, Rez. Your former position as the commander, doesn't work anymore. As of now, I'm the one in charge, and you'll be the one to-" His words got cut as he felt a raging aura surrounding the area.

 It was Rez. Though he was silent, you can feel the rage and heat coming out of him. As if they are caging a wild animal, that hasn't eaten for days.

 Right after the three were taken away, Rez was immediately brought to the Royal court, to start a case regarding him protecting a Tarviant, and to ask if he has known that the boy was a Tarviant all this time.

 As they reached the door, Rez spoke.

"By the name of the Olezka family, I will have your heads when I'm free from this chain." His eyes stared down to each of the Edifiers that attended today. With finally, ending his gaze to the captain.


 Before he'll be sent through the battlefield, the Edifier in charge places Arashi to the ground, before heading in the weaponry room. As the boy slowly wakes up, the Edifier near him calls upon the Edifier in charge earlier. The man returned with a box and a katana.

"What's this, sir?" The Edifier asked.

"I was told to give this to the boy to use in the battlefield when he wakes up. Didn't knew they still have sympathy towards this Tarviant brat." He said as he places the box next to Arashi.

 "When he wakes up, send him to the battlefield immediately." The Edifier in charge said as he returns to the weaponry room.