The Specter Unit

07 January, Year 2151

Sounds of bullets are firing across the battlefield. The rubbles that were caused by Atraxes were blocking their way to advanced. This made their mission goes on hold, while the frontline members finish dealing with the Atraxes that ambushed them.The members from the back are defending themselves, as they are carrying supplies for the frontline members to use, this goes for bullets, guns and medical supplies. As when they thought they were able to handle the ambush, statics was heard from the member's ear."This is Wolf. We're seem to be getting more of these guys. Edur, how's it on your end?""The same goes for me Wolf. They're suddenly swarming us from all over the place. How's it going for you, Yellow Jackal?""I'm doing fine so far, though the numbers are increasing rapidly than before." She replied.From afar, a girl was laying down, with a sniper rifle. Her right hand then touches the communication device on her ear."This is Eagle. You guys can focus on the front, I got your six. However, we may need him to come out if it's necessary."Just as she said that, an explosion was heard near to the south, where Yellow Jackal was stationed. A huge pile of smoke then surrounds the area. Turns out, the enemy, or those Atrax brought one of their best fighters, the Mimics. The explosion earlier was caused by one of the Mimics, who was using a former Paladin's body, who coincidentally brought explosives with him when he was mimicked.The explosion caused some pretty decent damage to those who were near where Yellow Jackal was stationed. As soon as the smoke cleared out, Yellow Jackal yelled."I'm hit, and so does the others who were with me. We're taking heavy fire, I repeat, we're taking heavy fire!" She said as she continues to check up on the Paladins who were with her.Hearing it over their device, the three others were in disbelief. How could a Mimic be this near with them already? They haven't even reached the center of the battlefield yet. Then, what looked like a seventeen-year-old boy, came out from the jeep while holding his assault rifle. Along with some backup ammos.Behind him, two other men came out from the vehicle, also bringing their weapons with them. One of them was carrying an LMG, while the other is holding his sword, along with his Glock."Wolf, this is Beetle. Along with Orange Fox and Koi. We'll be giving aid to Yellow Jackal." He said as he hung his gun around his shoulder.Though it's great to send support to a fallen station, the risk for them getting attack is high. A static was then heard once again from their communication device."Wolf, I got their back. You should focus on what's in front of you." She said as she shoots towards the enemy. It was loud enough to be heard from where Beetle, Orange Fox and Koi were standing.Admitting defeat, Wolf sigh. He then gives the three men the green light, meaning that they can proceed with the rescue mission."Alright, thank you, sir. Both of you, let's go!" Beetle said as he starts to run towards south, followed by the two other men.Behind the jeep, was a worn-out SUV. Inside the vehicle, was filled with information and strategies to completing the mission. The communication device on the seat next to him then made a sound.He pushes the button, then picks up the mic and places it next to his ear. He spoke."Go for Ghost.""Captain, this is Wolf. It seems we might be in a tough spot."He lifts one of his eyebrows, wondering what it is he's trying to say."The explosion caused some damages from where Yellow Jackal was. Not only her but the others were also hit by the explosion, and I just got intel from Orange Fox, a Mimic with explosives is closing on them, along with Atraxes." He said as he shoots the creatures to their death.As he hears the gunshot from the communication device and the information he just received, he sighed. He then stood up, grabbing a katana that was in its scabbard. It was placed next to him. His hand then reaches the door handle. The vehicle's door opens, and immediately another explosion was heard.The man looked to his right. Another smoke was pilling up the sky, it was also located on south, where Yellow Jackal, Orange Fox, Koi, and Beetle are. The scarf around his neck started to wave rapidly, due to the wind and the aftereffects of the explosion from earlier. He then touches the device on his ear."Wolf, this is Ghost. I'm heading to where they are now. Cover the frontlines in the meantime." He said as he rushes to the south, hoping he'll reach in time to give aid on the fallen station.Hearing that from his captain, he smiled. He then told Edur and Eagle, that the captain's on his way to where Yellow Jackal is and was told to cover the frontlines while he's gone.Without any second thoughts, the two agreed in unison.It took him around ten minutes to reach where the explosions were. As he arrives, he can already see the Mimic and Atraxes that are closing in on the station. Immediately, he sprinted to find his teammates.Realizing that their captain is here, Beetle calls out for him, letting him know their location. Thanks to his high-pitched voice, Ghost was able to identify where they are. He then rushes towards them, while avoiding the destroyed debris and rubbles that were caused by the explosion.They were all hiding near a damaged building, most of them were alright, however, some of them suffered some incredible wounds, most likely since they were close to where the explosions went off. In an instant, Ghost asked the Paladin who wasn't injured to grab the medical kit that was given to them to store in this station. Immediately, the Paladin rushes to grab what was told.Meanwhile, Yellow Jackal is currently doing her best treating Paladins that are suffering from minor injuries. A bandage was then offered by Beetle."Here, take this. Me and the other two will cover you guys.""... I don't think that's a good idea Beetle. As the situation stands, the only thing that would do damage to those Atraxes and Mimics are swords and Eagle's snipers. Which, I only see Koi bringing his sword. I'm not sure if assault rifles and LMG's would work at this time, since they've somehow tightened their defense." She said with a worried tone.Hearing what she said, he nods slowly. True, the guns might be able to use to slow them down, but not effective enough to kill due to their tight defense. Not to mention, they were also ambushed on a narrow area, so using guns could cause some of the Paladins to be caught in the crossfire too.Our best fighters, who's currently on the frontline got their hands busy dealing with the threat there.Suddenly, a pat was felt on his shoulder. He then looked to his left.To his surprise, it was Ghost, who just finished treating those who were severely injured."I'll go, don't worry." He spoke softly.Beetle's eyes widened. Now that he thinks about it, the only man who could go one on one against both Atraxes and Mimics, are no doubt the captain. Ghost then calls for Orange Fox and Koi to come near him. Obeying orders, they walked towards their captain.He tells Beetle, Orange Fox, and Koi that they'll be this station's defense line while he deals with the incoming Atraxes and Mimic. Without second thoughts, they salute to their captain, and answer with a simple "Yes, sir!"Ghost nods. He then walked towards the battlefield, or specifically where the Atraxes and Mimic are coming from. Worried about his safety, Yellow Jackal sighs."He's always like this, huh. So stubborn."Beetle chuckled."What can we do, he's not our captain just by name only."The two Paladins; Orange Fox and Koi nods aggressively, agreeing with his statement.Letting Ghost handle the incoming enemies, Yellow Jackal then touches the device on her ear. She asked Wolf regarding the current situation, to which he replied, that most of the enemies there are all wiped out, thanks to Eagle's sniping abilities and Edur's stealth movements.Relieved with Wolf's response, she released a light sigh. Yellow Jackal then continues to check on the injured members, while Orange Fox and Koi are acting as their defensive line.Gunshots were fired rapidly in the middle of the battlefield. Hundreds of Atraxes falls to the ground after they were shot dead. However, after one died, another appears. As just when they thought victory was theirs, a huge rumble was heard from the distance.Edur, who was fighting not far from Wolf, run towards him, making a duo formation. The device from their ear then rings. It was Eagle. She was notifying them regarding a huge raid that's charging towards them as they speak. As Edur pulls out his sword, and Wolf refills his gun's ammo, they then immediately create a defensive duo formation, so that they won't be overwhelmed by the amount of Atraxes that's itching to kill them.This duo defensive trick was taught by Ghost whenever they have a training session back in their base. Since he knows that someday they might get stranded and may have to use it.Unlike Eagle, who's a Deviant, both Wolf and Edur are humans so they may have a little disadvantage fighting the Atraxes. This also goes for Yellow Jackal as well, since she's also a human. They were thought on how to fight since they were first transferred here.One of the Atraxes leaps from afar, charging straight towards Edur. Fortunately, Wolf who was behind him, uses his assault rifle and shoots rapidly at the Atrax, making a distraction. While Edur, jumps behind it, and immediately slice the creature wide open. Blood comes spilling out from the Atrax's body. Not even able to take a breather, another group appeared in front of them. Once again, Wolf fires his weapon towards them, making a far distance between the two of them and the Atraxes.Not wasting the opportunity, Edur instantly sprint to the group of deadly creatures and leaps upwards. One by one, he slices the creature's head, making them fall to the ground. Its blood was spilled all over his clothes, some even reached his cheeks. As he was wiping the blood off, an Atrax suddenly appeared out of nowhere, coming for him in lightning speed. Only being able to dodge in such little time, the Atrax left a cut on Edur's right hand.Wolf was refilling his ammo when suddenly his gun jammed. Not being able to do much, he presses the device on his ear."EAGLE, WE NEED BACKUP. 12 O'CLOCK, MY GUN IS JAMMED AND EDUR IS INJURED. I NEED YOU TO SHOOT IT!" He yelled as he continues to unjam his gun."Copy, identifying target." She replies as she zooms in her scope.As she moves her weapon to left and right, she found them. As Wolf mentioned before, Edur is currently injured, and is currently getting attacked by an Atrax. Marking her target, she got the creature right in the aim box. Eagle then places her finger on the trigger.She pulls the trigger. In lightning speed, the bullet flew from on top of the mountain, directly to where Wolf and Edur are. As the bullet approaches them, it immediately went through the Atrax's head. Edur looks at the creature as it drops to the ground.Wolf released a big sigh. He pushed the communication device on his ear."Thanks Eagle. Me and Edur will fall back now, he needs to be treated.""Thanks Eagle. Try to be a bit quicker next time." Edur said as he grins while rubbing the wound on his right arm."Hehe, no problem, Edur. I'm glad it's nothing serious." She replied with a chuckle.Hearing the conversation they're having through the device, Ghost nods.He's been hearing what's happening around him throughout the communication device from their ear. Just like a walkie-talkie, it can change channels and talk personally with each Paladins of his unit. While he was heading towards the incoming Atraxes and Mimic, he took a detour to hid himself from being seen by the creatures.The sixteen-year-old teenager stands up from where he was hiding. As soon as he stepped out from his hiding spot, a bullet passed through, and Ghost instantly dodges it by forcing his body to move to the left. However, the bullet managed to leave him a scar on his cheek.Two of his fingers touched the cut that is currently bleeding out. He swipes the red liquid off his face. Both of his eyes are locked towards the creatures. As he anticipated, they brought more Mimics with their group. Immediately, he presses the device on his ear."Jackal, tell Beetle, and the other two to form a 'D' defense formation. It seems the Atraxes and Mimic that were coming your way brought more Mimics with them.""Huh? Captain don't tell me you're going to take them head on. We don't have enough information about their strategies and formations!" Yellow Jackal replied as she's grabbed her dual swords.Before he was able to reply, a few Atraxes sprint passed him, heading straight to where the four of them were. Ghost looked back, with a worried expression."JACKAL, FOUR ATRAXES ARE HEADING TOWARDS YOU!""I NOTICED!" She leaps, avoiding the incoming creatures.The three men who were near her came for her aid. Beetle and Orange Fox unloaded their guns, taking a few steps back so that they won't interfere with the main battle in front of them. As indicates, formation D is where two Paladins will up front, fighting close range. While the other two will guard behind those two, with being quite far but not too close to each other, acting as their defensive line, and do their best to protect their six.As Yellow Jackal swings her sword through the creatures, both Beetle and Orange Fox are shooting the Atraxes that were surrounding her. Out of nowhere, a man with a sword jumps to where Yellow Jackal is fighting, and then slice one of the Atraxes. She looked behind her, she left a grin.It was Koi, who arrived just in time despite him being the farthest from where Beetle and Orange Fox were stationed to guard.As they continue with their defensive formation taught by Ghost, Beetle looked in front of him while shooting the nearby Atraxes. He wonders where all these Mimics came from, earlier there was only one, but now there's around five of them."Fox, I got a crazy idea. Hear me out.""What is it?"Both Koi and Yellow Jackal were able to push forward even though the number of Atraxes were slowly increasing. Since Ghost is busy dealing with the Mimics, most of the Atraxes that were with the group earlier split to two, one attacking the station and one attacking Ghost.Minutes passed since the gunfire behind them stopped. This made them wonder, where are Orange Fox and Beetle, were they attacked without them knowing? Suddenly, a loud but small explosion was heard on both right and left of the area. This caught the creature's attention, which immediately led some of the Atraxes away from Koi and Yellow Jackal.The explosions were none other by the two Paladins who planned this a few minutes ago after they stopped shooting. Their plan was to lure the Atraxes to the explosions, with Koi and Yellow Jackal attacking them from behind, while they fire on the remaining Atraxes that weren't attracted to the loud noise.As the two realizes their plan, they were in shock. The grin carved on both Koi's and Yellow Jackal's face were priceless. In an instant, they instantly cut the lured Atraxes from behind."Good job you two!" Praised Yellow Jackal as she continues to slice the incoming Atraxes.Praised by their senior, the two smiled. They then continued with their current momentum to make sure the battle doesn't go down to the enemy's favor. Orange Fox then step forward to where Yellow Jackal and Koi are to give them closer aid and defense, while Beetle stand by on the back to cover their six.Noticing that the four of them are doing well covering their grounds, Ghost looks back to the remaining four Mimics that he's facing.As dusts were blown off by the strong wind, both of his hair and scarf wavers. Though still in his teens, his sword skills are more advanced than anyone else in the unit, hence, why he's so familiar with the battlefield on the frontlines, since he was sent there, multiple times before he was sent to this unit.Currently, the Mimics he's facing are four former Paladins, who's lives were taken by those creatures. There is one swordsman, one gunman, and two bombers, who stores all the military's explosives, reason why they have a big duffle bag behind them.The swordsman immediately charges towards Ghost, when in an instant he blocked the attack using his katana. As the Mimic was sent back, gunfire was shot from behind by the other Mimic. Trying to avoid getting shot, Ghost ran to the opposite direction and slips to the left and right constantly, so the bullets doesn't reach him. Just as he was about to turn back, something fell to his right. His eyes widened.BOOMIt was a hand grenade by one of the Mimic bombers.Surprisingly he managed to survive the explosion, thanks to his quick reflexes. Though his clothes are a bit damaged, including his eyepatch. Getting back up on his feet, the black fabric that was covering his right eye falls to the ground."All of you are a troublesome bunch." He said as he goes on half a knee.Sense of thunder was surrounding both him and the Mimics. His katana, which its blade was a white color, shines a blue color, as the lightning element is being channeled through the blade. At the same time, Ghost's blue right eye lights up a bit."Please, rest in peace."As he said those words, the ground shakes while the lighting was coming from his katana. Instantly, in lightning flash he burst through the four Mimics, immediately killing them on the scene due to his fast cuts.Looking upward, he left a big sigh. Ghost then slides back his katana on the scabbard. Though he managed to kill those creatures, he felt something was wrong. He then walked back towards the bodies of the Mimics. A shocked expression was carved on his face. Knowing well what's about to happen next, he quickly presses the device on his ear."JACKAL, FOX, BEETLE, KOI! ONE OF THE BOMBERS-" He stopped his sentence as the remaining Mimic bomber dashed towards the station where the four Paladins were defending.It seems that, he only managed to kill three of them. Somehow, one of the bombers managed to slip pass through his cuts.Hearing their captain, Orange Fox replied."Captain, what were you saying?" The gunman said as he refills his ammo."A MIMIC BOMBER IS COMING FOR YOU!"This surprises him, he's sure that the three others could hear him as well. As the man looks around, his eyes were then locked towards Koi."Koi, a Mimic bomber-" His eyes widened.Right behind a clueless Koi, was the Mimic bomber, that's most likely trying to blow itself up, attempting to kill the whole group. Without any second thoughts, Orange Fox sprint towards Koi, and pushed him away, far enough to avoid the explosion range.Getting thrown to the ground, his hand was trying to reach his partner despite knowing the outcome."FOX!"BOOMAs the silent atmosphere surrounds the station, smoke was covering their eyesight, making it hard for them to see what happened. Thanks to the push, Koi was sent flying not far from where the explosion blew off. Though, he's covered up with debris, and can't get himself free.Beetle and Yellow Jackal instantly ran to where he is. Seeing him covered with the rubbles from the explosion, they immediately started to removing the debris with the intention of freeing him.From afar, Ghost was seen running back towards to where the station was. He stopped right in front of the main entrance, where the explosion happened. To the right, was the corpse of the blown off Mimic, while to his right, was a huge pile of dirt and rubbles. The captain immediately ran towards the rubble.While searching one of his men, he noticed a hand was sticking out through the dirt was covering him. Not wasting time, he instantly pulled the hand out, along with the body.That body was Orange Fox, with severe injuries. Ghost then pulled him to a flat surface.Due to the explosion, Orang Fox's body wasn't in a great shape. Blood was dripping everywhere; both of his right arm and right leg were demolished as they were close to the Mimic.They finally managed to free Koi from the debris. Beetle then took his hand and places it on his shoulder, acting as a crane to help Koi move. Yellow Jackal pats the swordsman on the back, attempting to cheer him up. Though, as they were about to smile, the scene in front of them made the three went silent."... Fox.""C... Captain. Please don't be sad, and please, call me by my name.""... Pavlos. I'm sorry I couldn't make it in time."Slowly, he shook his head."It was nothing... Sir. You had more important stuff to deal with. I'm just glad, that I was sent here, to this unit. I'm glad, that you were our captain. My, captain."Knowing what needs to be done next, Ghost pulls out his knife.Seeing the knife getting pulled out, Orange Fox smiled."I guess it's time huh? Don't worry captain. After all this is done, I won't be suffering anymore, I'm more worried about you, since you'll be living for a long time." He said while chuckling."Getting my life taken away by you, is an honor. After all, you are our 'ghost', the man who takes his comrade's life away, so they won't turn to one of those Mimics. That knife has taken away a lot of our comrade's life, but not once, did they seem to regret getting their life taken away by you captain."Ghost still stayed silent, as he doesn't want to interrupt Orange Fox's last words."Now, captain. Please, kill me. I thank you in advanced." He said as he closes his eyes, readied himself for the stab.Not having any second thoughts, Ghost instantly stabs the man's chest, right through his heart. Normally, the person would suffer from the pain, however, not wanting his men to suffer, he channeled some lightning through the knife, shocking their heart instantly while also getting pierced by the knife.Beetle, Yellow Jackal and Koi who were watching from afar, stayed silent. If possible, they'd like to cry it out, but knowing that its more painful for their captain.Ghost then reaches the pockets Orange Fox's pocket. He then picked out a badge, with the Fox Logo, in an orange color. He places it in his jacket's pocket. The captain then stood up, while he uses Orange Fox's jacket, to cover the body. He looks behind him and presses the device on his ear."This is Ghost, Orange Fox was Killed in Action (KIA). Proceed with the mission quickly and let us return home." Ghost said as he starts to walk back towards where Wolf and Edur were.The three Paladins that were behind them, gave their captain a stare. Slowly, they followed his footsteps, leaving the soulless body of Orange Fox behind at the destroyed station....It took them three more hours to complete their mission fully. Out of forty Paladins that went to this expedition, five of them, including Orange Fox were killed. Their bodies were left behind, since their unit, the Specter Unit, aren't allowed to do a funeral for their fallen comrades. This system is only, and only for the Specter Unit, because they are seen as disposable soldiers, who does the hard work for the king.Throughout the journey home, Ghost has been silent the whole time. Yellow Jackal, Eagle and Edur who were sitting near him, with Wolf driving the jeep, didn't know what to say to him.The awkward atmosphere was broken when Edur said something."As it stands, Ghost, this wasn't your fault. The only reason we're in this mess is because we don't have an Edifier to coordinate us through the entire battlefield." He said while crossing his legs."He's right, Ghost. It's true your skills and experience in the battlefield are second to none, but even you have limits." Eagle continued.Yellow Jackal stayed silent, as she is still mourning her fallen comrades. While Wolf, at the driver seat spoke."I know how you all feel. However, you know that this isn't the first time our captain needs to do such decision."The whole cabin went silent. Out of all of them, Wolf knows Ghost longer than anyone else, so he knows why and who influenced him to do such move.The captain who's been staring at the window all this time, with the katana on his lap, he placed it down next to him. Both of his hands were then crossed to each other. His blue eye was not covered, making it reflects some of the sunlight."You mentioned an Edifier. Don't worry, we'll be sent one tomorrow." He spoke.Hearing that, the three near him widened their eyes. 'Getting one?' They wonder what he means, or is it exactly what he meant?The man leans back to the seat's cushion."I'm just surprised as you are." Ghost thought to himself."Hey, I heard you will be the Edifier for the hardcore unit that's placed on the frontlines. The Specter Unit, was it?" One of the Edifier said to her."Really? I heard there's some horrible Paladins there. Their captain who's called 'Ghost', is known to not only kill the Atraxes, but even his own comrades, you know?" The other female Edifier continued.As the person who they were talking to, she stayed silent, and ignored the conversations. She continued her walk towards a room not far from them. As they slowly reached the room, the two female Edifiers earlier left her alone, giving her the free space to enter the area.Slowly, the door opens. Right as the view of the inside was clear, she saw a teenage boy, who looked around sixteen-year-old, standing in the middle of the room. The boy then looks back.The female Edifier carved a thin smile."Hey, Ann. Took you a while, I already finished setting things up while you were taking your sweet time buying sweets." He smirked.Her eyes widened. Instantly, she hid the paper bag of sweets that she bought earlier behind her while still playing innocent."Uhm, Kazuya... I don't know what you're talking about. Haha..." She grins nervously.The two chuckled. After placing the sweets, she bought on a plate, which were macarons, they then went back to work. The work is regarding the Specter Unit that they will supervise starting tomorrow."Now, let's see what we have here." She said as she munches the macarons, while Kazuya finishes the paperwork.