The Two Edifiers

A day has passed since the ambush. Currently, the Paladins from the Specter Unit are having breakfast, that was cooked by members who knows their way around the kitchen. The captain always told them, that a battle with an empty stomach, can result in failure, so they were told to always eat their fill, even if they're not going to battle.

Wolf, who was sitting next to both Edur, Beetle and Koi, asked for the salt to be passed to him. Across the table, were Yellow Jackal, Eagle, Rose and Antho. The seven of them have been together since the first day they joined, while Wolf joined a few months earlier than them.

The cafeteria is full of Paladins under the Specter Unit led by Ghost. One might even ask if the incident yesterday had any effect on them. However, they all managed to cope with it, since it has been happening for a long time. In their opinion, instead of mourning them until they die, they want to remember them by doing their best to survive in the battlefield.

"Here's the salt, Xander." She said as she hands the small bottle of salt.

"Thank you, Rika." He replied.

"Devon, can you teach me how to use a sword again after this?" asked Carl as he munches down his slice of chicken.

Instantly, she shook her head. "No, you're hard to teach, Carl." Devon said as she looks the other way.

Xander Berkeley, the Vice Captain for the Specter Unit. Also familiar with his codename "Wolf". As he's known Ghost for quite some time, he'd sometime knows all the captain's response even before he said it. Hence, why he always needs to be the one documenting most of the mission and expedition reports, since he knows that Ghost hates documenting.

Devon Sinclair. A dual sword wielder, bearing the codename "Yellow Jackal". Just like Xander and Carl, she's a human. Though, this doesn't pull her down, in fact it inspires her to be one of the best female human Paladin in history. Whenever she's free, she'll teach some of the members self-defense using a melee weapon, since that's her specialty. It was also a request from Ghost to teach them self-defense using either a knife or something sharp.

Rika Adenette. She was given the codename "Eagle" due to her excellent accuracy while using her sniper rifle. Unlike the other three, she's a deviant, who can manipulate the wind, or specifically, she's able to manipulate her bullets using the wind to wherever she wants. Reason why she's often placed on high grounds than the other Paladins whenever they head to battle.

Carl Greyes, younger than the others with only being fifteen-year-old, he's able to keep up with Ghost's intense training, making him Ghost's pupil and the unit's second fastest swordsman, with their captain being the first. Assigned to the Specter Unit a few months after Rika and Devon arrived, he was treated as a younger brother by the three, including Ghost.

The four of them are considered as "Officers" here in the unit as they are one of the strongest, and most reliable Paladins whenever they're stuck in an impossible situation. They were also personally picked by Ghost to act as the unit's "Top Defence Liners" to keep the unit safe.

On the distance, you can see Ghost sitting alone, while munching down his sandwich. Unlike the other foods, he made this himself. As for the reason he doesn't take the prepared food, "I want the members to have enough food for themselves." Is what he said.

However, sometimes he'll be forced to take the prepared food by his comrades. Sometimes, they even shoved bread to his face.

Observing him for a while from the table, Xander places his cutlery on the used plate. Then, he stood up and walk towards the captain. Noticing one of his men is approaching him, Ghost places his half-eaten sandwich on a plate, and it was moved to the side. Though, Xander didn't instantly sits down, instead he asked first.

"Cap, may I take a seat?"

"…" No words were utter, but he nods, telling him it's okay for him to sit.

Satisfied with his answer, Xander takes a seat across the table, making the two of them facing each other. Unlike with the others, the atmosphere wasn't as awkward as when the first time they meet. As a matter of fact, back then the two even quarrel every time they locked eyes.

"Ghost, you're still keeping all of those badges?" He asks as he points out at the leather pouch bag that was placed right next to his plate.

"I am, it's my promise after all. Also, I thought I told you to call me by my name, Xander." The captain gave him a soft stare.

Hearing that, Xander chuckled. Who knew that the captain has a sense of humour. A grin was carved on the Vice Captain's face. "Alright, that was my bad…" He stopped for a few seconds.

"… Arashi Aoi."

His eyes twitched, he then glares at his seatmate. "That's my full name…" He whispered in a soft yet tight tone. Couldn't handle the expression Arashi's making, Xander bursts out laughter. His hands are tapping the table, while tears are coming out from his eyes.

Devon, Rika, Carl, along with Koi, Rose, Antho and Beetle, who're sitting on the table next to them, heard the conversation. Even they chuckled, seeing their captain's reaction.

Koi, Rose, Antho and Beetle were transferred to the Specter Unit at the same time. The bonds the four of them had built are strong, as they see each other as family members. Orange Fox also were transferred with them as well.

Xander then calmed down after a few minutes. He then continues to stare at Arashi with a soft gaze.

"Arashi, about what you said yesterday. A new Edifier?"

"Oh… Yes, I forgot about that. He or she will be our Edifier starting today. I was informed that it will commence in…" Arashi looked at the watch that was hung on the wall. "… Thirty minutes."

Those who heard him went silent. Thirty minutes? That's too soon, even if it's an Edifier reporting in for the first time.

Beetle then walked to the table that Arashi and Xander are currently sitting. "Captain, isn't this too soon for an Edifier to report themselves here? I mean, you know the whole procedure right, and we haven't finished our breakfast yet." He said while his hands slide through his pockets. Xander only gave their captain a gaze, wondering what he'll answer.

The captain took a sip of his coffee which was next to his plate, before answering Beetle's question. "I understand how you feel, Beetle. However, this isn't the first time that yesterday's incident happened. I'm also uncomfortable with having an Edifier reporting themselves this early in the morning. We have already lost five Edifiers in a month. It doesn't matter if we like or not at this point, we need them so that no more casualties will occur..." He stares outside the window. "… After all, I don't want to make our fallen comrades to die over nothing, without any advancements."

As they were listening to their conversation, a static was heard from a nearby communication device. It's most likely regarding the report of a new Edifier to their unit. Xander, holding the position as the unit's Vice Captain, answers the call by tapping his ear.

"Hello? This is Wolf, Specter Unit's Vice Captain."

"Greetings, the Edifiers that'll be reporting to your unit shall be using this channel shortly."

Right as the male Edifier finished talking, he immediately dropped the conversation, which left Xander alone in the call for a while. He then turns to Arashi. "Captain, he said 'Edifiers'… Are we getting two of them?" His face expression changed from calm to a confuse reaction.

Arashi replied with a simple reply.

"We'll see."

Two Edifiers are walking across the hallway near the Royal Academy's headmaster's office. Upon reaching, the male Edifier, turns the doorknob and opens the door, while letting the female Edifier enters first, with him after. Inside the room, was full of bookshelves, traditional wooden decorations, with a huge window behind the main desk. The chair then turns around facing them. It was the headmaster, or what they call here, the Lieutenant. He stands up.

Before speaking, the two Edifiers salute the Lieutenant. The man responds the salute, and proceeds to sit back on his chair, while the two Edifiers take their seats across the table with the high rank officer.

"You're here, Major Ann, Major Kazuya." He said while fixing the paper that was scattered next to him.

The man then checks his computer screen, he opens a window regarding the unit that the two will be sent to. His eyes widened a bit. It's showing that they are the ones who will be sent to the Specter Unit, who are on the frontlines.

As the man finishes inspecting things that he needs to give to the two Edifiers, his hand reaches the drawer next to him. Inside the drawer, were two ear Paladins Special Communication Device (PASCOD). Each for both Ann and Kazuya. They took the device and placed it in their ear. The Lieutenant tells them how it works by summing up everything. After a while, he finished explaining regarding the PASCOD, and told them to head to their CR (Communicative Room) so that they can meet the Paladins.

They were also told to first ask who's in charge of the unit, specifically, the captain and vice-captain.

Ann and Kazuya stood up, while saluting the Lieutenant. They left the room, leaving the man alone with his pile of paperwork.

As they were walking towards the CR, Ann whispers to Kazuya. "Hey, want to stop by and buy snacks?" Instantly, Kazuya turns to her and pinched her cheek, making it hard for her to speak properly. "… I was joking…" She replied. The boy replied with smile while shaking his head. He then pulled out a chocolate bar from his pocket, and hands it to Ann.

"Behave yourself, it's your first time handling a unit." He said as he opens the door.

"Yeah, yeah, I know Kazuya. Good thing I have a professional by my side. Hehe." Ann replies as she winks to her partner.

The room was lit up after the switch was turned on. The air conditioner immediately blew off a cool breeze to the entire room, making it feel less hot than earlier. Kazuya then turns on the computer, while Ann connects the PASCOD to the charger, the device is wireless.

As the screen lights up, he noticed there's a mail in the computer's mailbox. He moves the cursor and opens the application. Inside, there was an authorization that requires both Ann and Kazuya's approval. It was the Edifier ownership to the Specter Unit. Since the previous Edifier bailed out without a notice, an authorization approval is now needed for new Edifiers that'll be send to this hardcore unit, so that the higher-ups can log it in their system.

Kazuya calls Ann to the computer and shows her the screen. She left a soft sigh, while saying "Such a hassle." Repeatedly until she finishes the authorization session. He carved a thin smile as he listens to her complaining. Now, it's his turn to complete the authorization approval.

"Ann, if you're going out with Nathalie tonight, let me know in advance. The last time you ran off without a warning, I was scolded by the professor regarding your report practice. Sure, you two may be roommates, but cut me some slack, will you?"

As she hears Kazuya complaining, she made a nervous smile, while looking to the opposite direction where he's standing. "S- Sorry… I'll let you know next time. Thank you!" She grins.

With an unsure look, Kazuya sighed. He asked Ann to hand him the two ear PASCOD to him, so that he can connect it with the computer and talk with the Paladins. The Major places the device on his hands, and he immediately connects it to the computer. A 'Beep' sound was heard, and a blue light was seen flashing on the two ear PASCOD, meaning that the devices are turned on.

 Kazuya takes the two ear PASCOD, and hands one of them to Ann, telling her to put it on. As mentioned by the Lieutenant, just press the device lightly to turn it on. The girl taps the device using her finger. The blue light flashes. Kazuya does the same.

 Arashi turns to the device that made a static sound. He comes closer, and then taps the PASCOD in his ear.

"This is Ghost." He says as he told every Specter Unit member to connect to the channel that he's in.

 Startled, Ann went silent for a few seconds. She took a deep breath and continued. "Good morning, Ghost. My name is-" Her voice was cut off by a voice. "I'm sorry, however, we don't use our real names here in the Specter Unit." It was Arashi, who cut her off. Kazuya, who was next to her got a bit irritated. However, he didn't act rashly. It's their first day after their Edifier bailed on them after all.

 To not make matters more awkward, Kazuya stepped in as he connects himself through the PASCOD. "Good morning to you, members of the Specter Unit. You all may call me White, since we won't be revealing our names." He said as he gave Ann a stare. Noticing the look, Ann looked down in embarrassment.

"Ehem, I suppose that's no issue at all. You guys can decide what to call me, I don't mind." She smiles, though only Kazuya can see it.

 Listening to them, Ghost became quiet. They weren't joking when they say 'Edifiers'… He thought to himself. Arashi looked at Xander, giving him a signal to tell the members to introduce themselves. One by one, the Specter Unit's member told their codenames rather than their given names. This goes for Xander, Rika, Devon, and Carl, who told them their codenames. Realizing her question earlier wasn't answered, she asked again. "So, what will you call me?"

"Miss Edifier." A voice was heard from the PASCOD. Her eyes widened.

 It was Arashi's voice that suggested the name. Most likely because he doesn't know what else to call her. He looked around him, some of the members carved a smile, agreeing with his suggestion. Instantly, the device was filled with people calling and mentioning the name "Miss Edifier", which made Ann a bit flustered. As he listens to them teasing his partner, Kazuya smiled. "Didn't knew the Specter Unit have some pranksters." He said to himself as he chuckles.


 An alarm was heard coming from both sides of the PASCOD, from the CR and the Paladin's main quarters. Not wasting any time, the Paladins quickly sprint to the weaponry to get their weapons, while Arashi, Xander, Devon, Carl and Rika stayed in the line for a few minutes.

"A middle scale raid is approaching the centre of the battlefield." Kazuya said as he's looking at the computer screen.

"It's nothing unusual, Sir Edifier. We can handle it. All we need is for you to guide us there." Said Arashi as he immediately leaves the call.

 Not able to reply to the captain, the major sighs in disbelief.

"He's always like that. Though it's true, you two just need to do your best navigating us, and we're good." Rika spoke.

"Yep, Ghost has known the battlefield far longer than any of us, so he has more experience regarding battles." Xander continued.

 While they were talking, Carl and Devon only stayed silent. After they were done with the conversation, the four of them leaves for the weaponry room to gather their belongings. In the meantime, Kazuya and Ann are focusing on the screen, trying to form a strategy to purse an attack towards the enemy.

Referring to what they were researching last night, they were investigating the Specter Unit's fighting style. This goes for individually and in groups. For groups, Ghost is mostly in charge on handling that part, as he usually divides them into three teams, one on the front, the middle and the last one to cover their six. By knowing these, Ann and Kazuya can form a strategy well enough to be used by the Specter Unit.

As always, Kazuya gets ready to embark to the designated battlefield where the Paladins are, followed by Ann. Since they were stationed to the Specter Unit, they were given a CR that's close to both the battlefield and the unit's base. Forgotten to turn off the PASCOD, the sounds of the two rushing to get their vehicle was heard throughout the device.

"Sir Edifier, Miss Edifier, what are you doing?" Arashi connects through the PASCOD.

 Confused, Kazuya answered. "What do you mean? We're heading to the battlefield of course, so we can assist you and inform you regarding the strategy you'll be using." He answered while grabbing his sword. "I don't think you understand, sir. Here in the Specter Unit, we don't follow the usual procedure of an Edifier leading the Paladins in the battlefield. Instead, Edifiers in the Specter Unit, were ordered to lead them through the PASCOD."

 Hearing what the captain is saying, both Ann and Kazuya went silent. Xander, who was coincidentally listening to them, didn't utter a word. Instead, he let the captain explain it to them.

 Ann taps Kazuya on the shoulder. He turns to her. Her face expression is telling him to just listen to what the unit's captain says. After all, he's more experience leading the team and the frontline. Not to mention, he's the one who's been doing all the commands and strategies whenever their Edifiers were absent. Admitting defeat, Kazuya sighs. He went back to his seat in front of the computer, with Ann following him from behind. His finger taps the ear PASCOD.

"Alright, Ghost. I'll do what you say, since you're clearly a professional in this field. Tell me what me and my partner should do."

 Arashi who was about to enter the jeep that was driven by Beetle stopped right in front of the door. He hands his katana to Devon who was sitting inside, next to Rika and Carl. On the other hand, Koi, Rose and Antho went to the vehicle driven by Xander, while the other remaining twenty-seven Paladins were ordered to go by foot, since the station they were placed to aren't far from where they were. The eight Paladins in the jeep are given the advantage with a vehicle because they will be sent to the frontlines, and needs the jeep to return, or retreat if anything went bad.

 Unlike here, in the Specter Unit, Edifiers across the country will go to the battlefield with the Paladins so he can easily form a strategy that his men can use. Of course, with the incident that happened three years ago, when a Tarviant was first discovered in the city of Palcris, the relationship between Edifier and Paladin just got worse. However, they still work together in the battlefield. On the other hand, the Specter Unit is treated differently. The Edifiers stationed there can only talk with them through the device they are currently using and are placed somewhere far from the battlefield, hence why Ann and Kazuya were about to get their multipurpose vehicle (MPV) earlier.

 As the captain gets inside the car's cabin, he presses his ear PASCOD. "I need you to send the strategy that you plan through your computer to the PASCOD. We'll be able to see it from there and will project it at our small screen." He continues.

 Beetle, who was driving their transport spoke.

"Captain, a few Atraxes are spotted ahead. It seems like there could be around ten of them." He says as he continues driving straight.

 Arashi nods. He instantly looks at Rika, where she replied with a thumbs up. With the assist from Devon, the car's side window rolled down, making the air getting sucked inside the car. The girl wears her black leather gloves and grabs her sniper rifle. She leans her head out the window, along with the rifle. Her eyes then locked on the scope. Getting the target in the cross, she pulls the trigger.


The shot can even be heard through the PASCOD from where Ann and Kazuya were. Not wasting anytime, Kazuya sends the strategy plan to the PASCOD. Finally reaching the Paladins, Devon opens the file containing the plan. Her eyes widened.

The screen on their laptop shows that the plan is to take two groups on each side of the battlefield, with gunslinger on each side, accompanied with melee users to take out the group of Atraxes. While they placed Arashi, the captain on the middle since he can hold them off so the plan can go on. To sum it up, Arashi will be the bait, while the others will prepare themselves to attack.

Analysing the plan, Ghost stayed silent. Though, the others became a bit irritated with the plan, since it'll be putting their captain's life in danger, living up to the name of "Edifiers are superior to the Paladins'.

Devon taps the ear PASCOD. "Hey, dirt wipe. What are you thinking putting the captain in the middle of the battlefield, alone at that. Are you that desperate trying to kill him!?" She said furiously. Rika who was sitting next to her tap her on the shoulder, asking her to calm down. Carl, who's face is clearly frustrated with the plan spoke. "It's your first day here, and you're already getting so much hate. Sir Edifier, this plan that you made-" He was cut off by a voice.

"The plan was made by me." Ann said as she connects herself through the PASCOD.

"Ann…" Kazuya's word stopped when she lifts her hand, levelled with her shoulder, telling him it's alright.

The female Edifier took a deep breath. Her eyes were sharp enough that even Arashi can feel the intense gaze, even though they are on completely different places. "I understand how you all feel about the plan. After all, he's your captain. However, as I've been analysing your way of work over the past year, I can see that you're all devoted on completing the mission, without even care about your own safety. This plan can not only lessen the casualties, but also gives the captain enough space to create an opening for himself while fighting the Atraxes. He won't be busy trying to protect all of you while fighting those creatures at the same time."

Everyone in the vehicle stayed silent. Arashi peeks through the window, it seems like they are going to reach the destination in a few minutes. The captain presses the laptop's keyboard, sending the plan to his men. Ann and Kazuya were given the notification regarding the plan transfer. This made her wonder, if the plan she made up on the spot will be use or not. Suddenly, Arashi spoke.

"I appreciate it, Miss Edifier. We'll go with the plan. I've sent it to the other members; they should be able to see it as about now." He said while taking his katana that was in the scabbard.

Ann's eyes widened. She was surprised, that the captain himself would go on with the plan. Of course, she knew she'll get some hate from the others, but didn't know that the person who'll be the bait would agree to it. This made her quite happy and relief at the same time. "Then, I shall navigate you-" Her words were cut off again.

"I know how excited you are, but when in the battlefield, we must use our PASCOD as less as possible, since they can detect our frequencies." He replied. Hearing that, it made Ann quite embarrass as her cheek blushes.

Arashi gives the signal to the other members to follow the plan route. He also told Rika to ask Rose to go on the right side of the battlefield while she goes to the left. Devon was sent to where Rika was stationed while Carl was sent to where Rose is.

On the other hand, Xander, Koi and Antho were placed on the back of the battlefield, with Arashi in the middle.

"… I still don't like this plan, but I guess there's no turning back since the captain agreed to it…" Devon spoke softly. Rika smiles, she looks at Carl whose muttering curse words to the Edifiers.

"Carl, our captain is not that weak. He can finish his task. All that we must do, is focus on our own given tasks by the Edifiers, okay?" She pats the fifteen-year-old boy on the shoulder.

 He left a big sigh. "Alright, alright. Let's go now." He said as he opens the jeep's door, with the sword on his hand. Carl went out to his station, followed by both Rika and Devon. Usually, Arashi stays at the vehicle's cabin, since there were no Edifiers to take charge, but now there's two of them, he can stop worrying about that. As he was about to leave the vehicle, a voice was heard coming from the ear PASCOD.

"Captain, stay safe please." Ann said.

"… I'll do my best. Only contact me through the PASCOD if there's any update or anything important you wish to share." He replied.

Ghost then ran off to the middle of the battlefield. Kazuya throws himself to his chair, as he's been standing up, feeling on the edge this entire time. He looks at his partner, who is sitting next to him. A hardworking Ann, who's trying her best not only making sure that the plan is a success, but to also keep her composure, since other than Kazuya, and Nathalie, she doesn't talk to people that much. She wrote down a few important things that the Paladins must avoid, and things they must do to finish this mission without any more casualties.

Seeing her trying so hard for a team she can't even meet, made Kazuya carved a thin smile. He looked up on the screen.

"Arashi, if only you were able to see this…" He thought to himself.



Xander's currently taking cover behind a huge rock, while Koi and Antho are covering him. Meanwhile, Rose is currently covering their six, using her Glock and knife. Out of the blue, an Atrax jumped towards her in an instant. Thankfully, by using her knife to block the attack, she was able to dodge it.

"Xander, there's quite a few of them, you sure we can make it in time before the captain tires himself?" She asked as she slices the Atrax multiple times.

 Out of curiosity, Antho spoke while Koi was covering her with his blade.

"She's right, he's strong, but he also has his limits!"

"Don't worry. He wasn't nominated as the captain for nothing. After all..." the vice-captain looks below the cliff.

 Arashi was seen running to the center of the battlefield, with only his katana, knife, and a Glock. His scarf was wavering rapidly due to the intense wind current, along with his hair. He's currently wearing a brown Paladin uniform, along with his eye-patch on the right side of his face. As he was reaching the center, he takes the katana out of the scabbard, and held it on his right hand.

"… He's a one-man army."