06th January 2151


"Kazuya, I'll need you to join an expedition through the mid lane of the battlefield, since you're the expert on that area." The Commanding Edifier spoke to him while sitting on the chair in front of him. Nicole Kolya, the current Commanding Edifier after Rez was demoted to a Captain after the Tarviant incident three years ago.

Not replying instantly, the boy sighed. His right hand is currently holding the military hat that was given by every Edifier. The outfit he's wearing is the official Edifier uniform, however, since he's ranked Major, he's equipped with rank badge on the left side of his pocket. Accompanied with a pickle green blazer and black pants, along with a red tie, it fits well with his goldish eyes and white colored hair.

Nicole peaks at the Edifier guard that was standing near the door. She ordered him to leave the room, leaving Kazuya and Nicole alone. The Edifier nods. He then left the room as the door closes.

Instantly, Kazuya throws himself on the chair while placing the hat on the table besides him. His hand moves to his collar as he loosen his neck tie. Carefully, his left hand unbuttons the collar, so the air will enter the neck area. From the distance, Nicole chuckled, seeing him acting all lazy.

"You didn't even try to hide it."

"Well, Miss Kolya. I was too tired dealing with more of the lower rank Edifier's problem, I didn't sleep a wink. With Ann spending time with Nathalie, I had to cover her report works to the professor." Kazuya spoke as he took a bite of the cookie that was placed on Nicole's chair.

 The woman shook her head, amused with the young Edifier's reasoning.

"Speaking of Ann, there's something I must show you, and no, It's not the expedition." She said as she moves her mouse's cursor to open a file. Curious, Kazuya stood up and walked behind her. He leans a bit to the front, so he can see what's being displayed.

A file name "Classified Hardcore Unit" was seen on the screen. It was place under a lock pin, meaning no one can have access to it unless you have the authority and pin number. As the file opens, images regarding the "Hardcore Unit" were shown on the screen, this includes battle aftermath, Paladin's death list, and many more. On top right, you can see the date when the unit was created. Kazuya's eyes widened.

It's showing that the unit was created on the day when the Tarviant incident occurred. Meaning, it was created right after Arashi was taken, along with Rez for a penalty conference. He took a few steps back after he was shocked with such information. This made him wonder something crucial.

"The- The date… Miss Kolya. Is he, is Arashi alive…?" The words were uttered from his mouth while he trembles in confusion. Seeing the Major's face expression, she looks away with guilt. "I'm sorry, that information was hidden from me by the king himself. So, I don't know…" Nicole's fingers rubbed her forehead, indicating she's puzzled with the boy's current whereabouts.

Arashi Aoi. Right after he was taken, it was told by the current Section Commander at the time, that the Tarviant was thrown to the battlefield, and suffered severe injuries. They also told the people of Liberadity that Arashi, a filthy Tarviant died eaten by the Atraxes. However, some rumors appeared, saying that the boy was killed by the Edifiers themselves and others said that he was experimented and died on the process.

"After he was taken, both me and Ann were sent to the Royal Academy. Unlike other Edifiers, we weren't allowed to participate in any expedition until we were fourteen. For two years, I was able to survive and ranked up to Major by joining the expeditions, however… Ann couldn't join them. Due to her unstable emotions after Arashi's death, her heart closes itself. Making her only talking to me, and Nathalie, who was her neighbor back when we were kids."

Hearing his explanation, she sighs. No matter which rumor is believable, it doesn't change the fact that all of them resulted in his death.

"I'm still wondering... Why is the date referred to back then?" He asks.

Hesitantly, she answered. "The unit was specifically created, so that people like Arashi can be use as bait in the frontlines. That's why the king himself asked for the unit to be approve. Of course, the country's politicians all agreed. Death of civilians mean nothing to them if they can keep their position and gain wealth."

Stunned, even he didn't think that the high officials would be this low. Angrily, he clenches his fists, while keeping a calm expression.

"Speaking of Ann, where is she?" Nicole asked.

He looked down, releasing the tight clench from his fists. Kazuya returns to his seat, followed by the Commanding Edifier.

"She's… visiting someone."

Without him explaining, Nicole can already guess who's this person Ann is visiting. Slowly, she sips her cup of tea that was placed to her right. The sweet aroma from the tea fills her mouth with a warm sensation. As the cup was placed back on the table, she spoke.

"Give her time. It may have been long for us, but to her… it must've only felt like a moment has passed."




The windy breeze was covering the city. Trees were slowly dancing, shaken by the wind while leaves were falling to the ground, making it as if it's raining leaves. The sound of footsteps crossing the sidewalk was loud enough to be heard from afar. As she reaches the center of Paclris, the girl walked to the bus stop and sits on the prepared seat.

Minutes passed; the bus arrives at the stop. She stood up and walked inside the vehicle. Picking her seat, she chose the one next to the window on the right side of the bus. As she sits down, her eyes were locked to the blue sky, that's as wide as the sea. The bus moves from the stop, going to the destination she's going.

Almost reaching the place she's heading to, the girl stands up and press the stop button, since she'll be dropping at the destination. Slowly, the bus stops upon reaching the sidewalk. She walks upfront, pays the bus driver for the trip, and immediately leaves the bus.

The door closes, and the bus leaves the place, leaving her alone.

She looks up, with her hand covering the sunbeam that was blinding her eyesight. As the view cleared up, she was facing a sign, that wrote "The Paclris Cemetery". Her right foot enters the main gate.

As her white scarf wavers due to the heavy yet cold wind breeze, she grabs the end of the scarf and covers her nose. Since its currently windy season in Liberadity, they are all told to wear warm clothes. Ann is currently wearing a white scarf, with white gloves covering her hands from the cold, along with her light grey coat. Her legs are equipped with the official black Edifier boots.

Slowly she steps towards one of the graves. Reaching a certain spot, she stopped and bends down. Her hand enters her jacket's pocket and takes out a single dashing red rose. She places it on top of the grave. The name carving was blocked by the pile of leaves that were blown by the wind. The female Edifier sweeps off the pile of leaves to the side, making the name carving clear enough to read.

"Arashi… Aoi." She whispered.

The person visiting Arashi's grave, was none other than Ann Shiro. Every year, on this day, she'll visit Arashi's grave every now and then. Since she's too traumatized to visit him on the day he was taken, she decided to go on this date instead, since it was recommended by both Nathalie and Kazuya.

She sits down next to the grave, while placing her hand on top of the tombstone. Her face carved a thin smile, though, it was full of regret and despair rather than happiness. Her eyes slowly teared up and drops to the ground. Quickly, her left hand tries to wipe the tear off, attempting to hide it.

"Rikkun… When I see this tombstone everyday… It makes me think back to the day when you were taken. The face you were making, desperately asking for help, but at the same time making sure that me and Kazuya didn't do any rash moves that would harm us. You're always like that, you know? Prioritize someone else's feelings and safety first than your own." She whispered as tears continues to drop the ground.

"For the last three years, rumors about you died, on mysterious circumstances… experimented and died in the battlefield, has been going around for quite some time. Listening to them, makes me feel like the hope of you haven't died, slowly fades away." She stopped.

"However, I made a promise to you on that day… that I'll come and find you…" Ann looks to the name carving with tears flowing down her eyes. "And I tend to keep my promise."

Right as she finished the sentence, a pat was felt on her shoulder. Ann looks behind her, both of her eyes widened as if she saw something or someone special. It was Nathalie, wearing the casual Edifier uniform, along with her white lab coat.



-She was Ann's neighbor back when they were kids. Other than Kazuya and Arashi, Ann also spends some girl time with Nathalie whenever she doesn't have any sword training with Rez. Once, when Ann was attending a meeting as part of her royal family training, Nathalie attended the meeting with her as her bodyguard.

 She takes a seat right next to Ann and looks at the name carving. A tiny smile was carved on her face.

 "Do you remember when the four of us use to watch Uncle Rez teaching sword skills to his unit? That's probably the reason why the three of you decided to become Edifiers." Nathalie spoke.

 "Hehe, yeah. Especially Arashi, he was so hooked." Ann replied as a light chuckle was heard coming from her.

 While the three of them continued to be taught under Rez, Nathalie however decided to not join them. Her sword skills are the same level as Kazuya, though she decided she wanted to be in the Edifier's Scientist unit, researching Atraxes, Mimics and all its kind.

 Slowly, Ann's head falls to Nathalie's shoulder. Without any hesitation, she lifts her hand, and carefully places it on Ann's head and pats it.

 "I miss him…" Ann said.

 "Yeah, me too." She replied.




 As the sun sets, the moon rises to its full bright glory on the starry dark skies. The moonlight shines through the Commanding Edifier's office. She looks outside, and stares on the bright moon. Immediately, she looks back on her table and folds an envelope contained with a letter.

 Completing the task, Nicole got up from her chair, and immediately takes her cloak with her right arm entering one of the sleeves. With the cloak finally fits perfectly on her body, she turns the doorknob and sprints out the room.

 While walking, she thought of some things, like how to speak to him, how to reassure him and everything else. The sword that was hung to her belt on the left side, kept on making clicky clack sound along the way. From afar, she saw a door with two guards on duty. Coming near them, she slits the envelope in her pocket and salutes to the two Edifiers. The salute was replied by the two. She asked if she could enter the area, since she has some business to attend there.

 Without hesitation, they both bows in unison. The door slowly opens, making way so that Nicole can walk through.

 Right as she enters the area, a few numbers of doors are spotted in front of her. She immediately walks towards the door on the end side of the area. Upon reaching the door, she lifts her hand and knocks.

 "I'm coming in."

 No answer was heard from the other side of the door. Though, she didn't have time to wait, so she immediately enters the room. Her vision is showing someone sitting on a chair that was facing the window. Slowly, Nicole approaches the person who's sitting on the chair.

 Out of the blue, the chair turned, facing Nicole face to face.

 "You visited me after three years, senior… Or should I say, Miss Commanding Edifier?" He spoke.

 The man in question, was Rez Olezka, current captain of the Edifier unit. Right after he was sent to the royal court, he was dismissed from his previous position as the Commanding Edifier. With Nicole as the Vice Commanding Edifier at the time, she was instantly promoted to fill the vacant position.

 However, due to the sudden change, Nicole hasn't been able to visit Rez for a year as he was placed confinement due to his action of protecting a Tarviant.

 "I know… I'm sorry Rez. However, this is important." She says as she takes out the envelope that was written earlier.

 "An envelope, are you mute now that you can't even say it to me?" Rez answered with a chuckle as he takes the envelope.

 Her pupils are staring right into Rez's. He felt a bit intimidated, as if a predator has found its prey. He can see how determined she is to keep this information a secret, even to the king, while knowing that her position as the Commanding Edifier is at risk, she still insisted on writing it down and giving it to him.

 Carefully, he opened the envelope. His eyes widened, as if he had saw a ghost.

 "The Specter Unit… Nicole, is he-"

 She shook her head slowly. "It's just a hunch. I'm not entirely sure myself."

 The look on Rez's face became even more tighter than before. His hand clenches both sides of the paper, making it a bit torn. Realizes his action, he calms himself down by taking a breather.

 "If it's true… I wish him the best of luck." Rez said as he turns his head towards the window, staring at the night sky, filled with sparkling stars. She pats him on the shoulder. "Let's hope for the best."