Chapter 4: Discovered

Li Dan had already slid off her pants before anyone knew it.

"Sister Li, this isn't right!" Zhao Chi was somewhat panicked.

With a snort, Li Dan seemed somewhat amused, "What's not right about it, I'm not asking you to spend any money."

Zhao Chi's heart was tense yet filled with excitement, and his wild side was completely awakened.

"Quick! Come inside!"

Li Dan whispered softly, the hot water flow causing her to lose herself.

Just as Zhao Chi took a deep breath, preparing to plunge in, a series of urgent knocks interrupted the two who were about to get carried away.

"Bang bang bang..."

Mixed with Zhang Qiang's fury, he reached the door and exploded into a rage, "Li Dan, get the hell out here!"

Before Zhao Chi could make his next move, Zhang Qiang's voice came again, "If you don't open up, I'm going to break the door down!"

Hearing this, Zhao Chi almost went limp with fear, and Li Dan also finally regained some semblance of rationality.

The two jolted, both clear in their minds that this situation must not be discovered by anyone.

Zhao Chi hurriedly pulled Li Dan up, scrambling to get dressed, shouting, "I'm coming!"

After the two hurriedly got dressed, Zhao Chi opened the door of the personal training room with a dark face and asked, "Who are you..."

The person at the door was Li Dan's husband, who was staring at Zhao Chi with a face as dark as thunder, his eyes like knives, almost ready to stab Zhao Chi the next second.

Before he could finish his sentence, Zhang Qiang punched Zhao Chi in the face and cursed furiously, "What were you just doing?"

It was because of his own incompetence that he had always worried his wife would cheat on him, keeping a tight watch on her. But since he often traveled for work, even if he wanted to keep a close eye, he couldn't monitor her twenty-four hours a day.

Today, right after returning from a business trip, Zhang Qiang found his wife wasn't at home.

After asking around, he learned that his wife had gone to the gym to work out...

A bad premonition immediately overflowed in Zhang Qiang's heart.

In his mind, the gym was like a den of thieves, a place where men and women easily hooked up and caused trouble.

It wasn't hard to imagine his beautiful wife in the gym, like a little lamb in a wolf pack, with everyone wanting to take a bite.

Thus, Zhang Qiang hurried over without stopping, only to find she was not in the gym.

When he was about to go back and happened to pass by the personal training room, he heard the familiar moaning of Li Dan. As her husband, Zhang Qiang knew it was her as soon as he heard it.

Enraged, that's what led to his earlier actions.

Zhao Chi was dazed from the punch he received from Zhang Qiang and was about to fight back when Li Dan pulled him back.

Li Dan's face suddenly turned awkward, "Coach Zhao was clearly just guiding me through a workout, what else could be happening?"

Zhang Qiang seemed not to catch the resentment in Li Dan's words, and angrily retorted, "What kind of stretching exercise is so exciting? Even outside the door, I could hear your voice."

Li Dan felt somewhat guilty, but still glared back, questioning, "So what?"

A wave of gloom crossed her mind, thinking that if Zhang Qiang hadn't barged in suddenly, she would have reached the peak by now...

With this in mind, Li Dan was even angrier, and her demeanor turned aggressive, "I'm telling you, I was just stretching, what do you know?"

Seeing her bold and righteous appearance, Zhang Qiang fell into contemplation, knowing that stretching exercises could indeed be painful, but he was certain he hadn't misheard the moaning just before.