Chapter 5: Checking Surveillance

"I was clearly..."

Before he could finish, Li Dan fiercely glared at him.

Zhao Chi listened for a while and then understood the relationship between the two; it turned out this man was Li Dan's wealthy husband.

Zhao Chi wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand, somewhat helplessly, "Sir, I was just doing stretching exercises with Sister Li. It's not right for you to walk in and start hitting people without saying anything. Today you're lucky I'm in a good mood. If it had been another coach, you'd already be lying on the floor."

"Exactly, you should apologize to him. He didn't hit you because he has a good temper, but it's not right for you to hit people randomly." Li Dan said, her face red with anger.

Zhang Qiang took a deep breath and, suppressing the anger in his heart, said, "Nonsense, I don't believe it. A man and a woman alone in a room, why did you have to lock the door? You look like nothing but an adulterer to me."

As he spoke, Zhang Qiang clenched his fists tightly and stared menacingly into Zhao Chi's eyes, looking like a fight could break out at any moment.

The arguing attracted the fitness center's beautiful manager, Yao Yu, walking in with high heels from outside.

Her figure was curvaceous, her chest round and full, almost breaking free from the constraints of her business suit, bouncing up and down with her every step, threatening to pop her buttons open.

Any man would look at her figure and want to have a go.

Yao Yu arrived at the scene, glanced over, and with a stern face, asked, "What's the problem here?"

As she spoke, Li Dan glared at Zhang Qiang, exaggerating the details as she recounted what had happened.

Upon hearing this, Yao Yu smiled at Zhang Qiang and explained, "Sir, I understand your concern, but our coaches would absolutely never do anything like that."

"I don't buy it. You have surveillance cameras, don't you? Pull up the video for me to see," Zhang Qiang retorted, not willing to back down, glancing at the security camera blinking on the ceiling, he thought of a plan.

What the fuck?


I forgot there were cameras in the room.

We're screwed!

Zhao Chi felt uneasy.

Didn't that mean everything he did a moment ago was recorded clearly?

Now we're really in trouble.

Upon hearing this, Li Dan also broke into a cold sweat, imagining the scene of Zhang Qiang mercilessly beating her after finding out about her flirting...

Yao Yu, smiling, looked at Zhao Chi and asked, "Coach Zhao, is that okay?"


Zhao Chi thought since the matter had reached this point, what else could he do.

Confess? That's not an option. What if the camera was broken?

The four of them went to the monitoring room to check the surveillance, and after some searching, they found absolutely nothing.

They didn't even find the recording of him and Li Dan clapping hands in the hall.

The three of them fell silent at the same time.

It was Yao Yu who first broke the silence with a laugh, "Maybe the camera is broken, but don't worry, after all, even if someone wanted to do something, they wouldn't do it in a gym, right?"

"I don't believe it! I will find it myself!" Zhang Qiang pushed Yao Yu aside and started rummaging through the videos.

Zhang Qiang's eyes were red, as if he wouldn't rest until he found evidence of his wife's infidelity. On the surveillance timeline, he continuously scrolled, searching.

Yao Yu became a bit anxious, "Sir, please stop this pointless commotion. If you continue, I will have to call the police!"

"The guilty are afraid, those with a clear conscience are not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door! Why can't I look?" Zhang Qiang shouted loudly.


Yao Yu, in a moment of urgency, went to snatch the mouse from Zhang Qiang's hand, but she was a step too late.

Because the surveillance footage had just hit this morning's image.

The gym wasn't open to the public yet, and Yao Yu, as the manager, was actually the first one there.

The Yao Yu in the surveillance was wearing yoga clothes, seemingly just finished working out, her wavy hair drenched in sweat.

But her actions at that moment shocked everyone present.

She was sitting on a dumbbell, repeatedly rubbing her lower body against the middle bar.

Although the surveillance had no sound, the ecstatic expression on her pretty face seemed to say it all…