Chapter 2 How to Treat

Lying on the chair with her legs apart, Liu Fang's body was tightly wrapped by the cheongsam, her flat abdomen and towering breasts rose and fell with her rapid breathing.

Li Qiang felt a heat rising from below, he took a deep breath to calm himself down.

After taking out the tools, Li Qiang peered toward the two snow-white thighs, "Mrs. Fang, spread them a bit more."

After saying that, he gently pried her legs further apart with his hands and his nostrils were filled with a unique feminine scent.

It was a bit sharp and hard to describe.

Li Qiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Perhaps feeling that the position was inappropriate, Liu Fang reached down to cover herself and asked in a weak voice, "Li Qiang, is the exam... exam over?"

Her voice was as small as a cat's meow, causing an itch in Li Qiang's heart.

He shrugged his shoulders helplessly, held Liu Fang's hands and moved them aside, her snow-white thighs fully exposed, "Mrs. Fang, just wait a second, I'm putting on a pair of gloves."

Liu Fang had no choice but to keep her legs apart and lay there waiting, not daring to even glance at him, her heart filling with embarrassment.

Li Qiang put on the gloves and crouched down between her legs, starting the examination with his fingers.

The moment his cool fingers touched Liu Fang, she couldn't help but cry out, "Ah..."

"Mrs. Fang, what's wrong?" Li Qiang got up, concerned, and looked at her.

Liu Fang felt her face burning and stuttered: "Nothing... nothing..."

"Shall I continue the exam?" Li Qiang's mind was solely focused on how to treat the illness.

Seeing his serious demeanor, Liu Fang felt even more ashamed.

If the doctor didn't see anything wrong, what was she feeling shy about?

Liu Fang bit her lip and closed her eyes tight, "Go on."

Li Qiang crouched down again and, with the alcohol-sterilized medical camera, started to probe, the deep, gentle movements made Liu Fang unable to hold back any longer, and she cried out, "Ah!"

An intense sensation made Liu Fang's lower region wet, a hot stream gushed out, spraying directly onto Li Qiang's face.

Li Qiang stood there dumbfounded!

He twitched his nose, the funky smell mixed with a fishy scent, extremely pungent.

A fishy smell indicated a gynecological inflammation, Li Qiang quickly withdrew the medical camera and stood up, taking out a tissue to wipe the fluid from his face, "Mrs. Fang, you have a gynecological disease."

The blush on Liu Fang's face had not faded, and she looked at Li Qiang with a dazed yet seductive gaze, "Hmm?"

Her voice languid and husky, carrying a bewitching tone.

"No way," Liu Fang was shocked.

Li Qiang let out a knowing smile; after all, who would readily admit to having a gynecological disease?

Those who know, know.

"Mrs. Fang, this is probably from not being careful with hygiene in your daily life, and you might have got infected. You need treatment," he said.

"I haven't…" Liu Fang sat halfway up on the chair, her legs pressed tightly together resting on the armrest, her face flushed as she looked up at Li Qiang. Seeing his composed expression, a tidal wave of embarrassment surged within her.

Liu Fang asked in a soft voice, "But... how do I treat it, is it serious?"

Li Qiang turned around and dug out a tube of gynecological gel from the medicine box, "Apply this for a week and you'll be fine. But, Mrs. Fang, you must not mess around with other men while you're treating this, it could exacerbate the inflammation."

Liu Fang bit her lower lip, looking aggrieved, "I haven't been messing around…"

Li Qiang's face clearly showed distrust.

Great, if he isn't set straight, her reputation would be completely ruined.

Liu Fang raised her right hand, holding up three fingers, "I can swear to God, I really haven't been messing around."

Liu Fang's heart was in turmoil, this was her best friend's son after all. If he misunderstood, then her best friend would know everything, and if her best friend knew, then the whole textile factory would know; what a disaster that would be...