Chapter 3: Applying Medicine


Seeing her serious demeanor, Li Qiang sighed helplessly. "Mrs. Fang, women really need to take care of their bodies. These explanations of yours are no use to me. You've actually got a gynecological disease."

Liu Fang panicked. Why didn't he believe her?

"I really haven't messed around. It might be because my underwear wasn't washed properly recently, so I got infected."

Upon hearing this, Li Qiang chuckled and cleared his throat before saying earnestly, "Indeed, poor hygiene can cause gynecological diseases. But I'm a doctor; I don't concern myself with your private life. As long as we can cure the disease, that's what matters."

Li Qiang maintained his professionalism as he handed the gel to Liu Fang and asked, "Mrs. Fang, do you know how to apply this?"

Liu Fang shook her head. She had never encountered a situation like this before.

Li Qiang felt a surge of excitement inside, but he kept a composed face. "Then let me help you apply it."

"How can I let you do that?" Liu Fang just experienced a great shock, and her body was still in a sensitive state. Having Li Qiang help her apply the medicine would only make it harder for her to control herself.

Li Qiang smiled nonchalantly. "What's the issue? I'm the doctor, you're the patient. If you can't apply the medicine and it doesn't cure you, wouldn't you blame my lack of medical skill?"

"Well... All right then..." Liu Fang's face turned as red as a monkey's butt.

When she agreed, Li Qiang squatted down and placed his hands on Liu Fang's smooth, fair calves, gently squeezing them, feeling their tender bounce.

Li Qiang said, "Mrs. Fang, lie down in the position you were in before. That will make it easier to apply the medicine."

Liu Fang obediently lay down and spread her legs.

Li Qiang was squatting between her legs. As soon as Liu Fang's snow-white thighs parted, he caught a strong, pungent smell and took a deep breath, nearly suffocating!

Because of the recent stimulation, there were still some crystal-clear droplets hanging from Liu Fang's lower region. Li Qiang reluctantly pulled out some tissue to wipe them away.

"Mmh..." Liu Fang let out a moan, sending Li Qiang's blood surging!

After wiping away the moisture, Li Qiang squeezed a blob of gel onto his hand to start applying it, only to see a warm flow from the recently dry area; the gel wouldn't stick at all.

Li Qiang had no choice but to insert his fingers to smear the medication, but the more he did so, the less it would stick.

Li Qiang got anxious, squeezed out a big blob of the thick gel, and tried to stuff it inside like the leak-sealing king in the short videos he had seen online, but the warm flow kept gushing out like it was free, pushing all the gel out.

Li Qiang stood up, looking at Liu Fang helplessly. "Mrs. Fang, I can't get the medicine to stay on at all."

Liu Fang's face burned with embarrassment as she tightly shut her eyes. "Then... what should we do?"

Li Qiang had no choice but to put the medicine aside and squat down again. "Mrs. Fang, I'll teach you how to apply it. Remember how and then you can apply it yourself back at the factory dorm."

"Mhm..." A voice as weak as a mosquito's buzz responded.

Li Qiang inserted two fingers and gently twirled them around. "Like this, squeeze the medicine onto your finger first, then apply it inside."

"Mhm... I got it..." Liu Fang answered softly.

Li Qiang withdrew his fingers and rubbed them together. "Then take some more medicine, like this, and apply it around the outside too. Make sure you cover everything."

"Mhm... Ah..." Liu Fang's feelings were ignited by Li Qiang's fingers, her face blushed, and her eyes filled with seduction as she looked at him.

She looked just like a cat in heat.

"Mrs. Fang, have you remembered?"

After asking, Li Qiang quickly withdrew his hand, removing his gloves.

"Mhm..." Liu Fang's voice was coy, laced with a bit of seduction.

Feeling the fingers withdraw from beneath her, all she felt was an unbearable emptiness.

"If you've got it, you can go back and apply the medicine."

"Okay, I know!" Liu Fang ran off as if escaping.

Watching Liu Fang's graceful retreating figure, Li Qiang exhaled deeply.

He finally managed to send her away.

He stood there, taking a moment to recover. Then, turning his head, Li Qiang noticed the gynecological gel was still left on the table. He exclaimed, "Damn, Mrs. Fang didn't take her medicine!"

Looking at his watch, he realized it was already the end of his shift. Li Qiang thought about bringing the medication to Liu Fang.

The textile factory was only a few hundred meters away from the clinic, and apart from the male security guards, the entire factory was almost entirely female.

As soon as the girls saw Li Qiang, a man, their eyes turned green with envy.
