Chapter 1 The Most Useless Man in Jiangbei

"Yanran, your figure is really amazing, I just can't get enough of you,"

Groggy from the effects of alcohol, Su Luo slowly regained consciousness, his throat parched with thirst. He sought water to drink but was suddenly assaulted by a sultry voice.

This sent a shiver down Su Luo's spine.

Wasn't tonight supposed to be his wedding night? Why wasn't he in the bridal chamber, and how did he end up on the couch?

Su Luo listened carefully.

The voice turned out to be his newlywed wife Xu Yanran, coupled with his good brother Dong Fei.


Su Luo's drunkenness evaporated instantly, and he hurried to the bedroom. The door wasn't fully closed, and with one glance, he saw the two of them entangled in bed.

Who else could it be if not Xu Yanran and Dong Fei?

"What are you doing?"

Su Luo kicked open the bedroom door, roaring.

"Shit, this idiot scared the hell out of me," Dong Fei, who was about to mount his ride, shuddered with fright and quickly scrambled up, glaring angrily at Su Luo.

Xu Yanran also stared at Su Luo: "You actually woke up, but it's good that you did; now get lost quickly. Don't get in the way of me and Dong Fei enjoying our wedding night."

Clutching his fists tightly, Su Luo couldn't fathom how on his wedding day, it was his best friend who took his place in the bridal chamber, and his wife wanted to send him away?

It was a shame beyond imagination.

"Go to hell."

Su Luo charged towards them, intending to deal with the unfaithful couple, but Dong Fei quickly knocked him to the ground with a punch, leaving him convulsing in pain, struggling to get up.

"Su Luo, I'll tell you the truth," Xu Yanran stood on the bed in the wedding room, looking down on him, "I married you for the Su Family Ancestral House. Now that you've signed the agreement to transfer it to me for free, you're useless to me. Just get lost and don't disturb me and Dong Fei on our wedding night."

"For an old house, you willingly gave away your virginity?"

Su Luo trembled all over as he stared at Xu Yanran.

If it weren't for Xu Yanran taking advantage of his drunken state, seducing him and losing her virginity to him, to which he woke up believing he had been the one responsible for the night's passion, he would never have married her so hastily.

Xu Yanran laughed heartily: "Speaking of that, you're even more of an idiot. That night, after getting you drunk, it was I and Dong Fei who had fun all night right in front of you. And the next day, you actually thought those marks on the bed were a result of you valiantly battling me all night long. It's hilarious."

Xu Yanran's laughter was like a series of slaps to Su Luo's face, assaulting his dignity and trampling it underfoot.

"I'm going to kill you bastards."

Su Luo struggled to his feet, burning with rage, but he was no match for Dong Fei, who knocked him down again with a few punches and kicks.

Soon, Su Luo was dragged out of the wedding room by Dong Fei's bodyguards.

"It's a stormy night with flashing lightning. Just dump this guy under a tree. If he gets struck by lightning and dies, that would be just perfect." They left Su Luo, barely hanging on to life, under a tree.

At that moment, Su Luo didn't even have the strength to struggle, feeling an endless despair.

After his grandfather's passing, he had no family left, and now he couldn't even protect the Su Family Ancestral House. Su Luo felt there was no more reason for him to exist in this world.

"Maybe, it would be a relief to just die like this."

Su Luo smiled wryly.


Just then, lightning flashed, thunder roared, the wind howled, and torrential rain poured. A bolt of lightning suddenly struck the tree.

In an instant, electricity coursed through Su Luo lying against the tree, his body emitting the scent of charred flesh.

"The tribulation of fate is broken; out of destruction comes rebirth!"

A voice like thunder exploded in Su Luo's mind. He suddenly opened his eyes, which now shimmered with thunderous streaks, dazzlingly brilliant.


Inside his Dantian, a ball of thunder emerged, sending electric currents throughout his body and unblocking his meridians, prompting an involuntary roar from Su Luo, his voice thunderous, nearly shattering the nearby windows.

But soon, Su Luo passed out again.

In his dream, he felt as though his mind was filled with new memories: cultivation techniques, alchemy, medical skills, spells, the five elements, and the eight trigrams... These memories merged with him as if innate.

When Su Luo awoke, he found himself in bed.

Standing by the floor-to-ceiling window was a woman with a tall figure and enchanting demeanor. Even just her silhouette was enough to captivate all beings.

"You're awake?"

As Su Luo regained consciousness, she too turned around and walked towards him.

Su Luo was instantly stunned. The woman had a golden ratio figure and flawless beauty but most importantly, she exuded the charm of a mature woman. She seemed like a youthful woman in her twenties, yet also like a ripe woman in her thirties, and somehow perfectly aged at thirty.

With high heels and light makeup, she was elegant and noble, yet she carried an air of cold aloofness, exuding a regal queenliness.


If Su Luo were to describe her, he would think that she resembled the kind of powerful, dominant woman often portrayed in epic blockbuster films.

In fact, Su Luo knew her; she was Shen Qingzhi, indeed the woman of Zhou Shihao, the overlord of Jiangbei.

Most crucially, she was also a distant relative of Xu Yanran and had always been highly praised by Xu Yanran, who affectionately referred to her as 'little aunt.'

"Where am I?"

After recognizing her, Su Luo's face showed a guarded expression.


Shen Qingzhi said indifferently.

"Why did you bring me to a hotel?" Su Luo became even more vigilant.

He couldn't figure out why Shen Qingzhi would bring him to a hotel.

Xu Yanran and Dong Fei, they schemed against him for the Su Family Ancestral House. This woman, having no relationship with him, why would she appear? He subconsciously felt that since Shen Qingzhi was Xu Yanran's distant aunt, she was probably of the same ilk and harbored impure motives.

"If I hadn't sent someone to pull you out of the puddle, you would probably have drowned by now," Shen Qingzhi said without answering him, instead making this statement.


It was then that Su Luo remembered how, when he was struck by lightning, not only he but also the ground had been struck, creating a large hole. He had fainted and fallen right into that hole where the rainwater had collected, and indeed, it could have drowned him.

"Thank you," Su Luo said, his expression somewhat complicated.

Shen Qingzhi looked at him: "You don't need to thank me. I saved you, not because of Xu Yanran, but for another reason."

Su Luo gave a self-deprecating smile. Indeed, there's no such thing as a free lunch in the world, just like Xu Yanran's past kindness, all pretense.

"You've saved my life, so if you have any demands, just say it," Su Luo took a deep breath.

Having inherited the gift of cultivation, he was now different from before and confident that he could repay this life-saving favor.

Shen Qingzhi came closer to Su Luo, allowing him to smell the mature scent of a woman and even feel the warmth emanating from her body, clearly seeing the fullness at Shen Qingzhi's chest, which made Su Luo's body stiffen.

"I want you to sleep with me, just once," Shen Qingzhi said shockingly.

Su Luo was startled and almost thought he had heard wrong. He quickly stepped back and exclaimed, "What did you say?"

"I said, sleep with me, just once. Do you dare?" Shen Qingzhi's mouth curved with a hint of scornful amusement.

"I..." Su Luo was completely caught off guard by Shen Qingzhi's words and didn't know how to respond.

To know, Shen Qingzhi was Zhou Shihao's most beloved woman.

And who was Zhou Shihao? The overlord who dominated all of Jiangbei Province, the Underground Emperor with sway over both the legitimate and underworld realms.

Who would dare to cuckold Zhou Shihao?

That would be tantamount to seeking death!

"Don't dare?" Shen Qingzhi scoffed.

Su Luo fell silent.

"May I ask why?" Su Luo said after a moment.

Logically speaking, if Shen Qingzhi wanted to cheat, there would definitely be many men willing to risk it to climb into her bed, and those men were probably much better than his current self.

No matter how he thought about it, Shen Qingzhi shouldn't have chosen him.

"It's simple, because I hate Zhou Shihao. I want to put a green hat on him. He always prides himself on being a big shot, comparing himself with Cao Cao. Well, I intend to pick the most worthless man in Jiangbei to give him a green, shining hat," Shen Qingzhi said with a cold smile.

"So, you think I'm the most worthless man in Jiangbei?" Su Luo clenched his fists tightly, staring intently at Shen Qingzhi.

He had never expected that Shen Qingzhi's willingness to choose him was because she deemed him the most worthless man in Jiangbei.

To him, this was an absolute humiliation.

"Isn't it? I'm offering you to sleep with me, with a beauty right in front of you, yet you don't dare. If you're not worthless, what are you?" Shen Qingzhi said, her face full of contempt.

Su Luo clenched his teeth tightly.

"Really, a worthless man is just that, a worthless man. On your own wedding night, someone else played the groom in the bridal chamber for you, while you were beaten like a dog and thrown out by his men."

"Now you're given the opportunity to have a wedding night and play the groom, with the object being Xu Yanran's little aunt, giving you a chance for revenge, and you can't even grasp it... You still dare to say you're not worthless? I think you're not just worthless; you must be impotent too!"

"Right, even your Su Family Ancestral House has been conned away from you..."

Shen Qingzhi sneered dismissively, provoking Su Luo.

"Stop talking,"

Suddenly, Su Luo roared, interrupting Shen Qingzhi; his eyes were bloodshot as he gazed fiercely at her.

In that moment, all the shame Xu Yanran had caused him surged through his mind, and he unleashed it on Xu Yanran's little aunt.

He immediately pinned Shen Qingzhi down on the hotel's large bed and began to kiss her forcefully.
