Chapter 2 Shen Qingzhi

A night of indulgence, boundless demands.

Su Luo had forgotten how many times he had vented on Shen Qingzhi's body, all he knew was that it was almost dawn when he and Shen Qingzhi finally fell into a deep slumber.

After indulgence came endless exhaustion, and both slept soundly.


The vibration of a cell phone woke them both up.

Shen Qingzhi opened her eyes and was momentarily unable to react to the person beside her or the surroundings, after a brief pause, the memories of last night gradually surfaced in her mind.

She lifted the quilt and looked at herself, not a thread on her.

Lying beside her, seemingly still in deep sleep, Su Luo was the same.

The disheveled sheets and clothes scattered everywhere spoke volumes of last night's frenzy.

"I didn't expect that he, who doesn't look very strong, could be so rough, in this respect, he's not useless."

Shen Qingzhi moved a bit, feeling sore all over, some parts particularly uncomfortable, with a sense of pain, but she endured the pain, sat up, and reached for the cellphone beside her.

"Zhou Shihao!"

Seeing the caller ID, Shen Qingzhi took a deep breath, adjusted her state, and then answered the call.

"Where are you?"

"Qing Zhi Hotel!"

"Come back, accompany me to a banquet tonight."


Shen Qingzhi hung up the phone, then picked up her clothes from the floor and, naked, walked into the bathroom.

The sound of trickling water came from inside the bathroom, and through the frosted glass, Su Luo could even vaguely see the blurry figure of Shen Qingzhi.

Even though he couldn't see anything clearly, Su Luo couldn't help but imagine Shen Qingzhi's delicate body, the many details from last night also emerging in his mind, giving him the urge to rush into the bathroom for an intimate bath with her.

But that was just a thought.

Truthfully, at that moment, Su Luo felt both thrilled and scared.

He had naturally heard the phone call Shen Qingzhi had taken, the caller was her husband, the overlord who dominated Jiangbei, the "Underground Emperor," Zhou Shihao!

If Zhou Shihao found out that he had slept with his wife last night, and that he had been cuckolded, he would probably have Su Luo chopped up and fed to the fish.

But the thought that Shen Qingzhi was Xu Yanran's aunt gave Su Luo a sense of vengeful pleasure.


The bathroom door opened, and Shen Qingzhi was already dressed, holding a towel in her hand and wiping her wet hair, exuding an enchanting aura of a young wife, with an irresistible mature charm.

"Since you're awake, don't play dead."

Unsure how to face her, Su Luo continued to pretend to sleep, but Shen Qingzhi's words exposed him, leaving him no choice but to open his eyes and sit up.

"Aunt Shen, I'm sorry."

Su Luo dared not look at her, after all, he had forced himself on her last night.

Shen Qingzhi looked at Su Luo: "How does it feel, sleeping with Xu Yanran's aunt, is there a sense of vengeful pleasure?"

"Yes!" Su Luo admitted.

Shen Qingzhi continued, "Sleeping with Zhou Shihao, the overlord of Jiangbei, must have been thrilling, right?"

"Yes," Su Luo nodded.

Shen Qingzhi put down the towel and pulled out a pre-prepared bank card from the bag beside her, tossing it to Su Luo: "There's ten million on this card. Take it and leave Jiangbei today. With this money, you can buy a house, buy a car, and live comfortably wherever you go."

"Aunt Shen, what do you mean by this?" Su Luo frowned. Was she treating him like a gigolo?

"I'm doing this for your own good. You should be very clear about my identity. Whether I'm Xu Yanran's aunt isn't important, but being Zhou Shihao's woman is. Once Zhou Shihao finds out you've cuckolded him, do you think you'll still have a way out?"

A mocking smile appeared on Shen Qingzhi's face.

"You did this on purpose, wanting Zhou Shihao to find out you've cuckolded him?" Su Luo discerned the meaning behind Shen Qingzhi's words.

"Not only do I want Zhou Shihao to find out, I want the whole world to know his woman slept with someone else and put a green hat on him," Shen Qingzhi sneered coldly.

"Then you'll lose your life," Su Luo hurriedly said.

Who in Jiangbei didn't know of Zhou Shihao's big name? Even Su Luo had heard some stories about him. Zhou Shihao's current status was built on a mountain of blood debts.

"What happens to me is none of your concern, but if you don't hurry and flee from Jiangbei, you really will be left with only one path—to death," Shen Qingzhi said coldly.

"I don't want your money. And I'm not leaving," Su Luo said in a heavy tone.

"Aren't you afraid of dying?" It was now Shen Qingzhi's turn to be surprised.

"Afraid," Su Luo said.

How many people in this world can claim not to fear death?

"Then you won't leave?" Shen Qingzhi furrowed her brows.

Shaking his head with a determined look, Su Luo said, "I need to take responsibility for you. I want you to be my woman. I'm not leaving."

He had noticed the bloodstains on the sheets. Coupling that with the memory of Shen Qingzhi's pained expression as she clenched her teeth while he took her last night, it dawned on Su Luo that not only was it his first time, but it was undoubtedly the first time for Shen Qingzhi, the married woman, as well.

Although he didn't understand why Shen Qingzhi, as Zhou Shihao's woman, was still a virgin, now that she had given her first time to him, he considered Shen Qingzhi to be his own woman.

"What makes you capable of taking responsibility for me? And what makes you believe you can have me as your woman?"

"Could it be that you think you're stronger than Zhou Shihao?"

Shen Qingzhi didn't get angry, but her tone was filled with contempt and scorn.

"Zhou Shihao is indeed powerful, but give me time, and I will surely surpass him," Su Luo declared with certainty.

If it were in the past, he would have never dared to say such a thing, but now, having been struck by lightning and receiving the Cultivation inheritance, he had absolute confidence that he could surpass Zhou Shihao in the future.

"Do you think that just because you slept with Zhou Shihao's woman, you have the right to look down upon him? 'Ignorance is bliss,' that's what you are," Shen Qingzhi scoffed.

Su Luo didn't understand just how powerful Zhou Shihao truly was, and his baseless confidence only seemed laughable to her.

"Last night, I let you have your wedding night, even entering the bridal chamber and sleeping with Xu Yanran's aunt, satisfying your desire for revenge. Now, dawn has broken, and it's all over."

"If you don't want to die, then take the money and leave Jiangbei quickly," she instructed.

After finishing her words, Shen Qingzhi turned and left.

"Aunt Shen, don't go!"

Seeing her about to leave, Su Luo quickly jumped out of bed and hugged Shen Qingzhi tightly.