Chapter 73: The Might of a Single Punch

Faced with the ferocious palm strike from Lin Jiangpu, Su Luo didn't dare to be careless, and he instantly shifted his position to dodge Lin Jiangpu's attack.

However, a cold smile appeared at the corner of Lin Jiangpu's mouth.

"You think you can dodge like that?"

Lin Jiangpu let out a cold huff.

In the instant that Su Luo dodged, Lin Jiangpu's other hand transformed into something like a claw, and he reached back to grab Su Luo's neck.

Lin Jiangpu's palm, as if through special cultivation, was exceptionally slender, resembling an eagle's talon. Coupled with his tremendous strength, if his claw grabbed hold, even iron would likely leave deep marks, let alone a human neck.

But, up to this day, Su Luo's Divine Sense had grown much stronger than before. Even though Lin Jiangpu's strength, according to the classification of Martial Artists, seemed one grade higher than his, at that moment, in Su Luo's Divine Sense, Lin Jiangpu's movements were clear as day.
