Chapter 74: Astonishing Secrets

"How... how is this possible?"

"How can you be so strong?"

"When did Jiangbei produce a young powerhouse like you?"

Lin Jiangpu looked at Su Luo, shocked and incredulous.

He couldn't understand it at all. The last time he saw Su Luo, Su Luo was clearly not this powerful. When he went to check on Lin Wu's injuries, he could also tell that the person who killed Lin Wu wasn't much more powerful than Lin Wu himself.

No matter how he saw it, he had enough confidence and assurance, but why did it turn out this way?

"Save your questions for Yama," Su Luo said coldly.

Lin Jiangpu wanted his life, so naturally, Su Luo wouldn't be soft-hearted and couldn't leave himself a problem.

He stepped forward, moving closer to Lin Jiangpu.

"Don't kill me, no matter what your conditions are, we can talk," Lin Jiangpu said hastily, his face showing a look of terror.