Chapter 1 The Nurse Fiancée!

Meeting the fiancée, I must buy a gift!

Tang Ye walked on a pedestrian street, pondering what gift to buy for his wife whom he had not yet met but was about to meet.

It sounds a bit cliché to talk about such things. He was born with a strange illness, a type of fire inflammation. Without control, he could combust and die. From a young age, he followed his master, studying medicine and training his body, mainly to extend his life.

Unfortunately, even his master, the medical fanatic Nong Baicao, couldn't cure his strange disease. Now, the only way to treat it was through the method of complementing opposites. The so-called method of complementing opposites involved finding a woman with Frost Syndrome, complementing her unique constitution to treat him.

He needed to live, and so did the girl. Thus, their fate as husband and wife was sealed, like a prearranged chess game.

Since it was inevitable, he accepted it calmly. The only concern was whether he was a pawn in the game or could become one of the players.

The master had already found the girl, so Tang Ye went straight to her. The girl's side had also received the information and arranged for her to meet him.

The meeting place was set at a café.

"What gift should I buy..." Tang Ye wasn't very knowledgeable about these things, but felt that he shouldn't show up empty-handed for their first meeting.

"Bang!" Suddenly, a girl ran out and bumped into him, falling backward.

He exercised year-round and had a strong body full of stored strength. Ordinary girls who bumped into him would surely be repelled, hence she fell.

"Are you alright?" Tang Ye was very polite, immediately going to attend to the girl.

His master had raised him strictly since he was young. He was taught to be polite and respectful to others, and to live in harmony with people.

His first reaction was to care for the girl, and his second was to look at her. And with that look, Tang Ye was somewhat dazzled.

It turned out to be a very beautiful girl!

Tang Ye had mostly studied medicine in the deep mountains, and even when he came out with his master to treat patients, he had never seen such a beautiful girl. Regaining his composure, Tang Ye wondered what his fiancée looked like.

The girl fell and frowned with a worried expression, trying to stand up with some difficulty, possibly having twisted her ankle.

Tang Ye quickly went over, extended a hand to help her up, and apologized, "I'm sorry for knocking you down."

"No, it's not your fault. I was too hasty and wasn't watching where I was going..." The girl was equally polite, seeing that Tang Ye was gentle, she took his hand, allowing him to pull her up.

When she came into contact with Tang Ye, she probably hadn't had much interaction with the opposite sex, so she was a bit embarrassed, her face turning slightly red.

Tang Ye was also a bit embarrassed because he did not know the girl, but he felt it was proper to help someone up and apologize for knocking them down, so he did. However, he quickly sensed something unusual.

Upon touching the girl, he felt her hand was very cold, and then a cold current flowed into his body, making him feel extremely relaxed and comfortable.

This... Tang Ye was stunned. According to his master, this must be the complement to his constitution. Could it be...???

That this was the girl he was looking for, could it be—his fiancée?!

Holy cow!

Tang Ye was dumbfounded. What a coincidence this was.

Fate... is truly indescribable.

"Sir..." At that moment, the girl's soft voice prompted him, and Tang Ye snapped back to reality. Embarrassed, he had been holding onto her hand without letting go, clearly out of line.

Tang Ye released the girl's hand, gave an awkward smile, and chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"Mm..." The girl seemed rather shy and introverted, but seeing Tang Ye's honest and sincere appearance, she didn't think much of it.

Tang Ye looked at her, unable to suppress the excitement within because she might be his fiancée!

"Sir, excuse me, could you please step aside? I have an emergency!" The girl was shy but clearly preoccupied with something else.

Tang Ye, seeing her urgency, asked with concern, "What happened?"

"A critical patient has been transferred to the hospital; I must go back to help immediately!" She became more direct when mentioning the emergency. Seeing Tang Ye's confusion, she lowered her head and said, "I, I am a nurse..."


Tang Ye understood completely; it was about a patient, perhaps even life itself, so urgency was certainly called for.

"Sir, I really have to go! I'm very sorry for bumping into you..." The girl stepped forward, even more anxious to leave.

"Okay, but be safe," Tang Ye didn't dare to delay her, stepping aside to let her pass.

"Thank you!" The girl was very polite and gracious, resembling the kind girl next door – not bratty, but shy and reserved.

However, as she tried to run to her destination, she realized her foot was in pain, probably from a twist earlier. She couldn't run fast and the urge to cry overcame her.

Perhaps the situation at the hospital was critical, or the patient had a significant connection to her.

"I'll hail you a taxi!" Tang Ye was worried for her and, setting aside whether she was his fiancée or not, he ran to the side of the road to catch a taxi.

Just then, a taxi came by and pulled over.

The girl was relieved and quickly thanked Tang Ye, then with his support, she got into the taxi.

Tang Ye originally planned to leave, but then remembered he needed to visit the hospital himself. Thinking this girl might be his fiancée and feeling somewhat worried about her, he decided to accompany her to the hospital.

The girl felt it was unnecessary for Tang Ye to do this, too zealous; she didn't want to delay him, and of course, it would also be awkward. Nobody wanted awkward moments. But she was in a rush to get to the hospital, so she told Tang Ye directly, and asked the driver to hurry to the hospital.


At that moment, inside Yanjing City's First Hospital, Hospital Director Chen Shuqing was frantically busy because an urgent case had come in— the war hero, Wang Ai Ren.

The pressure was immense for Director Chen Shuqing. If he couldn't cure Wang Ai Ren, he could no longer hold his position. However, the odds of successfully treating Wang Ai Ren were very slim since he had had a stroke!

A stroke, also known as a cerebrovascular accident.

For an elderly person to suffer a sudden stroke was extremely dangerous.

It is well-known that the mortality and morbidity rates for strokes are very high, especially for the elderly, for whom surgical risks are even greater. The chances of survival were slim, and even if the patient survived, he might become disabled, like turning into a vegetative state or suffering from dementia.

Chen Shuqing knew, if he couldn't cure Wang Ai Ren perfectly, he would not escape responsibility! With the First Hospital being the best in the city, countless people had their hopes pinned on it. They couldn't be disappointed, could they? Otherwise, what was the point of being the first?


In the taxi, the girl called Chen Shuqing, anxiously saying, "Grandpa, I'll be at the hospital soon!"

"Good, You Rong, your nursing skills are decent; you may be able to help. Right now, we need all hands on deck to save Old Mr. Wang! But I'm sorry, You Rong; this is holding you back from meeting the person who could save you," Chen Shuqing spoke from the other end of the phone.

"It's okay, Grandpa, saving lives is more important," the girl shook her head.

After hanging up, the girl rubbed her calf where she had gotten hurt from her fall, worried it might affect her nursing duties.

Tang Ye had been watching her and asked with a smile, "What's your name?"

Lin Yourong, having been busy on the phone, had forgotten Tang Ye was by her side, and quickly responded, "I'm sorry, I forgot you were here... My name is Lin Yourong."

Tang Ye smiled lightly and said, "My name is Tang Ye. If you don't mind, may I take a look at your injury? I do know a bit about these things."

"Huh? You, you're a doctor?" Lin Yourong looked surprised.