Chapter 2: The Arrogant Youngster!

You can't just bump into someone and assume they're a doctor, especially such a young man… Lin Yourong secretly sized up Tang Ye, feeling that Tang Ye was too young, and his demeanor seemed too casual, unlike the rigorous style of a doctor.

Could he really be a doctor?

"I really am a doctor."

Tang Ye noticed Lin Yourong's skeptical look and felt a little upset inside; he had indeed learned medical skills from his master.

In order to convince Lin Yourong, he said earnestly, "Miss Lin, I know you doubt me. But concerning your foot injury, listen to what I have to say, and then decide whether I'm right or not."

Lin Yourong nodded, ready to see what professional medical knowledge Tang Ye would come up with!

Tang Ye smiled and said, "The injury to your ankle has nothing to do with the bones, but with the meridians. Simply put, it's a cramp."

"Uh…" Lin Yourong didn't expect Tang Ye to mention such a simple problem.

However, she was a nurse and had some knowledge of various conditions. She had observed her own calf and indeed, it was not pain due to a bone injury.

But she hadn't thought it was a cramp.

"Why, why would it be a cramp?" she curiously asked Tang Ye.

Tang Ye confidently smiled, glanced at Lin Yourong's injured calf, which was bruised and swollen around the bruise, and said, "Cramps are mostly caused by lack of calcium, exposure to cold, or local nerve and blood vessel compression. In your case, it was sudden local nerve and blood vessel compression that caused it, so it's a cramp. Normally this isn't a big issue and can be resolved with a massage. However…"

"However, what?" Lin Yourong became curious. Could there be so many problems with just a cramp?

Tang Ye looked at Lin Yourong, considering that if she indeed was his fiancée, then her body had a special constitution, which made him very worried, and he said, "If I'm not mistaken, your constitution is somewhat special. Cramps may be a minor issue for others, but for you, it's a major problem."

"You…" Lin Yourong looked at Tang Ye in astonishment and exclaimed, her beautiful eyes spinning with surprise.

Her constitution was a cold ice constitution, naturally weak. Because of this, she had suffered a lot. She had never imagined that Tang Ye would know this.

"I'll treat your injury so it won't affect your work later," Tang Ye said, seeing Lin Yourong's surprise. He guessed a bit of the situation but felt it was inappropriate to discuss it now, as it might affect Lin Yourong's work, so he changed the subject.

"You know how to treat it? But you…" Lin Yourong looked at Tang Ye, very puzzled.

This guy came empty-handed, with no tools and no medications. How was he going to treat her?

Tang Ye, however, calmly took out a pack of silver needles, opened it, and inside were twenty-four silver needles. He picked out one that was medium-long and relatively thin, saying to Lin Yourong, "I can treat you with silver needles."

"You, you're a practitioner of Chinese medicine?" Lin Yourong was even more astonished.

Nowadays, Chinese medicine is in overall decline, and young people studying Chinese medicine are even rarer. She had never imagined that Tang Ye, so young, would be a practitioner of Chinese medicine!

"Let's not talk about other things for now. I know you'll be busy soon, so I'll start by treating the pain in your calf," Tang Ye said, very understanding and looking at Lin Yourong gently.

Lin Yourong was somewhat stunned, feeling that Tang Ye was very gentle. Tang Ye was her peer, and the atmosphere at the moment was somewhat magical.

"You don't mind if I treat you, right?" Tang Ye asked with a cheerful smile.

"Uh…" Although she felt awkward, Lin Yourong still accepted. Although it involved touching her calf and such, treating an ailment was, after all, natural.

Tang Ye didn't have too many inhibitions; if he couldn't be open-minded about this, how could he practice medicine?

He quickly assumed the role of a doctor, swiftly inserting several needles into the bruised area on Lin Yourong's calf, then gently kneading it. In no time, the swelling and the bruise disappeared.

Lin Yourong had been very nervous, not only because of the awkwardness but also because she wanted to see Tang Ye's skills in Chinese medicine. As a nurse, she was also interested in this area. Chinese medicine is in overall decline and not very popular, and those who practice as Chinese medicine doctors are even rarer.

Watching herself being treated, Lin Yourong quickly became amazed. She realized that the pain in her calf had rapidly subsided. She couldn't help but look, and was so surprised she didn't know what to say.

The pain was gone, and even the bruising had disappeared!

She looked at Tang Ye full of questions. This guy's Chinese medicine skills were amazing!

"Thank you... Thank you..." Lin Yourong said softly to Tang Ye as she expressed her gratitude.

Tang Ye smiled faintly and said, "Why be so polite? We're all family."

"Ah?" Lin Yourong was taken aback, puzzled.

"Oh, it's nothing. We've arrived at the hospital. You should go and get busy," Tang Ye chuckled.

Upon reaching the hospital, the taxi stopped and Lin Yourong, anxious about hospital matters, thanked Tang Ye profusely before hurrying into the hospital.

Tang Ye paid the driver, got out of the car, glanced at the bustling hospital, and after a moment of thought, he revealed a hint of a smile and walked towards the hospital.

At the time, the entire hospital was busy with a nationally celebrated hero, the critical patient Wang Ai Ren. An elderly person of over eighty years old had suffered a sudden stroke; it was extremely tricky to handle. To brainstorm and gather wisdom, Director Chen Shuqing had convened an urgent discussion meeting.

They absolutely had to save Wang Ai Ren; this was an ironclad order from above!

Lin Yourong arrived, somehow already changed into a nurse's uniform. Her perfect figure, hair tied up, fair neck like that of a swan, and collarbones revealed, made her strikingly beautiful and sexy. Her presence in the meeting room instantly became a gorgeous view. Even amidst the heavy atmosphere, she ignited a spark in the gloomy eyes of the male doctors.

This was not particularly surprising; after all, many nurses were very beautiful! Even without much dressing up, they were still gorgeous~

Director Chen nodded to his granddaughter, signaling her to sit on the side and join the discussion, perhaps she could be of help.

Seeing that some were only stealing glances at Lin Yourong and not being serious, Director Chen furrowed his brow and said, "I hope none of you will think there is safety in numbers. Everyone present is an expert in their field. We've assembled here to save Comrade Wang Ai Ren. Right now, the military district, national institutions, and the whole nation are watching us. If we fail, perhaps they will understand due to the severity of the stroke. But Wang Ai Ren is a hero of our nation; if we can't save him, how could we be at peace? As experts, don't you feel ashamed? Don't you feel that you've let down the expectations of the nation and the people?"

His words were powerful and meant to inspire, but they didn't have much effect.

A doctor said softly, "Director Chen, it's not that we don't want to save Comrade Wang Ai Ren, but... as we all know, a stroke is a medical emergency, and once symptoms appear, the treatment window is extremely limited and crucial. It's been almost two hours since the onset, and besides, Comrade Wang Ai Ren is of advanced age. Administering strong anesthesia drugs to his brain could impair his nerve functions, resulting in memory loss, and there are many other potential complications... We really have nowhere to start..."

The conference room fell silent all at once.

Indeed, faced with the sudden stroke that Wang Ai Ren had suffered, there was no clear course of action. The doctors present all knew it, but out of respect for the higher-ups, they dared not speak up because the situation was simply too grim. Just the preparation of anesthesia before surgery was a fatal problem. Wang Ai Ren was over eighty and could not withstand such intense anesthesia; any damage to the nerves, and he might end up with dementia.

For Wang Ai Ren, an elderly man in his eighties, a sudden stroke was akin to a death sentence.

Director Chen sighed over the situation. When Wang Ai Ren was brought to the hospital, he still had a glimmer of consciousness and seemed to understand his condition. At that time, he said, "If I can't continue to be active, let me join my comrades down below."

To save him completely, or to let him pass on... The pressure on Director Chen was enormous.

"Is there really no way at all?" Director Chen looked around at everyone, murmuring the question as if he were also asking himself.

With his white hair and sighs full of helplessness, he seemed to age a decade all at once.

No one spoke, heads bowed slightly, powerless, unable to bear making eye contact with anyone.

Director Chen suddenly seemed to age by ten years, closed his eyes and took a deep breath, somewhat desolate. He knew that if they couldn't save Wang Ai Ren, he could no longer serve as director. Although the law does not punish the crowd, someone had to bear the consequences. As the director, if not him, then who?

"Actually... anesthesia could be achieved without the use of drugs," a young voice suddenly said, breaking the deathly silence in the room that almost resembled a morgue.

Everyone turned to look.

Huh? A young man who appeared to be just over twenty? Fairly handsome, with bright eyes that exuded confidence and passion, the kind of person ready to give their all. His demeanor was exceptionally positive. But... why was such a youngster in this room of experts?

Don't tell me this kid is an expert!

The doctors present initially harbored skepticism toward the young man. The atmosphere was stern, and it was no place for jokes. The young man being here was in itself a joke. They had spent the better part of their lives becoming experts, so could it be that a college graduate in his early twenties was now an expert?

Lin Yourong recognized the voice and turned to look. "Eh...??" She couldn't help but exclaim in surprise. It was Tang Ye!

How had he gotten here? Could it be that he wanted to help with the treatment? Impossible! Wang Ai Ren's condition was so severe they were even considering cranial surgery. All the plans were for Western medicine; he, a practitioner of Chinese medicine, was completely unrelated!

The other doctors were annoyed by what they deemed foolishness, quite angry indeed. Young people shouldn't be so arrogant!